| Commit message (Collapse) | Author | Age | Files | Lines |
| |
Approved by: portmgr (implicit)
| |
The WWW: lines in the pkg-descr files of these ports where not at the
end of those files and have been missed in prior conversion runs.
Approved by: portmgr (implicit)
| |
A big Thank You to the original contributors of these ports:
* <dmagda+libsamplerate@ee.ryerson.ca>
* <trasz@FreeBSD.org>
* Adam Weinberger
* Adam Weinberger <adamw@FreeBSD.org>
* Akinori MUSHA aka knu <knu@idaemons.org>
* Aleksander Fafula <alex@bsdguru.org>
* Alex Allan <alex@kamaz.org.uk>
* Alexander Botero-Lowry <alex@foxybanana.com>
* Alexander Kojevnikov <alexander@kojevnikov.com>
* Alexander Nedotsukov <bland@FreeBSD.org>
* Alexander Vereeken <Alexander88207@protonmail.com>
* Alexander Yerenkow <yerenkow@gmail.com>
* Alexandr Kovalenko <never@nevermind.kiev.ua>
* Alexey Dokuchaev <danfe@FreeBSD.org>
* Anders Nordby <anders@FreeBSD.org>
* Anders Nordby <anders@fix.no>
* Andreas Kohn <andreas@syndrom23.de>
* Andrew Pantyukhin <infofarmer@FreeBSD.org>
* Andrey Zakhvatov
* Anes Mukhametov <anes@anes.su>
* Anthony Ginepro <anthony.ginepro@laposte.net>
* Anton Yuzhaninov <citrin@citrin.ru>
* Aragon Gouveia <aragon@phat.za.net>
* Ashish SHUKLA <wahjava@gmail.com>
* Ayumi M <ayu@commun.jp>
* Ayumi Mitsui <ayu@commun.jp>
* Bartoletti <lbartoletti@FreeBSD.org>
* Bernard Spil <brnrd@FreeBSD.org>
* Bill Fenner <fenner@FreeBSD.org>
* Brad Walker <tha_walka@hotmail.com>
* Brett Taylor <brett@peloton.physics.montana.edu>
* Byung-Hee HWANG <bh@izb.knu.ac.kr>
* Carey Jones <mcj@acquiesce.org>
* Carlos J. Puga Medina <cpm@FreeBSD.org>
* Cezary Morga <cm@therek.net>
* Chao Shin <quakelee@cn.freebsd.org>
* Charles Mercadal <mercadal@diablonet.net>
* Chia-liang Kao <clkao@CirX.ORG>
* Chip Marshall <chip@eboai.org>
* Choi Jun Ho <junker@moderato.snu.ac.kr>
* Chris Piazza <cpiazza@FreeBSD.org>
* Christian Laursen <xi@borderworlds.dk>
* Christopher Key <cjk32@cam.ac.uk>
* Daniel Menelkir <dmenelkir@gmail.com>
* Daniel O'Connor
* David Bushong <david@bushong.net>
* David Le Brun <david@dyn-ns.net>
* David MacKenzie <djm@pix.net>
* David Naylor <dbn@FreeBSD.org>
* David Naylor <naylor.b.david@gmail.com>
* David Yeske <dyeske@gmail.com>
* Denise H. G. <darcsis@gmail.com>
* Dennis Herrmann <adox@mcx2.org>
* Dennis Herrmann <dhn@FreeBSD.org>
* Devon Ryan <dpryan@dpryan.com>
* Ditesh Shashikant Gathani <ditesh@gathani.org>
* Dmitry Afanasiev <KOT@MATPOCKuH.Ru>
* Dominic Mitchell <dom@happygiraffe.net>
* Dominique Goncalves <dominique.goncalves@gmail.com>
* Dryice Liu <dryice@dryice.name>
* Edward Tomasz Napierala <trasz@FreeBSD.org>
* Edward Tomasz Napierala <trasz@pin.if.uz.zgora.pl>
* Emanuel Haupt <ehaupt@FreeBSD.org>
* Emanuel Haupt <ehaupt@critical.ch>
* Eric Anholt <anholt@FreeBSD.org>
* Erik Cederstrand <erich@FreeBSD.org>
* Francisco Gomez <francisco@gomezmarin.com>
* Frank Laszlo <laszlof@vonostingroup.com>
* František Dvořák <valtri@civ.zcu.cz>
* Fraser Tweedale <frase@frase.id.au>
* Gabor Kovesdan
* Gabor Zahemszky <Gabor@Zahemszky.HU>
* Ganael Laplanche <ganael.laplanche@martymac.org>
* Gea-Suan Lin <gslin@gslin.org>
* Gennady Sorokopud <gena@NetVision.net.il>
* George Reid <greid@FreeBSD.org>
