# New ports collection makefile for: fpc-units # Date created: 2006-06-05 # Whom: Jose Alonso Cardenas Marquez # # $FreeBSD$ # PORTNAME= units PORTVERSION= 2.2.0 CATEGORIES= lang MASTER_SITES= # none PKGNAMEPREFIX= fpc- DISTFILES= # none EXTRACT_ONLY= # none MAINTAINER= acm@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= A meta port to install Free Pascal units ONLY_FOR_ARCHS= i386 NO_BUILD= yes BUILDNAME= ${ARCH}-freebsd OPTIONS= BFD "Interface to GNU Binary Format description" on \ CAIRO "Interface to cairo library" on \ FCL_BASE "Free Pascal Component Library (base)" on \ FCL_DB "Free Pascal Component Library (db)" on \ FCL_FPCUNIT "Free Pascal Component Library (fpcunit)" on \ FCL_IMAGE "Free Pascal Component Library (image)" on \ FCL_NET "Free Pascal Component Library (net)" on \ FCL_PASSRC "Free Pascal Component Library (passrc)" on \ FCL_REGISTRY "Free Pascal Component Library (registry)" on \ FCL_WEB "Free Pascal Component Library (web)" on \ FCL_XML "Free Pascal Component Library (xml)" on \ FFTW "Interface to the FFTW3 library" on \ FPMKUNIT "Free Pascal build system unit" on \ FORMS "Interface to X-Forms" on \ FPGTK "Interface to create programs with gtk" on \ FV "Free Pascal unit for Delphi support" on \ GCONF "Interface to GConf" on \ GDBM "Interface to the GNU database system" on \ GGI "Interface to libggi library" on \ GNOME "Free Pascal unit to create programs for GNOME" on \ GTK "Interface to gtk libraries" on \ GTK2 "Interface to gtk2 libraries" on \ HTTPD "Free Pascal httpd unit" on \ IMLIB "Interface to imlib library" on \ LIBCURL "Interface to curl library" on \ LIBGD "Interface to gd library" on \ LIBPNG "Interface to png library" on \ NCURSES "Interface to ncurses library" on \ OPENGL "Interface to opengl library" on \ OPENSSL "Interface to openssl library" on \ PCAP "Interface to pcap library" on \ SVGALIB "Interface to svgalib library" on \ SYSLOG "Interface to system logger" on \ TCL "Interface to tcl/tk interpreter" on \ UNZIP "Routines for unzipping zip files" on \ UTMP "Interface to gather information from the utmp file" on \ X11 "Interface to X windows server" on \ ZLIB "Interface to the zlib compression library" on \ ZVT "Interface to Zed's Virtual Terminal" on .include UNITSDIR= ${LOCALBASE}/lib/fpc/${PORTVERSION}/units/${BUILDNAME} ALL_OPTIONS= BFD CAIRO FCL-BASE FCL-DB FCL-FPCUNIT FCL-IMAGE FCL-NET FCL-PASSRC \ FCL-REGISTRY FCL-WEB FCL-XML FFTW FPMKUNIT FORMS FPGTK FV GCONF GDBM \ GGI GNOME GTK GTK2 HTTPD IMLIB LIBCURL LIBGD LIBPNG NCURSES OPENGL \ OPENSSL PCAP SVGALIB SYSLOG TCL UNZIP UTMP X11 ZLIB ZVT BFD_UNIT= devel/fpc-bfd CAIRO_UNIT= graphics/fpc-cairo FCL_BASE_UNIT= devel/fpc-fcl-base FCL_DB_UNIT= devel/fpc-fcl-db FCL_FPCUNIT_UNIT= devel/fpc-fcl-fpcunit FCL_IMAGE_UNIT= devel/fpc-fcl-image FCL_NET_UNIT= devel/fpc-fcl-net FCL_PASSRC_UNIT= devel/fpc-fcl-passrc FCL_REGISTRY_UNIT= devel/fpc-fcl-registry FCL_WEB_UNIT= devel/fpc-fcl-web FCL_XML_UNIT= devel/fpc-fcl-xml FFTW_UNIT= math/fpc-fftw FPMKUNIT_UNIT= devel/fpc-fpmkunit FORMS_UNIT= x11-toolkits/fpc-forms FPGTK_UNIT= graphics/fpc-fpgtk FV_UNIT= devel/fpc-fv GCONF_UNIT= devel/fpc-gconf GDBM_UNIT= databases/fpc-gdbm GGI_UNIT= graphics/fpc-ggi GNOME_UNIT= x11-toolkits/fpc-gnome GTK_UNIT= x11-toolkits/fpc-gtk GTK2_UNIT= x11-toolkits/fpc-gtk2 HTTPD_UNIT= www/fpc-httpd IMLIB_UNIT= graphics/fpc-imlib LIBCURL_UNIT= ftp/fpc-libcurl LIBGD_UNIT= graphics/fpc-libgd LIBPNG_UNIT= graphics/fpc-libpng NCURSES_UNIT= graphics/fpc-ncurses OPENGL_UNIT= graphics/fpc-opengl OPENSSL_UNIT= security/fpc-openssl PCAP_UNIT= net/fpc-pcap SVGALIB_UNIT= graphics/fpc-svgalib SYSLOG_UNIT= sysutils/fpc-syslog TCL_UNIT= lang/fpc-tcl UNZIP_UNIT= archivers/fpc-unzip UTMP_UNIT= sysutils/fpc-utmp X11_UNIT= x11/fpc-x11 ZLIB_UNIT= devel/fpc-zlib ZVT_UNIT= x11-toolkits/fpc-zvt .for OPT in ${ALL_OPTIONS} . if defined(WITH_${OPT}) && !defined(WITHOUT_${OPT}) RUN_DEPENDS+= ${UNITSDIR}/${OPT:L:S/httpd/httpd-1.3/}/Package.fpc:${PORTSDIR}/${${OPT:S/-/_/}_UNIT} . endif .endfor do-install: build @${DO_NADA} .include