XVmines is a simple minesweeper game for X Window System.
   xvmines creates a rectangle on the screen, divided into  equally
sized cells. Each cell may contain a mine (hence the name xvmines),
contain a number  indicating  the  number of  mines  present in the 
8-neighboring cells or be empty.
   Initially,  all  cells  are  covered  with  tiles. A tile can be
removed,  uncovering  the  cell  below, by  clicking the left mouse
button on it. In addition,a cell can be marked as containing a mine
by clicking the right mouse button on it. Note however that marking
a cell as containing a mine does not necessarily mean that the cell
really contains a mine!
   Clicking  the  middle  mouse  button  on a tile, marks it with a
question mark, acting as a reminder mechanism. The user can use the
numbers in the uncovered  cells  to  find  (or sometimes guess ...)
which cells contain mines and which do not.
   A game  ends  when  all  cells  not  containing  mines have been 
uncovered and all cells containing mines have  been marked, or when
a cell containing a mine is uncovered.