diff -cr ../Ipe-5.0/Plageo/Makefile Plageo/Makefile *** ../Ipe-5.0/Plageo/Makefile Thu Nov 27 15:15:48 1997 --- Plageo/Makefile Thu Oct 26 14:41:49 2000 *************** *** 12,18 **** CC = g++ # define GFLAGS if you use g++ #GFLAGS = ! GFLAGS = -fno-for-scope INCLUDE = -I. CFLAGS = $(GFLAGS) -O $(INCLUDE) --- 12,18 ---- CC = g++ # define GFLAGS if you use g++ #GFLAGS = ! GFLAGS = -fno-for-scope -g INCLUDE = -I. CFLAGS = $(GFLAGS) -O $(INCLUDE) diff -cr ../Ipe-5.0/Plageo/ipestream.h Plageo/ipestream.h *** ../Ipe-5.0/Plageo/ipestream.h Mon Dec 18 11:19:43 1995 --- Plageo/ipestream.h Thu Oct 26 15:16:31 2000 *************** *** 21,28 **** public: ipestream(void) { _f = NULL; } ipestream(FILE *fd) { _f = fd; } ! ! int open(char *fname, char *mode) { _f = fopen(fname, mode); return (_f != NULL); } int openfd(int fd, char *mode) { _f = fdopen(fd, mode); return (_f != NULL); } --- 21,28 ---- public: ipestream(void) { _f = NULL; } ipestream(FILE *fd) { _f = fd; } ! int isopen(void) { return (_f != NULL); }; ! int open(const char *fname, char *mode) { _f = fopen(fname, mode); return (_f != NULL); } int openfd(int fd, char *mode) { _f = fdopen(fd, mode); return (_f != NULL); } diff -cr ../Ipe-5.0/Plageo/ireray.C Plageo/ireray.C *** ../Ipe-5.0/Plageo/ireray.C Tue May 9 04:35:50 1995 --- Plageo/ireray.C Wed Oct 25 11:31:18 2000 *************** *** 40,46 **** // template reray_T::reray_T(const reray_T & a) { ! register i = a.sz; reserved_size = sz = i; if (i==0) { v = 0; --- 40,46 ---- // template reray_T::reray_T(const reray_T & a) { ! register unsigned int i = a.sz; reserved_size = sz = i; if (i==0) { v = 0; Only in ../Ipe-5.0/Plageo: libplageo.a diff -cr ../Ipe-5.0/Plageo/pl_coincidence.C Plageo/pl_coincidence.C *** ../Ipe-5.0/Plageo/pl_coincidence.C Tue May 9 04:35:52 1995 --- Plageo/pl_coincidence.C Wed Oct 25 11:28:53 2000 *************** *** 468,475 **** typedef edgelist_link *edgelistp; ! static const up = 0; ! static const down = 1; // sorted list of edges intersecting current sweep line static edgelistp el = 0; --- 468,475 ---- typedef edgelist_link *edgelistp; ! static const int up = 0; ! static const int down = 1; // sorted list of edges intersecting current sweep line static edgelistp el = 0; diff -cr ../Ipe-5.0/Plageo/plageo.h Plageo/plageo.h *** ../Ipe-5.0/Plageo/plageo.h Tue May 9 04:35:50 1995 --- Plageo/plageo.h Wed Oct 25 11:28:06 2000 *************** *** 1050,1065 **** extern int lies_inside(const pl_fixedvec &, const pl_disc &); ! inline do_overlap(const pl_fixedvec &vec, const pl_box &box) { return lies_inside(vec, box); } ! inline do_overlap(const pl_fixedvec &vec, const pl_pgn &pgn) { return lies_inside(vec, pgn); } ! inline do_overlap(const pl_fixedvec &vec, const pl_disc &disc) { return lies_inside(vec, disc); } ! inline do_overlap(const pl_fixedvec &vec, const pl_object &obj) { return do_overlap(obj, vec); } // ****** POINT ****** --- 1050,1065 ---- extern int lies_inside(const pl_fixedvec &, const pl_disc &); ! inline int do_overlap(const pl_fixedvec &vec, const pl_box &box) { return lies_inside(vec, box); } ! inline int do_overlap(const pl_fixedvec &vec, const pl_pgn &pgn) { return lies_inside(vec, pgn); } ! inline int do_overlap(const pl_fixedvec &vec, const pl_disc &disc) { return lies_inside(vec, disc); } ! inline int do_overlap(const pl_fixedvec &vec, const pl_object &obj) { return do_overlap(obj, vec); } // ****** POINT ******