A package for solving systems of sparse linear systems Ax=b, where A is sparse and can be unsymmetric. There are options for choosing a good pivot order, factorizing a subsequent matrix with the same pivot order and nonzero pattern as a previously factorized matrix, and solving systems of linear equations with the factors (with A, L, or U; or with their transposes in the single/double precision versions). Iterative refinement, with sparse backward error estimates, can be performed. Single and double precision, complex, and complex double precision (complex*16) routines are available. WWW: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/umfpack/ This package also includes AMD, a set of routines for pre-ordering sparse matrices prior to Cholesky or LU factorization using the aproximate minimum degree ordering algorithm: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/amd/ _________ Note: By default this port builds the C-callable interface using the CBLAS interface from ATLAS, but other versions of BLAS could be used and there is also a FORTRAN interface available.