PORTNAME= fsharp PORTVERSION= 10.2.1 CATEGORIES= lang EXTRACT_ONLY= ${DISTNAME}${EXTRACT_SUFX} MAINTAINER= mono@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Functional and object-oriented language for the .NET platform WWW= https://fsharp.org/ LICENSE= MIT LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE BUILD_DEPENDS= msbuild:devel/msbuild TEST_DEPENDS= libgdiplus>=0:x11-toolkits/libgdiplus USES= gmake mono:nuget pkgconfig USE_GITHUB= yes MAKE_JOBS_UNSAFE= Build not parallelizable NUGET_LAYOUT= legacy NO_ARCH= yes do-test: ${MKDIR} ${WRKDIR}/bin echo "#!/bin/sh" > ${WRKDIR}/bin/fsharpc echo 'exec ${LOCALBASE}/bin/mono ${WRKSRC}/Release/net40/bin/fsc.exe "$$@"' >> ${WRKDIR}/bin/fsharpc ${CHMOD} 0755 ${WRKDIR}/bin/fsharpc (cd ${WRKSRC}/tests/fsharp/core; \ ${ENV} \ PATH=${WRKDIR}/bin:${PATH} \ MONO_PATH=${WRKSRC}/Release/net40/bin \ ./run-all.sh) .include .if defined(MONO_DEFAULT) .if ${MONO_DEFAULT} > 6 BROKEN= fails to build with Mono version ${MONO_DEFAULT}: A unique overload for method 'GetFileNameWithoutExtension' could not be determined based on type information prior to this program point .elif ${MONO_DEFAULT} > 5.10 BROKEN= fails to build with Mono version ${MONO_DEFAULT}: The type 'HashSet' is not defined .endif .endif .include