-------------------------------------------------------------------------- The NeTAMS package has been successfully installed. To use the programm, make a copy of %%PREFIX%%/etc/rc.d/netams.sh.sample under %%PREFIX%%/etc/rc.d/netams.sh and do: chmod +x %%PREFIX%%/etc/rc.d/netams.sh Check %%DATADIR%% and http://www.netams.com for examples. A sample configuration file has been installed to %%PREFIX%%/etc as "netams.cfg.sample". This may be renamed to "netams.cfg" and edited. In order to use the netamsctl programs, you may copy %%DATADIR%%/.netamsctl.rc to your home directory and edit it. By default, CGI scripts are NOT installed, as well as web server is NOT configured. You should do it yourself, and then copy entire %%DATADIR%%/cgi/ directory to appropriate place. And PLEASE READ THE DOCUMENTATION FIRST! http://www.netams.com --------------------------------------------------------------------------