From 504155fb74586b2e5632eadbc45ec40abcd719b6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Christian Weisgerber <>
Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2002 19:56:10 +0000
Subject: Update to release 20020626, new maintainer.

PR:		45020
Submitted by:
 devel/uisp/Makefile                       |  17 +-
 devel/uisp/distinfo                       |   2 +-
 devel/uisp/files/patch-DAPA.C             | 308 ++----------------------------
 devel/uisp/files/patch-DAPA.h             |  13 --
 devel/uisp/files/        |  14 ++
 devel/uisp/files/patch-Serial.C           |  15 --
 devel/uisp/files/patch-linux_lp.h         | 192 -------------------
 devel/uisp/files/patch-linux_serial_reg.h | 148 --------------
 devel/uisp/pkg-comment                    |   1 +
 devel/uisp/pkg-descr                      |   2 +-
 devel/uisp/pkg-plist                      |   1 +
 11 files changed, 35 insertions(+), 678 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 devel/uisp/files/patch-DAPA.h
 create mode 100644 devel/uisp/files/
 delete mode 100644 devel/uisp/files/patch-Serial.C
 delete mode 100644 devel/uisp/files/patch-linux_lp.h
 delete mode 100644 devel/uisp/files/patch-linux_serial_reg.h

(limited to 'devel/uisp')

diff --git a/devel/uisp/Makefile b/devel/uisp/Makefile
index 1ab6e6fbd58e..e35686df548f 100644
--- a/devel/uisp/Makefile
+++ b/devel/uisp/Makefile
@@ -6,21 +6,12 @@
+PORTVERSION=	20020626
-EXTRACT_SUFX=	.src.tar.gz
-	@${REINPLACE_CMD} -e "s@-O3@${CFLAGS}@g; \
-			s@g\+\+@${CXX}@g" ${WRKSRC}/Makefile
 .include <>
diff --git a/devel/uisp/distinfo b/devel/uisp/distinfo
index 8f79a098d6c0..2c17573aff10 100644
--- a/devel/uisp/distinfo
+++ b/devel/uisp/distinfo
@@ -1 +1 @@
-MD5 (uisp-1.0b.src.tar.gz) = 3945498181030e6c000f705ac53b920f
+MD5 (uisp-20020626.tar.gz) = aeb78302d0127d692c03847a81174eca
diff --git a/devel/uisp/files/patch-DAPA.C b/devel/uisp/files/patch-DAPA.C
index 79935d91d3bb..19c37069e20e 100644
--- a/devel/uisp/files/patch-DAPA.C
+++ b/devel/uisp/files/patch-DAPA.C
@@ -1,295 +1,13 @@
-diff -urN DAPA.C.orig DAPA.C
---- DAPA.C.orig	Tue Aug 29 17:08:28 2000
-+++ DAPA.C	Fri Feb 16 20:57:23 2001
-@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
-+#if !defined (__FreeBSD__)
- #include <linux/serial_reg.h>
- /* sys/io.h is the correct file.  If your system doesn't have that
-@@ -35,8 +36,20 @@
- #endif
- */
- #include "io_uisp.h"
- #include <unistd.h>
-+#if defined(__FreeBSD__)
-+#define __KERNEL__
-+#define LP_STATS
-+#include "linux_lp.h"
-+#undef __KERNEL__
-+#undef LP_STATS
-+#include "linux_serial_reg.h"
-+#if !defined (__FreeBSD__)
- #ifdef DIRTYHACK
- #define __KERNEL__
- #endif
-@@ -44,6 +57,14 @@
- #ifdef DIRTYHACK
- #undef __KERNEL__
- #endif
-+#include <sys/fcntl.h>
-+#include <machine/cpufunc.h>
-+#include <machine/sysarch.h>
-+#define ioperm i386_set_ioperm
-+#define _outb(a,b) outb(b,a)
- #include <signal.h>
- #include <sys/time.h>
- #include "Global.h"
-@@ -133,51 +154,51 @@
- void TDAPA::Reset(){
-   switch(pa_type){
-   case PAT_DAPA:
--    outb(DAPA_SCK, BASE+2); usleep(1000);      /* sck = 0, reset = 0 */
--    outb(DAPA_SCK | DAPA_RESET, BASE+2);       /* sck = 0, reset = 1 */
-+    _outb(DAPA_SCK, BASE+2); usleep(1000);      /* sck = 0, reset = 0 */
-+    _outb(DAPA_SCK | DAPA_RESET, BASE+2);       /* sck = 0, reset = 1 */
-     usleep(1000);
--    outb(DAPA_SCK, BASE+2); usleep(1000);      /* sck = 0, reset = 0 */
-+    _outb(DAPA_SCK, BASE+2); usleep(1000);      /* sck = 0, reset = 0 */
-     break;
-   case PAT_DASA:
--    outb(UART_LCR_WLEN8 | UART_LCR_SBC, UART_LCR+BASE); /* select IER and FCR */
