A command-line tool to download picturs and control still digital cameras based on Sierra Imaging chipset and compatibles (Olympus, Nikon, Epson, Agfa and some others). This is a library and a command-line frontend to manipulate digital still cameras based on Fujitsu chipset and Sierra Imaging firmware. The program is known to work with Agfa, Epson, Olympus, Sanyo and Nikon (at least CoolPix 900, 950 and 8x0 but not CoolPix 600!) cameras. The cameras typically come with software for Windows and for Mac, and no description of the protocol. With this tool, they are managable from a UNIX box. Bruce D. Lightner has added support for Win32 and DOS platforms. Note that the program does not have any GUI, it is plain command-line even on Windows.