# New ports collection makefile for: JDK documentation # Version required: 1.1.8 # Date created: Mon Mar 8 10:10:42 EET 1999 # Whom: Martti Kuparinen # # $Id: Makefile,v 1.4 1999/05/06 00:13:56 taoka Exp $ # DISTNAME= jdk118-doc PKGNAME= jdk-doc-1.1.8 CATEGORIES= lang MAINTAINER= martti.kuparinen@ericsson.com RESTRICTED= "This software is under license and export control." IS_INTERACTIVE= "Requires manual fetch" VERSION= 1.1.8 WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/jdk${VERSION} NO_BUILD= yes PKGMESSAGE= ${WRKDIR}/MESSAGE PLIST_SUB+= VERSION=${VERSION} .include do-fetch: .if !exists(${DISTDIR}/${DISTNAME}${EXTRACT_SUFX}) @echo '' @echo 'You have to fetch the documentation from' @echo ' http://java.sun.com/products/jdk/1.1/docs.html' @echo '' @echo 'Put ${DISTNAME}${EXTRACT_SUFX} in in ${DISTDIR}/ and run make again.' @echo '' @echo 'All this hassle is because of the license and export restrictions' @echo 'as described in' @echo ' http://java.sun.com/feedback/faq/downloading.html' @echo '' @exit 1 .endif do-install: ${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/jdk${VERSION} (cd ${WRKSRC} && ${TAR} -cf - docs) \ | (cd ${PREFIX}/jdk${VERSION} && ${TAR} -xf -) @${SED} s+!!PREFIX!!+${PREFIX}+g < ${PKGDIR}/MESSAGE > ${PKGMESSAGE} @${CAT} ${PKGMESSAGE} .include