--    outb(UART_MCR_DTR | UART_MCR_RTS, UART_MCR+BASE); /* enable port, no int. */
--    outb(0, UART_IER+BASE); /* disable int */
--    outb(UART_FCR_CLEAR_RCVR | UART_FCR_CLEAR_XMIT, UART_FCR+BASE); /* disable fifo */
-+    _outb(UART_LCR_WLEN8 | UART_LCR_SBC, UART_LCR+BASE); /* select IER and FCR */
-+    _outb(UART_MCR_DTR | UART_MCR_RTS, UART_MCR+BASE); /* enable port, no int. */
-+    _outb(0, UART_IER+BASE); /* disable int */
-+    _outb(UART_FCR_CLEAR_RCVR | UART_FCR_CLEAR_XMIT, UART_FCR+BASE); /* disable fifo */
-     inb(UART_LSR+BASE); /* read int flags to clear them for good */
-     inb(UART_RX+BASE); /* read int flags to clear them for good */
-     inb(UART_IIR+BASE); /* read int flags to clear them for good */
-     inb(UART_MSR+BASE); /* read int flags to clear them for good */
-     usleep(100000); /* clk = sck = reset = 1 */
--    outb(0, UART_LCR+BASE); usleep(1000); /* clk = 0, sck = 1, reset = 1 */
--    outb(DASA_RESET, UART_MCR+BASE); usleep(1000); /* clk = 0, sck = 0, reset = 1 */
--    outb(0, UART_MCR+BASE); usleep(1000); /* clk = 0, sck = 0, reset = 0 */
-+    _outb(0, UART_LCR+BASE); usleep(1000); /* clk = 0, sck = 1, reset = 1 */
-+    _outb(DASA_RESET, UART_MCR+BASE); usleep(1000); /* clk = 0, sck = 0, reset = 1 */
-+    _outb(0, UART_MCR+BASE); usleep(1000); /* clk = 0, sck = 0, reset = 0 */
-     break;
-   case PAT_STK200:
--    outb(STK2_ENA1 | STK2_ENA2, BASE);    	/* leave MCU */
-+    _outb(STK2_ENA1 | STK2_ENA2, BASE);    	/* leave MCU */
-     usleep(30000);
--    outb(STK2_ENA2, BASE); usleep(1000);	/* sck = Z, reset = 0 */
--    outb(0, BASE); usleep(1000);  		/* sck = 0, reset = 0 */
--    outb(STK2_RESET, BASE); usleep(1000); 	/* sck = 0, reset = 1 */
--    outb(0, BASE); usleep(1000);         	/* sck = 0, reset = 0 */       
-+    _outb(STK2_ENA2, BASE); usleep(1000);	/* sck = Z, reset = 0 */
-+    _outb(0, BASE); usleep(1000);  		/* sck = 0, reset = 0 */
-+    _outb(STK2_RESET, BASE); usleep(1000); 	/* sck = 0, reset = 1 */
-+    _outb(0, BASE); usleep(1000);         	/* sck = 0, reset = 0 */       
-     break;
-   case PAT_ABB:
--    outb(0,BASE+2); usleep(30000);		/* leave MCU */
--    outb(0,BASE); 				/* reset=sck=0 */
--    outb(ABB_EN,BASE+2); usleep(30000);		/* enable 244 driver */
--    outb(ABB_RESET,BASE); usleep(30000);	/* reset=1 */
--    outb(0,BASE); usleep(30000);		/* reset=0*/    
-+    _outb(0,BASE+2); usleep(30000);		/* leave MCU */
-+    _outb(0,BASE); 				/* reset=sck=0 */
-+    _outb(ABB_EN,BASE+2); usleep(30000);		/* enable 244 driver */
-+    _outb(ABB_RESET,BASE); usleep(30000);	/* reset=1 */
-+    _outb(0,BASE); usleep(30000);		/* reset=0*/    
- //    fprintf(stderr, "quiting ... test\n"); exit(1);
-     break;
-   case PAT_AVRISP:
--    outb(AVRISP_ENA, BASE);    			/* leave MCU */
-+    _outb(AVRISP_ENA, BASE);    			/* leave MCU */
-     usleep(30000);
--    outb(0, BASE); usleep(1000);  		/* sck = 0, reset = 0 */
--    outb(AVRISP_RESET, BASE); usleep(1000); 	/* sck = 0, reset = 1 */
--    outb(0, BASE); usleep(1000);         	/* sck = 0, reset = 0 */       
-+    _outb(0, BASE); usleep(1000);  		/* sck = 0, reset = 0 */
-+    _outb(AVRISP_RESET, BASE); usleep(1000); 	/* sck = 0, reset = 1 */
-+    _outb(0, BASE); usleep(1000);         	/* sck = 0, reset = 0 */       
-     break;
-   }
-@@ -188,7 +209,7 @@
- void TDAPA::JustReset(){
-   switch(pa_type){
-   case PAT_DAPA:
--    outb(DAPA_SCK | DAPA_RESET, BASE+2);       /* sck = 0, reset = 1 */
-+    _outb(DAPA_SCK | DAPA_RESET, BASE+2);       /* sck = 0, reset = 1 */
