#!/usr/bin/env perl -w # # Copyright (c) 2004 Oliver Eikemeier. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # 3. Neither the name of the author nor the names of its contributors may be # used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without # specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, # INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY # AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT # NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF # THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # $FreeBSD$ # # MAINTAINER= erwin@FreeBSD.org # # PORTVERSION and PKGORIGIN auditing script # # This scripts compares version numbers with previously known ones, and # checks ports for a correct PKGORIGIN. It is primarily intended to be run # from a (non-root) cron job. # # If you just call it with no preparation, it will compare all port versions # with their INDEX entries and complain if they have gone backwards. You need # You need an old INDEX for this, of course. An up-to-date INDEX will accomplish # nothing. # # To use the script as intended, do the following (assuming you want to # run the script as user `ports'): # # install port sysutils/pkg_install-devel (optional) # mkdir -p /var/db/chkversion # touch /var/db/chkversion/VERSIONS # chown -R ports /var/db/chkversion # and enter something like # # SVNBLAME=yes # ALLPORTS=yes # RCPT_ORIGIN=you@domain.example # RCPT_VERSION=you@domain.example # 0 */2 * * * /usr/ports/Tools/scripts/chkversion.pl # # into `crontab -u ports -e', or run the script by hand if you can spare the time. # # If the environment variable SVNBLAME is set and the ports tree is checked # out by SVN, every entry is listed with a record of the last SVN commit. # require 5.005; use strict; use POSIX; use File::Find; use Cwd 'abs_path'; my $portsdir = $ENV{PORTSDIR} ? $ENV{PORTSDIR} : '/usr/ports'; my $versiondir = $ENV{VERSIONDIR} ? $ENV{VERSIONDIR} : '/var/db/chkversion'; my $svnblame = $ENV{SVNBLAME} ? 1 : 0; my $allports = $ENV{ALLPORTS} ? 1 : 0; my $watchre = $ENV{WATCH_REGEX} ? $ENV{WATCH_REGEX} : ''; my $watchmre = $ENV{WATCHM_REGEX} ? $ENV{WATCHM_REGEX} : ''; my $returnpath = $ENV{RETURNPATH} ? $ENV{RETURNPATH} : ''; my $h_from = $ENV{HEADER_FROM} ? $ENV{HEADER_FROM} : "$ENV{USER}\@$ENV{HOST}"; my $h_replyto = $ENV{HEADER_REPLYTO} ? $ENV{HEADER_REPLYTO} : $h_from; my $rcpt_watch = $ENV{RCPT_WATCH} ? $ENV{RCPT_WATCH} : ''; my $rcpt_watchm = $ENV{RCPT_WATCHM} ? $ENV{RCPT_WATCHM} : ''; my $rcpt_orig = $ENV{RCPT_ORIGIN} ? $ENV{RCPT_ORIGIN} : ''; my $rcpt_vers = $ENV{RCPT_VERSION} ? $ENV{RCPT_VERSION} : ''; my $cc_author = $ENV{CC_AUTHOR} ? 1 : 0; my $cc_mntnr = $ENV{CC_MAINTAINER} ? 1 : 0; my $make = '/usr/bin/make'; my $svn = '/usr/local/bin/svn'; my $pkg_version = $ENV{PKG_VERSION} && -x $ENV{PKG_VERSION} ? $ENV{PKG_VERSION} : -x '/usr/local/sbin/pkg_version' ? '/usr/local/sbin/pkg_version' : '/usr/sbin/pkg_version'; my $sendmail = '/usr/sbin/sendmail'; my $watch_re = join '|', split ' ', $watchre; my $watchm_re = join '|', split ' ', $watchmre; -d $portsdir or die "Can't find ports tree at $portsdir.\n"; $portsdir = abs_path($portsdir); my $versionfile = "$versiondir/VERSIONS"; my $useindex = !-w $versiondir; my $starttime = strftime("%a %b %e %G %k:%M:%S %Z",localtime); sub readfrom { my $dir = shift; if (!open CHILD, '-|') { open STDERR, '>/dev/null'; chdir $dir if $dir; exec @_; die; } my @childout = ; close CHILD; map chomp, @childout; return wantarray ? @childout : $childout[0]; } foreach (qw(ARCH OPSYS OSREL OSVERSION UID)) { my @cachedenv = readfrom $portsdir, $make, "-V$_"; $ENV{$_} = $cachedenv[0]; } $ENV{WITH_OPENSSL_BASE} = 'yes'; my %pkgname; my %pkgorigin; my %masterdir; my %pkgmntnr; sub wanted { return if !