dc3play dc3play is a data downloading tool (via serial) for Ricoh DC-3 digital camera. EXAMPLE USAGE % dc3play tty00 get the number of picts. % dc3play -n10 -o tty00 > foo.jpg get full-sized picture #10 to foo.jpg through stdout. % dc3play -a -g tty00 get all full-sized pictures into "r0300001.jpg", "r0300002.jpg" and so forth. REPORTING BUGS Please use one of the following methods: - via http://www.itojun.org/cgi-bin/gnats-send-pr - via e-mail to: itojun@itojun.org AUTHOR Copyright(c) 1997 by Jun-ichiro Itoh. All rights reserved. Jun-ichiro itojun Itoh