-     break;
-   case PAT_DASA:
-@@ -196,16 +217,16 @@
-     break;    
-   case PAT_STK200:
--    outb(STK2_ENA2 | STK2_RESET, BASE);                /* sck = Z, reset = 1 */
-+    _outb(STK2_ENA2 | STK2_RESET, BASE);                /* sck = Z, reset = 1 */
-     break;
-   case PAT_ABB:
--    outb(ABB_EN,BASE+2);                       /* enable 244 driver */
--    outb(ABB_RESET,BASE);                      /* reset=1 */
-+    _outb(ABB_EN,BASE+2);                       /* enable 244 driver */
-+    _outb(ABB_RESET,BASE);                      /* reset=1 */
-     break;
-   case PAT_AVRISP:
--    outb(AVRISP_ENA | AVRISP_RESET, BASE);     /* Leave MCU, reset = 1 */
-+    _outb(AVRISP_ENA | AVRISP_RESET, BASE);     /* Leave MCU, reset = 1 */
-     break;
-   }
-   usleep(20000);
-@@ -214,28 +235,28 @@
- void TDAPA::SCKtoRetryEnable(){
-   switch(pa_type){
-   case PAT_DAPA:
--    outb(0, BASE+2); BigDelay();
--    outb(DAPA_SCK, BASE+2); BigDelay();
-+    _outb(0, BASE+2); BigDelay();
-+    _outb(DAPA_SCK, BASE+2); BigDelay();
-     break;
-   case PAT_DASA:
--    outb (DASA_SCK, UART_MCR+BASE); BigDelay ();  /* sck = 1 */
--    outb (0, UART_MCR+BASE); BigDelay ();  /* sck = 0 */
-+    _outb (DASA_SCK, UART_MCR+BASE); BigDelay ();  /* sck = 1 */
-+    _outb (0, UART_MCR+BASE); BigDelay ();  /* sck = 0 */
-     break;
-   case PAT_STK200:
--    outb(STK2_SCK, BASE); BigDelay();  	/* sck = 1 */
--    outb(0, BASE); BigDelay();  	/* sck = 0 */
-+    _outb(STK2_SCK, BASE); BigDelay();  	/* sck = 1 */
-+    _outb(0, BASE); BigDelay();  	/* sck = 0 */
-     break;
-   case PAT_ABB:
--    outb(ABB_SCK, BASE); BigDelay();
--    outb(0, BASE); BigDelay();
-+    _outb(ABB_SCK, BASE); BigDelay();
-+    _outb(0, BASE); BigDelay();
-     break;    
-   case PAT_AVRISP:
--    outb(AVRISP_SCK, BASE); BigDelay(); /* sck = 1 */
--    outb(0, BASE); BigDelay();		/* sck = 0 */
-+    _outb(AVRISP_SCK, BASE); BigDelay(); /* sck = 1 */
-+    _outb(0, BASE); BigDelay();		/* sck = 0 */
-     break;    
-   }
- }
-@@ -246,56 +267,56 @@
-   for (i=0, mask = 0x80; i<8; i++, mask >>= 1){
-      switch(pa_type){
-      case PAT_DAPA:
--       outb(b & mask ? DAPA_DOUT : 0, BASE); BigDelay();
--       outb(0, BASE+2); BigDelay ();
-+       _outb(b & mask ? DAPA_DOUT : 0, BASE); BigDelay();
-+       _outb(0, BASE+2); BigDelay ();
-        if (!(inb (BASE+1) & DAPA_DIN)){received |= mask;}
--       outb(DAPA_SCK, BASE+2); BigDelay();
-+       _outb(DAPA_SCK, BASE+2); BigDelay();
-        break;
-      case PAT_DASA:
--       outb((b & mask) ? DASA_MOSI : 0, UART_LCR+BASE); /* send data bit, sck = 0 */
--       outb(DASA_SCK, UART_MCR+BASE); /* send data bit, sck = 1 */
-+       _outb((b & mask) ? DASA_MOSI : 0, UART_LCR+BASE); /* send data bit, sck = 0 */
-+       _outb(DASA_SCK, UART_MCR+BASE); /* send data bit, sck = 1 */
-        if(longsck > -2)
-         BigDelay();
-        if(i == 0 && longsck > 5) usleep(longsck); /* allow recharging of the capacitor */
-        if (inb(UART_MSR+BASE) & DASA_MISO){received |= mask;} /* read data bit */  
--       outb(0, UART_MCR+BASE); /* send data bit, sck = 0 */
--       outb(DASA_MOSI, UART_LCR+BASE); /* power it up */
-+       _outb(0, UART_MCR+BASE); /* send data bit, sck = 0 */
-+       _outb(DASA_MOSI, UART_LCR+BASE); /* power it up */
-        if(longsck > -1)
-         BigDelay();
-        break;
-      case PAT_STK200:
--       outb((b & mask) ? STK2_DOUT : 0, BASE);  /* send data bit, sck = 0 */
-+       _outb((b & mask) ? STK2_DOUT : 0, BASE);  /* send data bit, sck = 0 */
-        BigDelay();
