Note that this release of p5-Moose is incompatible with older versions of the following modules: Catalyst <= 5.80017 Devel::REPL <= 1.003008 Fey::ORM <= 0.23 File::ChangeNotify <= 0.15 KiokuDB <= 0.41 MooseX::Aliases <= 0.07 MooseX::AttributeHelpers <= 0.22 MooseX::AttributeInflate <= 0.02 MooseX::Attribute::Prototype <= 0.10 MooseX::ClassAttribute <= 0.13 MooseX::FollowPBP <= 0.02 MooseX::HasDefaults <= 0.02 MooseX::InstanceTracking <= 0.04 MooseX::LazyRequire <= 0.05 MooseX::MethodAttributes <= 0.22 MooseX::NonMoose <= 0.13 MooseX::Params::Validate <= 0.05 MooseX::Role::Cmd <= 0.06 MooseX::Role::WithOverloading <= 0.07 MooseX::SemiAffordanceAccessor <= 0.05 MooseX::Singleton <= 0.22 MooseX::StrictConstructor <= 0.08 MooseX::Types <= 0.19 MooseX::UndefTolerant <= 0.04 namespace::autoclean <= 0.08 Pod::Elemental <= 0.093280 They will need to be updated.