.TH connect4 6 "8th May, 1997" "Version 3.2" .SH NAME \fBconnect4\fP - a game of placement .SH SYNOPSIS .IP "connect4" 10 \fB[ -Shv12 ]\fP .LP .SH DESCRIPTION \fBconnect4(6)\fP is a simple game where you must line up four tokens in a row. .SH OPTIONS .IP "\fB-S\fP" Display high scores .IP "\fB-h\fP" Help on command line switches .IP "\fB-v\fP" Display version number .IP "\fB-1\fP" Player has first move .IP "\fB-2\fP" Computer has first move .SH NOTES .LP The real-life version of connect4 is basically an upright hollow board with several vertical columns and windows. Tokens are placed into the columns alternately by each player until one of the players has four tokens in a row. These four tokens must be adjacent to each other but the series of four can be in any direction. .sp Tokens are placed into a column by typing the number of the column printed at the top of the screen. .sp To exit the game type \fBq\fP or \fBx\fP and \fBctrl-L\fP redraws the screen. .SH BUGS There are bound to be bugs in this program. Use at your own risk as no guarantee will be made that this software will not break your system in any way. .SH AUTHORS connect4 came from comp.sources.games Volume 6, Issue 51 .br Submitted by Terry Jones April, 1989 .sp Man page by Joel Sutton .SH COPYRIGHT Connect Four is undoubtedly a trade mark or some such of Milton Bradley.