* George Reid <greid@ukug.uk.freebsd.org>
* Goran Mekić <meka@tilda.center>
* Grzegorz Blach <gblach@FreeBSD.org>
* Gustau Perez <gustau.perez@gmail.com>
* Hans Petter Selasky <hselasky@FreeBSD.org>
* Hans Petter Selasky <hselasky@freebsd.org>
* Hye-Shik Chang
* Hye-Shik Chang <perky@FreeBSD.org>
* Jaap Akkerhuis <jaap@NLnetLabs.nl>
* Jamie Heckford <jamie@blackhole.net>
* Jean-Marc Zucconi <jmz@FreeBSD.org>
* Jean-Yves Lefort <jylefort@FreeBSD.org>
* Jean-Yves Lefort <jylefort@brutele.be>
* Jerry Eriksson <jerry@freebsd.se>
* Jim Mock <jim@FreeBSD.org>
* Jin-Shan Tseng <tjs@cdpa.nsysu.edu.tw>
* Joao Carlos Mendes Luis <jonny@jonny.eng.br>
* Joe Marcus Clarke <marcus@FreeBSD.org>
* John Hixson <jhixson@FreeBSD.org>
* John Hixson <john@pcbsd.org>
* Jonathan Lennox <lennox@cs.columbia.edu>
* Joris Vandalon <joris@vandalon.nl>
* Juha Erkkilä <erkkila@cc.jyu.fi>
* Juha Nygard <juha.nygard1@netikka.fi>
* Kawaguti Ginga <ginga@athena.club.ne.jp>
* Kengo Ichiki <kichiki@users.sourceforge.net>
* Koine Yuusuke(koinec) <koinec@users.osdn.me>
* Konstantinos Konstantinidis <kkonstan@daemon.gr>
* Koop Mast <kwm@FreeBSD.org>
* Lars Engels <lars.engels@0x20.net>
* Lars Engels <lme@FreeBSD.org>
* Lars Thegler <lth@FreeBSD.org>
* Leo Kim <leo@florida.sarang.net>
* Liam J. Foy <liamfoy@sepulcrum.org>
* Manuel Creach <manuel.creach@icloud.com>
* Marc van Woerkom <3d@FreeBSD.org>
* Mario Sergio Fujikawa Ferreira <lioux@FreeBSD.org>
* Mark Felder <feld@FreeBSD.org>
* Mark Kane <mark@mkproductions.org>
* Mark Pulford <mark@kyne.com.au>
* Mark Reidel <ports@mark.reidel.info>
* Mark Reidel <ports@mark.reidle.info>
* Martin Blapp <mbr@FreeBSD.org>
* Martin Dieringer <Martin.Dieringer@t-online.de>
* Martin Kraft <martin.kraft@fal.de>
* Martin Matuska <mm@FreeBSD.org>
* Martin Wilke (miwi@FreeBSD.org)
* Martin Wilke <miwi@FreeBSD.org>
* Masanori Kiriake <seiken@nbs.co.jp>
* Mathew Kanner <mat@hak.cnd.mcgill.ca>
* Matt Tosto <datahead4@gmail.com>
* Matthias Andree <matthias.andree@gmx.de>
* Maxim Sobolev <sobomax@FreeBSD.org>
* Michael Beer <beerml@sigma6audio.de>
* Michael Haro <mharo@area51.fremont.ca.us>
* Michael Johnson <ahze@FreeBSD.org>
* Michael Johnson <ahze@ahze.net>
* Michael Nottebrock <michaelnottebrock@gmx.net>
* Michael Vasilenko <acid@stu.cn.ua>
* Mike Makonnen <mtm@identd.net>
* Munish Chopra <mchopra@engmail.uwaterloo.ca>
* Mykola Dzham <i@levsha.me>
* Nadelyaev Stanislav <funkblaster@n11.bmstu.ru>
* Necati Ersen SISECI <siseci@enderunix.org>
* Nicola Vitale <nivit@FreeBSD.org>
* Nicola Vitale <nivit@email.it>
* Nicolas Herry <nicolasherry@gmail.com>
* Oliver Breuninger <ob@breuninger.org>
* Oliver Fromme <oliver.fromme@heim3.tu-clausthal.de>
* Oliver Lehmann <oliver@FreeBSD.org>
* Olivier Duchateau
* Oyvind Moll <oyvindmo@initio.no>
* Pav Lucistnik <pav@FreeBSD.org>
* Pav Lucistnik <pav@oook.cz>
* Peter Pentchev <roam@FreeBSD.org>
* Philip Paeps <philip@paeps.cx>
* Philippe Audeoud <jadawin@tuxaco.net>
* Pietro Cerutti <gahr@FreeBSD.org>
* Piotr Kubaj <emulation@FreeBSD.org$
* Piotr Kubaj <pkubaj@anongoth.pl>
* Po-Chuan Hsieh <sunpoet@FreeBSD.org>
* Putrya Statislav
* Rahul Siddharthan <rsidd@online.fr>
* Rich Neese <r.neese@gmail.com>
* Richard Neese
