# New ports collection makefile for: gn-mnews # Date created: 7 Feb 1997 # Whom: Kiroh HARADA # # $FreeBSD$ # PORTNAME= gn-mnews PORTVERSION= 1.20 CATEGORIES= japanese news MASTER_SITES= ftp://ftp.mei.co.jp/free/Network/news/readers/ DISTNAME= mnews${PORTVERSION:S/.//} MAINTAINER= seiken@ARGV.AC RUN_DEPENDS= gninews:${PORTSDIR}/japanese/gn-gnspool \ mnews:${PORTSDIR}/japanese/mnews NO_PACKAGE= "Redistribution of binary built from modified source is prohibited" BROKEN= "Couldn't fetch now" WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/mnews-${PORTVERSION}/build do-configure: @for f in Makefile site_dep.h ; do \ ${SED} s+@PREFIX@+${PREFIX}+ ${FILESDIR}/$$f.in > ${WRKSRC}/$$f ; done do-install: ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/mnews ${PREFIX}/bin/gnmnews post-install: @${ECHO} "You must have gn/gnspool configured to your environment," @${ECHO} "before using gn-mnews. Please refer to gn documents and" @${ECHO} "${PREFIX}/share/doc/mnews/gnspool.doc" .include