-        if (inb(BASE + 1) & STK2_DIN){received |= mask;} /* read data bit */
-        						/* send data bit, sck = 1 */
--       outb(STK2_SCK | ((b & mask) ? STK2_DOUT : 0), BASE);  
-+       _outb(STK2_SCK | ((b & mask) ? STK2_DOUT : 0), BASE);  
-        BigDelay();
--       outb((b & mask) ? STK2_DOUT : 0, BASE);	/* send data bit, sck = 0 */
-+       _outb((b & mask) ? STK2_DOUT : 0, BASE);	/* send data bit, sck = 0 */
-        BigDelay();
-        break;
-      case PAT_ABB:
--       outb((b & mask) ? ABB_DOUT : 0, BASE);  /* send data bit, sck = 0 */
-+       _outb((b & mask) ? ABB_DOUT : 0, BASE);  /* send data bit, sck = 0 */
-        BigDelay();
-        if (!(inb(BASE + 1) & ABB_DIN)){received |= mask;} /* read data bit */
-        						/* send data bit, sck = 1 */
--       outb(ABB_SCK | ((b & mask) ? ABB_DOUT : 0), BASE);  
-+       _outb(ABB_SCK | ((b & mask) ? ABB_DOUT : 0), BASE);  
-        BigDelay();
--       outb((b & mask) ? ABB_DOUT : 0, BASE);	/* send data bit, sck = 0 */
-+       _outb((b & mask) ? ABB_DOUT : 0, BASE);	/* send data bit, sck = 0 */
-        BigDelay();
-        break;
-      case PAT_AVRISP:
--       outb((b & mask) ? AVRISP_DOUT : 0, BASE);  /* send data bit, sck = 0 */
-+       _outb((b & mask) ? AVRISP_DOUT : 0, BASE);  /* send data bit, sck = 0 */
-        BigDelay();
-        if (inb(BASE + 1) & AVRISP_DIN){received |= mask;} /* read data bit */
-        						/* send data bit, sck = 1 */
--       outb(AVRISP_SCK | ((b & mask) ? AVRISP_DOUT : 0), BASE);  
-+       _outb(AVRISP_SCK | ((b & mask) ? AVRISP_DOUT : 0), BASE);  
-        BigDelay();
--       outb((b & mask) ? AVRISP_DOUT : 0, BASE);	/* send data bit, sck = 0 */
-+       _outb((b & mask) ? AVRISP_DOUT : 0, BASE);	/* send data bit, sck = 0 */
-        BigDelay();
-        break;
-      }
-@@ -397,9 +418,9 @@
-   if (pa_type == PAT_AVRISP) { /* Check if dongle is present */
-     unsigned char avrisp_present=1;
-     if (!(inb(BASE+1)&AVRISP_DNG_IN)) avrisp_present=0; 
--    outb(AVRISP_ENA, BASE);
-+    _outb(AVRISP_ENA, BASE);
-     if (inb(BASE+1)&AVRISP_DNG_IN) avrisp_present=0;
-     if (!(inb(BASE+1)&AVRISP_DNG_IN1)) avrisp_present=0;
-     if (!avrisp_present) {
-@@ -410,12 +431,12 @@
-   switch(pa_type){  
--  case PAT_DAPA:   outb(DAPA_SCK | DAPA_RESET, BASE+2); break;
--                   outb(DASA_MOSI, UART_LCR+BASE); break;
--  case PAT_STK200: outb(STK2_ENA1 | STK2_ENA2 | STK2_RESET, BASE); break;
--  case PAT_ABB:    outb(0, BASE+2); outb(ABB_RESET, BASE); break;
--  case PAT_AVRISP: outb(AVRISP_ENA | AVRISP_RESET, BASE);   break;
-+  case PAT_DAPA:   _outb(DAPA_SCK | DAPA_RESET, BASE+2); break;
-+                   _outb(DASA_MOSI, UART_LCR+BASE); break;
-+  case PAT_STK200: _outb(STK2_ENA1 | STK2_ENA2 | STK2_RESET, BASE); break;
-+  case PAT_ABB:    _outb(0, BASE+2); _outb(ABB_RESET, BASE); break;
-+  case PAT_AVRISP: _outb(AVRISP_ENA | AVRISP_RESET, BASE);   break;
-   }
- }
+--- src/DAPA.C.orig	Thu Jun 13 15:17:24 2002
++++ src/DAPA.C	Thu Nov 21 20:37:08 2002
+@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@
+ #elif defined(__FreeBSD__) && defined(__i386__)
++#include <sys/types.h>
+ #include <sys/fcntl.h>
+ #include <machine/cpufunc.h>
+ #include <machine/sysarch.h>
diff --git a/devel/uisp/files/patch-DAPA.h b/devel/uisp/files/patch-DAPA.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c2ecd3ac3190..000000000000
--- a/devel/uisp/files/patch-DAPA.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-diff -urN DAPA.h.orig DAPA.h
---- DAPA.h.orig	Tue Aug 29 17:08:28 2000