* Rob Zinkov <rzinkov@gmail.com>
* Romain Tartiere <romain@blogreen.org>
* Romain Tartière <romain@blogreen.org>
* Roman Bogorodskiy
* Roman Shterenzon <roman@xpert.com>
* Sander Janssen <janssen@rendo.dekooi.nl>
* Sascha Klauder <sklauder@trimind.de>
* Satoshi Taoka <taoka@FreeBSD.org>
* Sean McGovern <sean@sfarc.net>
* Sergey Akifyev <asa@gascom.ru>
* Seth Kingsley <sethk@osd.bsdi.com>
* Simon 'corecode' Schubert <corecode@corecode.ath.cx>
* Simon Barner <barner@gmx.de>
* Stas Timokhin <stast@bsdportal.ru>
* Stefan Ehmann <shoesoft@gmx.net>
* Stefan Jahn <stefan.jahn@nemesis-sektor.de>
* Stefan Zehl <sec@42.org>
* Stepan Zastupov [RedChrom] <redchrom@gmail.com>
* Steve Wills <swills@FreeBSD.org>
* Sue Blake <sue@FreeBSD.org>
* Sunpoet Po-Chuan Hsieh <sunpoet@sunpoet.net>
* TOMIDA, Hiroaki <t.hiroaki.209 at gmail.com>
* Tatsuki Makino <tatsuki_makino@hotmail.com>
* The Anarcat <anarcat@anarcat.dyndns.org>
* Thomas Gellekum <tg@FreeBSD.org>
* Thomas M. Hermann <tmh.public@gmail.com>
* Thomas Runge <runge@rostock.zgdv.de>
* Thomas Zander <riggs@FreeBSD.org>
* Tilman Linneweh <arved@FreeBSD.org>
* Tim Bishop <tdb@FreeBSD.org>
* Timothy Beyer <beyert@cs.ucr.edu>
* Tobias Rehbein <tobias.rehbein@web.de>
* Tyler Spivey
* Ulrich Spoerlein <q@uni.de>
* Ulrich Spoerlein <uspoerlein@gmail.com>
* Vanilla I. Shu <vanilla@FreeBSD.org>
* Veniamin Gvozdikov <vg@FreeBSD.org>
* Vincent Tantardini <vinc@FreeBSD-fr.org>
* Wen Heping <wen@FreeBSD.org>
* Wen Heping <wenheping@gmail.com>
* Yanhui Shen <shen.elf@gmail.com>
* Yar Tikhiy <yar@FreeBSD.org>
* Yar Tikhiy <yar@comp.chem.msu.su>
* Ying-Chieh Liao <ijliao@FreeBSD.org>
* Yoichi Asai <yatt@luna2.org>
* Yoichi Asai <yatt@msc.biglobe.ne.jp>
* Yoshiaki Uchikawa
* Yoshihide SONODA <ysonoda@dontaku.csce.kyushu-u.ac.jp>
* Yuri Victorovich
* Yuri Victorovich <yuri@FreeBSD.org>
* Yuri Victorovich <yuri@rawbw.com>
* Zach Zurflu <zach@pabst.bendnet.com>
* Zane C. Bowers
* Zane C. Bowers-Hadley <vvelox@vvelox.net>
* Zhihao Yuan <lichray@gmail.com>
* ache
* arved
* chinsan
* chinsan <chinsan.tw@gmail.com>
* ericb@thedeepsky.com
* erich@FreeBSD.org
* faulkner@mpd.tandem.com
* gahr
* greg
* hrkfrd@googlemail.com
* ijliao
* janek@gaja.ipan.lublin.pl
* jkh
* jockl <jockl@pianojockl.org>
* kbyanc@posi.net
* kwm@rainbow-runner.nl
* lazyklimm <lazyklimm@gmail.com>
* leo
* lx
* mahonmesr@googlemail.com
* marius nuennerich
* mathias.picker@gmx.de
* michael johnson <ahze@ahze.net>
* michaelnottebrock@gmx.net and lioux@FreeBSD.org
* mtm@identd.net
* nemysis <nemysis@gmx.ch>
* nork@FreeBSD.org
* nox@jelal.kn-bremen.de
* numisemis at yahoo dot com
* patrick
* pjm <pierrejacqes.mimifir@gmail.com>
* pozar
* pst
* r.neese
* rene@FreeBSD.org (repocopied from audio/py-mpd)
* sethk
* shanee@augusta.de
* sobomax
* squell@alumina.nl
* swallace
* t.vanklaveren@student.utwente.nl
* torstenb
* trasz <trasz@FreeBSD.org
* trasz <trasz@pin.if.uz.zgora.pl>
* trevor
* ugen
* will
* yoshiaki Uchikawa
With hat: portmgr
| |
The conflict checks compare the patterns first against the package
names without version (as reported by "pkg query "%n"), then - if
there was no match - agsinst the full package names including the
version (as reported by "pkg query "%n-%v").
