A SANE WebScan frontend that supports Apple's AirScan protocol. Scanners are detected automatically, and published through mDNS. Though images may be acquired and transferred in JPEG, PNG, and PDF/raster format through a simple web interface, AirSane's intended purpose is to be used with AirScan/eSCL clients such as Apple's Image Capture. Images are encoded on-the-fly during acquisition, keeping memory/storage demands low. Thus, AirSane will run fine on a Raspberry Pi or similar device. AirSane has been developed by reverse-engineering the communication protocol implemented in Apple's AirScanScanner client (macos 10.12.6, /System/Library/Image Capture/Devices/AirScanScanner.app). Authentication and secure communication are not supported. If you are looking for a powerful SANE web frontend, AirSane may not be for you. You may be interested in phpSANE instead.