-+++ DAPA.h	Fri Feb 16 19:58:33 2001
-@@ -12,7 +12,9 @@
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
-+#if !defined (__FreeBSD__)
- #include <string>
- #include "Error.h"
- class TDAPA {
diff --git a/devel/uisp/files/ b/devel/uisp/files/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..134af40b217e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/uisp/files/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+---	Thu Nov 21 20:34:28 2002
++++	Thu Nov 21 20:35:07 2002
+@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@
+ install-exec-am:
+ install-exec: install-exec-recursive
+-install-data-am: install-data-local
++install-data-am: # install-data-local
+ install-data: install-data-recursive
+ install-am: all-am
diff --git a/devel/uisp/files/patch-Serial.C b/devel/uisp/files/patch-Serial.C
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a7a8a97c19a..000000000000
--- a/devel/uisp/files/patch-Serial.C
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-diff -urN Serial.C.orig Serial.C
---- Serial.C.orig	Tue Aug 29 17:08:28 2000
-+++ Serial.C	Fri Feb 16 19:33:18 2001
-@@ -10,7 +10,11 @@
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
-+#if defined (__FreeBSD__)
-+#include <termios.h>
- #include <termio.h>
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #include "Global.h"
- #include "Serial.h"
diff --git a/devel/uisp/files/patch-linux_lp.h b/devel/uisp/files/patch-linux_lp.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 566201df57b5..000000000000
--- a/devel/uisp/files/patch-linux_lp.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-diff -urN linux_lp.h.orig linux_lp.h
---- linux_lp.h.orig	Thu Jan  1 00:00:00 1970
-+++ linux_lp.h	Fri Feb 16 19:44:52 2001
-@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
-+#ifndef _LINUX_LP_H
-+#define _LINUX_LP_H
-+ * usr/include/linux/lp.h c.1991-1992 James Wiegand
-+ * many modifications copyright (C) 1992 Michael K. Johnson
-+ * Interrupt support added 1993 Nigel Gamble
-+ */
-+ * Per POSIX guidelines, this module reserves the LP and lp prefixes
-+ * These are the lp_table[minor].flags flags...
-+ */
-+#define LP_EXIST 0x0001
-+#define LP_SELEC 0x0002
-+#define LP_BUSY	 0x0004
-+#define LP_BUSY_BIT_POS 2
-+#define LP_OFFL	 0x0008
-+#define LP_NOPA  0x0010
-+#define LP_ERR   0x0020
-+#define LP_ABORT 0x0040
-+#define LP_CAREFUL 0x0080 /* obsoleted -arca */
-+#define LP_ABORTOPEN 0x0100
-+#define	LP_TRUST_IRQ 0x0200
-+/* timeout for each character.  This is relative to bus cycles -- it
-+ * is the count in a busy loop.  THIS IS THE VALUE TO CHANGE if you
-+ * have extremely slow printing, or if the machine seems to slow down
-+ * a lot when you print.  If you have slow printing, increase this
-+ * number and recompile, and if your system gets bogged down, decrease
-+ * this number.  This can be changed with the tunelp(8) command as well.
-+ */
-+#define LP_INIT_CHAR 1000
-+/* The parallel port specs apparently say that there needs to be
-+ * a .5usec wait before and after the strobe.
-+ */
-+#define LP_INIT_WAIT 1
-+/* This is the amount of time that the driver waits for the printer to
-+ * catch up when the printer's buffer appears to be filled.  If you
-+ * want to tune this and have a fast printer (i.e. HPIIIP), decrease
-+ * this number, and if you have a slow printer, increase this number.
-+ * This is in hundredths of a second, the default 2 being .05 second.
-+ * Or use the tunelp(8) command, which is especially nice if you want
-+ * change back and forth between character and graphics printing, which
-+ * are wildly different...