Approved by: portmgr (blanket)
| |
| |
PR: 213743
Submitted by: mat
Exp-run by: antoine
Sponsored by: Absolight
svn path=/head/; revision=425174
| |
With hat: portmgr
Sponsored by: Absolight
svn path=/head/; revision=412344
| |
- Replace ${MASTER_SITE_FOO} with FOO.
- Merge MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR into MASTER_SITES when possible. (This means 99.9%
of the time.)
- Remove occurrences of MASTER_SITE_LOCAL when no subdirectory was present and
no hint of what it should be was present.
- Fix some logic.
- And generally, make things more simple and easy to understand.
While there, add magic values to the FESTIVAL, GENTOO, GIMP, GNUPG, QT and
SAMBA macros.
Also, replace some EXTRACT_SUFX occurences with USES=tar:*.
Checked by: make fetch-urlall-list
With hat: portmgr
Sponsored by: Absolight
svn path=/head/; revision=386312
| |
svn path=/head/; revision=371234
| |
svn path=/head/; revision=350382
| |
svn path=/head/; revision=327706
| |
svn path=/head/; revision=326658
| |
Submitted by: trevor
With hat: portmgr
svn path=/head/; revision=311049
| |
svn path=/head/; revision=271305
| |
svn path=/head/; revision=159341
| |
svn path=/head/; revision=158119
| |
Thanks for contributing.
Since the acroread7 port is a somewhat important port for our users, I
will hand it over to emulation@ if no _active_ *committer* takes it
before the ports freeze.
While I'm here:
- fix a little nit in the csound port (I think the intention was to
create no backup file instead of creating one with a "-e" extension)
- set ARCH to i386 in the amd64 case for the acroread7 port. This
is a work-around to be able to install everything when a dependency
is not already installed (ARCH is read-only in sub-makes, so the
dependencies can't change it). This should be removed when the
dependencies are fixed or converted to use bsd.linux-rpm.mk. [1]
Not objected to by: portmgr (explicit: krion; silence: rest)
Maintainer timeout: ~4 months
Submitted by: Sangwoo Shim <sangwoos@gmail.com> [1]
PR: 87985 [1]
svn path=/head/; revision=155784
| |
svn path=/head/; revision=153010
| |
svn path=/head/; revision=99278
| |
Approved by: portmgr
svn path=/head/; revision=94764
| |
svn path=/head/; revision=94201
| |
svn path=/head/; revision=93882
| |
I have contributed, in order to attract less spam.
svn path=/head/; revision=93877
| |
I have contributed, in hopes of attracting less spam.
svn path=/head/; revision=93876
| |
This category, to be described as "of interest to disabled
users" is intended to make it simpler for users to find
software which will let them overcome a handicap. For
example, blind users may want to combine OCR and text-to-speech
software so the computer can read books to them; users with
diminished eyesight can use large fonts and "magnifiers";
paralyzed users may use speech recognition to compose text
or give commands.
PR: ports/39103
Submitted by: Trevor Johnson <trevor@jpj.net>
svn path=/head/; revision=90192
| |
svn path=/head/; revision=76700
| |
svn path=/head/; revision=59762
| |
svn path=/head/; revision=49792
| |
svn path=/head/; revision=41170
| |
Approved by: will
svn path=/head/; revision=33312
| |
relative paths. This is necessary for INDEX generation to work.
Change PORTNAME of festvox_{abc,don} to fostvox-{abc,don} for consistency
with other ports and port directory names.
Approved by: maintainer
svn path=/head/; revision=32891
commit includes the various ports festival can work with. Big thanks to
Trevor for putting in all the time to port these!
PR: 21182, 21183, 21184, 21185, 21186, 21187, 21188, 21189
21190, 21191, 21192, 21193, 21194, 21195, 21196, 21197
21198, 21199, 21200, 21201
Submitted by: Trevor Johnson <trevor@jpj.net>
Obtained from: NetBSD pkgsrc
svn path=/head/; revision=32683