Dvipsk converts a DVI file produced by TeX (or other program) to a PostScript file. Missing fonts can be automatically generated if METAFONT exists on the system, or can be converted from `gf' to `pk' format on demand. Dvips also supports `tpic', `psfig', `emtex', and `METAPOST'. Configuration file is /usr/local/share/texmf/dvips/base/config.ps In this configuration, it is possible to do convert them to PDF file through ghostscript, then read by Adobe Acrobat to perform `cut and paste' of English fonts. If you don't like this behavior (i.e. You want to embed bitmap information of english fonts; cut and paste becomes impossible), delete or comment following two lines: p +psfonts.cmz p +psfonts.amz - Makoto WATANABE watanabe@zlab.phys.nagoya-u.ac.jp