-+ */
-+#define LP_INIT_TIME 2
-+/* IOCTL numbers */
-+#define LPCHAR   0x0601  /* corresponds to LP_INIT_CHAR */
-+#define LPTIME   0x0602  /* corresponds to LP_INIT_TIME */
-+#define LPABORT  0x0604  /* call with TRUE arg to abort on error,
-+			    FALSE to retry.  Default is retry.  */
-+#define LPSETIRQ 0x0605  /* call with new IRQ number,
-+			    or 0 for polling (no IRQ) */
-+#define LPGETIRQ 0x0606  /* get the current IRQ number */
-+#define LPWAIT   0x0608  /* corresponds to LP_INIT_WAIT */
-+/* NOTE: LPCAREFUL is obsoleted and it' s always the default right now -arca */
-+#define LPCAREFUL   0x0609  /* call with TRUE arg to require out-of-paper, off-
-+			    line, and error indicators good on all writes,
-+			    FALSE to ignore them.  Default is ignore. */
-+#define LPABORTOPEN 0x060a  /* call with TRUE arg to abort open() on error,
-+			    FALSE to ignore error.  Default is ignore.  */
-+#define LPGETSTATUS 0x060b  /* return LP_S(minor) */
-+#define LPRESET     0x060c  /* reset printer */
-+#ifdef LP_STATS
-+#define LPGETSTATS  0x060d  /* get statistics (struct lp_stats) */
-+#define LPGETFLAGS  0x060e  /* get status flags */
-+#define LPTRUSTIRQ  0x060f  /* set/unset the LP_TRUST_IRQ flag */
-+/* timeout for printk'ing a timeout, in jiffies (100ths of a second).
-+   This is also used for re-checking error conditions if LP_ABORT is
-+   not set.  This is the default behavior. */
-+#define LP_TIMEOUT_INTERRUPT	(60 * HZ)
-+#define LP_TIMEOUT_POLLED	(10 * HZ)
-+#ifdef __KERNEL__
-+/* Magic numbers for defining port-device mappings */
-+#define LP_PARPORT_UNSPEC -4
-+#define LP_PARPORT_AUTO -3
-+#define LP_PARPORT_OFF -2
-+#define LP_PARPORT_NONE -1
-+#define LP_F(minor)	lp_table[(minor)].flags		/* flags for busy, etc. */
-+#define LP_CHAR(minor)	lp_table[(minor)].chars		/* busy timeout */
-+#define LP_TIME(minor)	lp_table[(minor)].time		/* wait time */
-+#define LP_WAIT(minor)	lp_table[(minor)].wait		/* strobe wait */
-+#define LP_IRQ(minor)	lp_table[(minor)].dev->port->irq /* interrupt # */
-+					/* PARPORT_IRQ_NONE means polled */
-+#ifdef LP_STATS
-+#define LP_STAT(minor)	lp_table[(minor)].stats		/* statistics area */
-+#define LP_BUFFER_SIZE 256
-+#define LP_BASE(x)	lp_table[(x)].dev->port->base
-+#ifdef LP_STATS
-+struct lp_stats {
-+	unsigned long chars;
-+	unsigned long sleeps;
-+	unsigned int maxrun;
-+	unsigned int maxwait;
-+	unsigned int meanwait;
-+	unsigned int mdev;
-+struct lp_struct {
-+	struct pardevice *dev;
-+	unsigned long flags;
-+	unsigned int chars;
-+	unsigned int time;
-+	unsigned int wait;
-+	char *lp_buffer;
-+#ifdef LP_STATS
-+	unsigned int lastcall;
-+	unsigned int runchars;
-+	struct lp_stats stats;
-+	struct wait_queue *wait_q;
-+	unsigned int last_error;
-+	volatile unsigned int irq_detected:1;
-+	volatile unsigned int irq_missed:1;
-+ * The following constants describe the various signals of the printer port
-+ * hardware.  Note that the hardware inverts some signals and that some
-+ * signals are active low.  An example is LP_STROBE, which must be programmed
-+ * with 1 for being active and 0 for being inactive, because the strobe signal
-+ * gets inverted, but it is also active low.
-+ */
-+ * bit defines for 8255 status port
-+ * base + 1
-+ * accessed with LP_S(minor), which gets the byte...
-+ */
-+#define LP_PBUSY	0x80  /* inverted input, active high */
-+#define LP_PACK		0x40  /* unchanged input, active low */
-+#define LP_POUTPA	0x20  /* unchanged input, active high */
-+#define LP_PSELECD	0x10  /* unchanged input, active high */
-+#define LP_PERRORP	0x08  /* unchanged input, active low */
-+ * defines for 8255 control port
-+ * base + 2 
-+ * accessed with LP_C(minor)
-+ */
-+#define LP_PINTEN	0x10  /* high to read data in or-ed with data out */
-+#define LP_PSELECP	0x08  /* inverted output, active low */
-+#define LP_PINITP	0x04  /* unchanged output, active low */
-+#define LP_PAUTOLF	0x02  /* inverted output, active low */
-+#define LP_PSTROBE	0x01  /* short high output on raising edge */
-+ * the value written to ports to test existence. PC-style ports will 
-+ * return the value written. AT-style ports will return 0. so why not
-+ * make them the same ? 
-+ */
-+#define LP_DUMMY	0x00
-+ * This is the port delay time, in microseconds.
-+ * It is used only in the lp_init() and lp_reset() routine.
