hztty This program turns a tty session from one encoding to another. For example, running hztty on cxterm can allow you to read/write Chinese in HZ format, which was not supported by cxterm. If you have many applications in different encodings but your favorite terminal program only supports one, hztty can make life easy. For example, hztty can your GB cxterm into a HZ terminal, a Unicode (16bit, or UTF8, or UTF7) terminal, or a Big5 terminal. The idea is to open a new shell session on top of the current one and to translate the encoding between the new tty and the orignal. For example, if your application uses encoding A and your terminal supports encoding B, hztty catches the output of the application and converts them from A to B before sending to the terminal. Similarly, hztty converts all the terminal input from B to A before sending to the application.