-d; if (/^.svn$/ || $File::Find::name =~ m"^$portsdir/(?:Mk|Templates|Tools|distfiles|packages)$"os || $File::Find::name =~ m"^$portsdir/[^/]+/pkg$"os) { $File::Find::prune = 1; } elsif ($File::Find::name =~ m"^$portsdir/([^/]+/[^/]+)$"os) { $File::Find::prune = 1; if (-f "$File::Find::name/Makefile") { my @makevar = readfrom $File::Find::name, $make, '-VPKGORIGIN', '-VPKGNAME', '-VMAINTAINER', '-VMASTERDIR'; if ($#makevar == 3 && $makevar[1]) { $pkgorigin{$1} = $makevar[0] if $1 ne $makevar[0]; $pkgname{$1} = $makevar[1]; $pkgmntnr{$1} = $makevar[2]; $masterdir{$1} = $makevar[3]; } } } } if ($allports) { find(\&wanted, $portsdir); } else { my @categories = split ' ', readfrom $portsdir, $make, '-VSUBDIR'; foreach my $category (@categories) { -f "$portsdir/$category/Makefile" || next; my @ports = split ' ', readfrom "$portsdir/$category", $make, '-VSUBDIR'; foreach (map "$category/$_", @ports) { -f "$portsdir/$_/Makefile" || next; my @makevar = readfrom "$portsdir/$_", $make, '-VPKGORIGIN', '-VPKGNAME', '-VMAINTAINER', '-VMASTERDIR'; next if $#makevar != 3 || ! $makevar[1]; $pkgorigin{$_} = $makevar[0] if $_ ne $makevar[0]; $pkgname{$_} = $makevar[1]; $pkgmntnr{$_} = $makevar[2]; $masterdir{$_} = $makevar[3]; } } } my %backwards; my %watched; my %watchedm; if ($useindex) { my $indexname = readfrom $portsdir, $make, '-VINDEXFILE'; $versionfile = "$portsdir/$indexname"; } open VERSIONS, "<$versionfile"; while () { chomp; next if /^(#|$)/; my ($origin, $version, $maintainer); if ($useindex) { ($origin, $version, $maintainer) = (split /\|/)[1,0,5]; $origin =~ s,^.*/([^/]+/[^/]+)/?$,$1,; } else { ($origin, $version, $maintainer) = split /\t/; } if (defined $pkgname{$origin}) { my $newversion = $pkgname{$origin}; my $oldversion = $version; $newversion =~ s/^.*-//; $oldversion =~ s/^.*-//; my $result = $newversion eq $oldversion ? '=' : readfrom '', $pkg_version, '-t', $newversion, $oldversion; $watched{$origin} = "$version -> $pkgname{$origin}" if ($watch_re && $result ne '=' && $origin =~ /^(?:$watch_re)$/o); $watchedm{$origin} = "(was <$maintainer>) $version -> $pkgname{$origin}" if ($watchm_re && $maintainer && $pkgmntnr{$origin} && $maintainer ne $pkgmntnr{$origin} && $origin =~ /^(?:$watchm_re)$/o); if ($result eq '<') { $backwards{$origin} = "$pkgname{$origin} < $version"; $pkgname{$origin} = $version; } } elsif ($origin) { $pkgname{$origin} = $version; $pkgmntnr{$origin} = $maintainer; } } close VERSIONS; if (!$useindex) { system 'mv', '-f', $versionfile, "$versionfile.bak"; open VERSIONS, ">$versionfile"; foreach (sort keys %pkgname) { print VERSIONS "$_\t$pkgname{$_}\t$pkgmntnr{$_}\n"; } close VERSIONS; } my %revision; sub parsemakefile { my ($portdir) = @_; my ($r, $d, $a); open MAKEFILE, "<$portdir/Makefile"; while () { if (m'\$FreeBSD\: [^\$ ]+,v (\d+(?:\.\d+)+) (\d{4}(?:[/-]\d{2}){2} \d{2}(?::\d{2}){2}) (\w+) [\w ]+\$') { ($r, $d, $a) = ($1, $2, $3); } } close MAKEFILE; return ($r, $d, $a); } sub getauthors { my ($ports) = @_; my %author; foreach my $origin (keys %{$ports}) { if (!$revision{$origin}) { my ($r, $d, $a) = parsemakefile "$portsdir/$origin"; push @{$revision{$origin}}, $r; push @{$author{$origin}}, $a; if ($masterdir{$origin} ne "$portsdir/$origin") { ($r, $d, $a) = parsemakefile $masterdir{$origin}; push @{$revision{$origin}}, $r; push @{$author{$origin}}, $a; } } } return %author; } sub printlog { my ($fh, $portdir, $r) = @_; if ($svnblame && -d "$portsdir/.svn") { my @svnlog = readfrom $portdir, $svn, 'log', '-r' . ($r ? $r : '.'), 'Makefile'; foreach (@svnlog) { my $in_log = /^-{28}$/ ... /^(-{28}|={77})$/; print $fh " | $_\n" if ($in_log && $in_log != 1 && $in_log !