-+ */
-+#define LP_DELAY 	50
-+#define LP_POLLED(minor) (lp_table[(minor)].dev->port->irq == PARPORT_IRQ_NONE)
-+#define LP_PREEMPTED(minor) (lp_table[(minor)].dev->port->waithead != NULL)
-+ * function prototypes
-+ */
-+extern int lp_init(void);
diff --git a/devel/uisp/files/patch-linux_serial_reg.h b/devel/uisp/files/patch-linux_serial_reg.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0fb37bcf5f77..000000000000
--- a/devel/uisp/files/patch-linux_serial_reg.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-diff -urN linux_serial_reg.h.orig linux_serial_reg.h
---- linux_serial_reg.h.orig	Thu Jan  1 00:00:00 1970
-+++ linux_serial_reg.h	Fri Feb 16 20:04:51 2001
-@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
-+ * include/linux/serial_reg.h
-+ *
-+ * Copyright (C) 1992, 1994 by Theodore Ts'o.
-+ * 
-+ * Redistribution of this file is permitted under the terms of the GNU 
-+ * Public License (GPL)
-+ * 
-+ * These are the UART port assignments, expressed as offsets from the base
-+ * register.  These assignments should hold for any serial port based on
-+ * a 8250, 16450, or 16550(A).
-+ */
-+#define UART_RX		0	/* In:  Receive buffer (DLAB=0) */
-+#define UART_TX		0	/* Out: Transmit buffer (DLAB=0) */
-+#define UART_DLL	0	/* Out: Divisor Latch Low (DLAB=1) */
-+#define UART_DLM	1	/* Out: Divisor Latch High (DLAB=1) */
-+#define UART_IER	1	/* Out: Interrupt Enable Register */
-+#define UART_IIR	2	/* In:  Interrupt ID Register */
-+#define UART_FCR	2	/* Out: FIFO Control Register */
-+#define UART_EFR	2	/* I/O: Extended Features Register */
-+				/* (DLAB=1, 16C660 only) */
-+#define UART_LCR	3	/* Out: Line Control Register */
-+#define UART_MCR	4	/* Out: Modem Control Register */
-+#define UART_LSR	5	/* In:  Line Status Register */
-+#define UART_MSR	6	/* In:  Modem Status Register */
-+#define UART_SCR	7	/* I/O: Scratch Register */
-+ * These are the definitions for the FIFO Control Register
-+ * (16650 only)
-+ */
-+#define UART_FCR_ENABLE_FIFO	0x01 /* Enable the FIFO */
-+#define UART_FCR_CLEAR_RCVR	0x02 /* Clear the RCVR FIFO */
-+#define UART_FCR_CLEAR_XMIT	0x04 /* Clear the XMIT FIFO */
-+#define UART_FCR_DMA_SELECT	0x08 /* For DMA applications */
-+#define UART_FCR_TRIGGER_MASK	0xC0 /* Mask for the FIFO trigger range */
-+#define UART_FCR_TRIGGER_1	0x00 /* Mask for trigger set at 1 */
-+#define UART_FCR_TRIGGER_4	0x40 /* Mask for trigger set at 4 */
-+#define UART_FCR_TRIGGER_8	0x80 /* Mask for trigger set at 8 */
-+#define UART_FCR_TRIGGER_14	0xC0 /* Mask for trigger set at 14 */
-+/* 16650 redefinitions */
-+#define UART_FCR6_R_TRIGGER_8	0x00 /* Mask for receive trigger set at 1 */
-+#define UART_FCR6_R_TRIGGER_16	0x40 /* Mask for receive trigger set at 4 */
-+#define UART_FCR6_R_TRIGGER_24  0x80 /* Mask for receive trigger set at 8 */
-+#define UART_FCR6_R_TRIGGER_28	0xC0 /* Mask for receive trigger set at 14 */
-+#define UART_FCR6_T_TRIGGER_16	0x00 /* Mask for transmit trigger set at 16 */
-+#define UART_FCR6_T_TRIGGER_8	0x10 /* Mask for transmit trigger set at 8 */
-+#define UART_FCR6_T_TRIGGER_24  0x20 /* Mask for transmit trigger set at 24 */
-+#define UART_FCR6_T_TRIGGER_30	0x30 /* Mask for transmit trigger set at 30 */
-+/* TI 16750 definitions */
-+#define UART_FCR7_64BYTE	0x20 /* Go into 64 byte mode */
-+ * These are the definitions for the Line Control Register
-+ * 
-+ * Note: if the word length is 5 bits (UART_LCR_WLEN5), then setting 
-+ * UART_LCR_STOP will select 1.5 stop bits, not 2 stop bits.
