#!/bin/sh # # distclean # Compare distfiles in /usr/ports/distfiles # with currently instaled ports collection # and removes outdated files # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42, (c) Poul-Henning Kamp): # Maxim Sobolev wrote this file. As long as you retain # this notice you can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some # day, and you think this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return. # # Maxim Sobolev # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # $FreeBSD: /tmp/pcvs/ports/Tools/scripts/distclean.sh,v 1.11 2001-12-19 16:46:42 sobomax Exp $ # # MAINTAINER= sobomax@FreeBSD.org PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin cleanup() { rm -f $FN_RESULTS_SCRIPT $FN_PORTS $FN_DISTFILES echo "Terminated." exit 1 } echo "Distfiles clean utility by Maxim Sobolev ." echo "Assumes that your ports in /usr/ports and distfiles in /usr/ports/distfiles." echo "" if [ x"$1" = x"-f" ]; then RM_FLAG="-f" else RM_FLAG="-i" echo "Use \"`basename $0` -f\" to remove the files without prompting for confirmation." echo "" fi umask 077 FN_PORTS=`mktemp -t dclean` || exit 1 FN_DISTFILES=`mktemp -t dclean` || exit 1 FN_RESULTS_SCRIPT=`mktemp -t dclean` || exit 1 trap cleanup 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 \ 30 31 echo -n "Building ports md5 index..." find /usr/ports/ -name "distinfo" -or -name "distinfo.i386" -or -name "distinfo.alpha" -type f | xargs cat | grep "^MD5 ("| sort | uniq > $FN_PORTS echo "Done." P_MD5_COUNT=`wc -l $FN_PORTS | sed "s| $FN_PORTS|| ; s| ||g"` echo "Found $P_MD5_COUNT md5 entries in your ports directory." echo -n "Building distfiles md5 index..." find /usr/ports/distfiles/ -type f | xargs md5 | sed 's|/usr/ports/distfiles/||' | sort > $FN_DISTFILES echo "Done." D_MD5_COUNT=`wc -l $FN_DISTFILES | sed "s| $FN_DISTFILES|| ; s| ||g"` echo "Found $D_MD5_COUNT distfile(s) in your distfiles directory." echo -n "Comparing results..." diff -d $FN_DISTFILES $FN_PORTS | grep "^<" | sed 's|.*(|rm '$RM_FLAG' /usr/ports/distfiles/| ; s|).*||' > $FN_RESULTS_SCRIPT echo "Done." R_MD5_COUNT=`wc -l $FN_RESULTS_SCRIPT | sed "s| $FN_RESULTS_SCRIPT|| ; s| ||g"` echo "$R_MD5_COUNT distfile(s) doesn't have corresponding md5 entries in ports directory." /bin/sh $FN_RESULTS_SCRIPT echo -n "Finishing..." rm -f $FN_RESULTS_SCRIPT $FN_PORTS $FN_DISTFILES echo "Done."