~ /E0$/); } } } sub blame { my ($fh, $ports) = @_; if (%{$ports}) { foreach my $origin (sort keys %{$ports}) { print $fh "- *$origin* <$pkgmntnr{$origin}>: $ports->{$origin}\n"; printlog $fh, "$portsdir/$origin", $revision{$origin}[0]; if ($masterdir{$origin} ne "$portsdir/$origin") { my $master = $masterdir{$origin}; $master =~ s/^$portsdir\///o; while ($master =~ s/(^|\/)[^\/]+\/\.\.(?:\/|$)/$1/) {} print $fh " (master: $master)\n"; printlog $fh, $masterdir{$origin}, $revision{$origin}[1]; } print $fh "\n"; } print $fh "\n"; } } sub template { my ($from, $rcpt, $replyto, $starttime, $ports) = @_; my $portlist = join ', ', sort keys %{$ports}; substr($portlist, 32) = '...' if length $portlist > 35; my %cclist; my %author = getauthors $ports; if ($cc_author) { foreach (map @{$author{$_} ? $author{$_} : []}, keys %{$ports}) { $cclist{"$_\@FreeBSD.org"} = 1 if $_; } } if ($cc_mntnr) { foreach (map $pkgmntnr{$_}, keys %{$ports}) { $cclist{$_} = 1 if $_; } } my $cc = join ', ', sort keys %cclist; my $header = ''; while () { last if /^\.\n?$/; $_ =~ s/%%FROM%%/$from/og; $_ =~ s/%%RCPT%%/$rcpt/og; $_ =~ s/%%CC%%/$cc/og; $_ =~ s/%%REPLYTO%%/$replyto/og; $_ =~ s/%%SUBJECT%%/$portlist/og; $_ =~ s/%%STARTTIME%%/$starttime/og; $header .= $_; } return $header; } sub mail { my ($template, $rcpt, $ports) = @_; if (%{$ports}) { if ($rcpt) { if (!open MAIL, '|-') { exec $sendmail, '-oi', '-t', '-f', $returnpath; die; } print MAIL $template; blame *MAIL, $ports; close MAIL; } else { $template =~ s/^.*?\n\n//os; print $template; blame *STDOUT, $ports; } } } my $tmpl; $tmpl = template $h_from, $rcpt_orig, $h_replyto, $starttime, \%pkgorigin; mail $tmpl, $rcpt_orig, \%pkgorigin; $tmpl = template $h_from, $rcpt_vers, $h_replyto, $starttime, \%backwards; mail $tmpl, $rcpt_vers, \%backwards; $tmpl = template $h_from, $rcpt_watch, $h_replyto, $starttime, \%watched; mail $tmpl, $rcpt_watch, \%watched; $tmpl = template $h_from, $rcpt_watch, $h_replyto, $starttime, \%watchedm; mail $tmpl, $rcpt_watchm, \%watchedm; exit((%pkgorigin || %backwards) ? 1 : 0); __END__ From: %%FROM%% To: %%RCPT%% CC: %%CC%% Reply-To: %%REPLYTO%% Subject: Ports with a broken PKGORIGIN: %%SUBJECT%% X-FreeBSD-Chkversion: PKGORIGIN ** The following ports have an incorrect PKGORIGIN ** PKGORIGIN connects packaged or installed ports to the directory they originated from. This is essential for tools like pkg_version or portupgrade to work correctly. Wrong PKGORIGINs are often caused by a wrong order of CATEGORIES after a repocopy. Please fix any errors as soon as possible. The ports tree was updated at %%STARTTIME%%. . From: %%FROM%% To: %%RCPT%% CC: %%CC%% Reply-To: %%REPLYTO%% Subject: Ports with version numbers going backwards: %%SUBJECT%% X-FreeBSD-Chkversion: backwards ** The following ports have a version number that sorts before a previous one ** For many package tools to work correctly, it is of utmost importance that version numbers of a port form a monotonic increasing sequence over time. Refer to the FreeBSD Porter's Handbook, 'Package Naming Conventions' for more information. Tools that won't work include pkg_version, portupgrade and portaudit. A common error is an accidental deletion of PORTEPOCH. Please fix any errors as soon as possible. The ports tree was updated at %%STARTTIME%%. . From: %%FROM%% To: %%RCPT%% Reply-To: %%REPLYTO%% Subject: Version changes in your watched ports: %%SUBJECT%% X-FreeBSD-Chkversion: vwatch ** The following ports have changed version numbers ** You have requested to be notified of version changes in the following ports: The ports tree was updated at %%STARTTIME%%. . From: %%FROM%% To: %%RCPT%% Reply-To: %%REPLYTO%% Subject: Maintainer changes in your watched ports: %%SUBJECT%% X-FreeBSD-Chkversion: mwatch ** The following ports have changed maintainers ** You have requested to be notified of maintainer changes in the following ports: The ports tree was updated at %%STARTTIME%%. .