-+ */
-+#define UART_LCR_DLAB	0x80	/* Divisor latch access bit */
-+#define UART_LCR_SBC	0x40	/* Set break control */
-+#define UART_LCR_SPAR	0x20	/* Stick parity (?) */
-+#define UART_LCR_EPAR	0x10	/* Even parity select */
-+#define UART_LCR_PARITY	0x08	/* Parity Enable */
-+#define UART_LCR_STOP	0x04	/* Stop bits: 0=1 stop bit, 1= 2 stop bits */
-+#define UART_LCR_WLEN5  0x00	/* Wordlength: 5 bits */
-+#define UART_LCR_WLEN6  0x01	/* Wordlength: 6 bits */
-+#define UART_LCR_WLEN7  0x02	/* Wordlength: 7 bits */
-+#define UART_LCR_WLEN8  0x03	/* Wordlength: 8 bits */
-+ * These are the definitions for the Line Status Register
-+ */
-+#define UART_LSR_TEMT	0x40	/* Transmitter empty */
-+#define UART_LSR_THRE	0x20	/* Transmit-hold-register empty */
-+#define UART_LSR_BI	0x10	/* Break interrupt indicator */
-+#define UART_LSR_FE	0x08	/* Frame error indicator */
-+#define UART_LSR_PE	0x04	/* Parity error indicator */
-+#define UART_LSR_OE	0x02	/* Overrun error indicator */
-+#define UART_LSR_DR	0x01	/* Receiver data ready */
-+ * These are the definitions for the Interrupt Identification Register
-+ */
-+#define UART_IIR_NO_INT	0x01	/* No interrupts pending */
-+#define UART_IIR_ID	0x06	/* Mask for the interrupt ID */
-+#define UART_IIR_MSI	0x00	/* Modem status interrupt */
-+#define UART_IIR_THRI	0x02	/* Transmitter holding register empty */
-+#define UART_IIR_RDI	0x04	/* Receiver data interrupt */
-+#define UART_IIR_RLSI	0x06	/* Receiver line status interrupt */
-+ * These are the definitions for the Interrupt Enable Register
-+ */
-+#define UART_IER_MSI	0x08	/* Enable Modem status interrupt */
-+#define UART_IER_RLSI	0x04	/* Enable receiver line status interrupt */
-+#define UART_IER_THRI	0x02	/* Enable Transmitter holding register int. */
-+#define UART_IER_RDI	0x01	/* Enable receiver data interrupt */
-+ * Sleep mode for ST16650 and TI16750.
-+ * Note that for 16650, EFR-bit 4 must be selected as well.
-+ */
-+#define UART_IERX_SLEEP  0x10	/* Enable sleep mode */
-+ * These are the definitions for the Modem Control Register
-+ */
-+#define UART_MCR_LOOP	0x10	/* Enable loopback test mode */
-+#define UART_MCR_OUT2	0x08	/* Out2 complement */
-+#define UART_MCR_OUT1	0x04	/* Out1 complement */
-+#define UART_MCR_RTS	0x02	/* RTS complement */
-+#define UART_MCR_DTR	0x01	/* DTR complement */
-+ * These are the definitions for the Modem Status Register
-+ */
-+#define UART_MSR_DCD	0x80	/* Data Carrier Detect */
-+#define UART_MSR_RI	0x40	/* Ring Indicator */
-+#define UART_MSR_DSR	0x20	/* Data Set Ready */
-+#define UART_MSR_CTS	0x10	/* Clear to Send */
-+#define UART_MSR_DDCD	0x08	/* Delta DCD */
-+#define UART_MSR_TERI	0x04	/* Trailing edge ring indicator */
-+#define UART_MSR_DDSR	0x02	/* Delta DSR */
-+#define UART_MSR_DCTS	0x01	/* Delta CTS */
-+#define UART_MSR_ANY_DELTA 0x0F	/* Any of the delta bits! */
-+ * These are the definitions for the Extended Features Register
-+ * (StarTech 16C660 only, when DLAB=1)
-+ */
-+#define UART_EFR_CTS	0x80	/* CTS flow control */
-+#define UART_EFR_RTS	0x40	/* RTS flow control */
-+#define UART_EFR_SCD	0x20	/* Special character detect */
-+#define UART_EFR_ECB	0x10	/* Enhanced control bit */
-+ * the low four bits control software flow control
-+ */
-+#endif /* _LINUX_SERIAL_REG_H */
diff --git a/devel/uisp/pkg-comment b/devel/uisp/pkg-comment
index bf3debf3c465..47fdbba1a5fa 100644
--- a/devel/uisp/pkg-comment
+++ b/devel/uisp/pkg-comment
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
 A versatile programmer for atmel AVR microcontrollers
+A versatile programmer for atmel AVR microcontrollers
diff --git a/devel/uisp/pkg-descr b/devel/uisp/pkg-descr
index fbb3e554567b..0318f8cd7ad1 100644
--- a/devel/uisp/pkg-descr
+++ b/devel/uisp/pkg-descr
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ through your parallel or serial port. Several programming hardware are
 supported, the only one I have tested and the simplest one (no component) 
 is the in-circuit parallel programmer. Schematics are available online.
 - Bruno
diff --git a/devel/uisp/pkg-plist b/devel/uisp/pkg-plist
index 5a650d204a0d..10e9ba1049ae 100644
--- a/devel/uisp/pkg-plist
+++ b/devel/uisp/pkg-plist
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
+@comment $FreeBSD$
cgit v1.2.3