! PGPLOT drivers. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! To configure PGPLOT, ensure that drivers you do not want are ! commented out (place ! in column 1). N.B. Many device-drivers are ! available on selected operating systems only. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! File Code Description Restrictions ! BCDRIV 0 /BCANON Canon Laser printer (bitmap version), landscape ! CADRIV 0 /CANON Canon Laser printer, LBP-8/A2, landscape ! CCDRIV 0 /CCP DEC LJ250 Color Companion printer ! CWDRIV 0 /CW6320 Gould/Bryans Colourwriter 6320 pen plotter Std F77 ! EPDRIV 0 /EPSON Epson FX100 dot matrix printer ! EXDRIV 1 /EXCL Talaris/EXCL printers, landscape ! EXDRIV 2 /EXCL Talaris/EXCL printers, portrait ! GCDRIV 0 /GENICOM Genicom 4410 dot-matrix printer, landscape ! Caution: use of GIDRIV may require a license from Unisys: GIDRIV 1 /GIF GIF-format file, landscape GIDRIV 2 /VGIF GIF-format file, portrait GLDRIV 1 /HPGL Hewlett-Packard HP-GL plotters, landscape Std F77 GLDRIV 2 /VHPGL Hewlett-Packard HP-GL plotters, portrait Std F77 ! GODRIV 0 /GOC GOC Sigma T5670 terminal VMS ! GVDRIV 0 /GVENICOM Genicom 4410 dot-matrix printer, portrait HGDRIV 0 /HPGL2 Hewlett-Packard graphics language ! HIDRIV 0 /HIDMP Houston Instruments HIDMP pen plotter ! HJDRIV 0 /HJ Hewlett-Packard Desk/Laserjet printer ! HPDRIV 0 /HP7221 Hewlett-Packard HP7221 pen plotter Std F77 ! IMDRIV 0 /IMPRESS Imagen printers (Impress language), landscape ! IRDRIV 0 /IRIS SiliconGraphics Console SGI (C) ! LADRIV 0 /LA50 Dec LA50 and other sixel printers ! LJDRIV 0 /LJ Hewlett-Packard LaserJet printers ! LSDRIV 1 /LIPS2 Canon LaserShot printer (landscape) ! LSDRIV 2 /VLIPS2 Canon LaserShot printer (portrait) ! LNDRIV 0 /LN03 Dec LN03-PLUS Laser printer (landscape) VMS ! LVDRIV 0 /LVN03 Dec LN03-PLUS Laser printer (portrait) VMS LXDRIV 0 /LATEX LaTeX picture environment ! MFDRIV 0 /FILE PGPLOT graphics metafile ! NEDRIV 0 /NEXT Computers running NeXTstep operating system NUDRIV 0 /NULL Null device (no output) Std F77 PPDRIV 1 /PPM Portable Pixel Map file, landscape PPDRIV 2 /VPPM Portable PIxel Map file, portrait PSDRIV 1 /PS PostScript printers, monochrome, landscape Std F77 PSDRIV 2 /VPS Postscript printers, monochrome, portrait Std F77 PSDRIV 3 /CPS PostScript printers, color, landscape Std F77 PSDRIV 4 /VCPS PostScript printers, color, portrait Std F77 ! PXDRIV 0 /PRINTRONI Printronix P300 or P600 dot-matrix printer ! QMDRIV 1 /QMS QUIC devices (QMS and Talaris), landscape Std F77 ! QMDRIV 2 /VQMS QUIC devices (QMS and Talaris), portrait Std F77 ! SVDRIV 0 /SUNVIEW Sun workstations running SunView SunOS C ! TFDRIV 0 /TFILE Tektronix-format disk file VMS ! TODRIV 0 /TOSHIBA Toshiba "3-in-one" printer, model P351 ! TTDRIV 1 /TEK4010 Tektronix 4006/4010 storage-tube terminal Std F77 ! TTDRIV 2 /GF GraphOn terminal Std F77 ! TTDRIV 3 /RETRO RetroGraphics terminal Std F77 TTDRIV 4 /GTERM GTERM Tektronix terminal emulator Std F77 TTDRIV 5 /XTERM XTERM Tektronix terminal emulator Std F77 ! TTDRIV 6 /ZSTEM ZSTEM terminal emulator Std F77 ! TTDRIV 7 /V603 Visual 603 terminal Std F77 ! TTDRIV 8 /KRM3 Kermit 3 on IBM-PC Std F77 TTDRIV 9 /TK4100 Tektronix 4100-series terminals Std F77 ! TXDRIV 0 /TX TeX PK Font Output files ! VADRIV 0 /VCANON Canon Laser printer, LBP-8/A2, portrait ! VBDRIV 0 /VBCANON Canon Laser printer (bitmap version), portrait ! VIDRIV 0 /VIPRESS Imagen printers (Impress language), portrait ! VTDRIV 0 /VT125 Dec Regis terminals (VT125 etc.) Std F77 WDDRIV 1 /WD X Window dump file, landscape WDDRIV 2 /VWD X Window dump file, portrait ! WSDRIV 0 /WS VAX workstations running VWS software VMS X2DRIV 0 /XDISP PGDISP or FIGDISP server for X workstations C XWDRIV 1 /XWINDOW Workstations running X Window System C XWDRIV 2 /XSERVE Persistent window on X Window System C ! ZEDRIV 0 /ZETA Zeta 8 Digital Plotter ! ! The following drivers can only be used in PGPLOT installations on MS-DOS ! systems with appropriate hardware and software. Do not select these ! on UNIX or VMS systems. ! ! LHDRIV 0 /LH IBM PCs and clones, Lahey F77 32-bit Fortran v5.0 ! MSDRIV 0 /MSOFT IBM PCs and clones running Microsoft Fortran 5.0 ! SSDRIV 0 /SS IBM PCs and clones, MS-DOS, Salford Software FTN ! ! The following driver can only be used in PGPLOT installations on Acorn ! Archimedes systems with appropriate hardware and software. ! ! ACDRIV 0 /ARC Acorn Archimedes computer ! ! Selection of the XMOTIF driver causes a stub driver to be placed in ! the main PGPLOT library. The real driver is placed in libXmPgplot.a. ! Applications that need the Motif driver should link with libXmPgplot.a ! before the PGPLOT library. This treatment means that only Motif ! applications have to be linked with Motif libraries. ! ! XMDRIV 0 /XMOTIF Motif applications containing XmPgplot widgets. C