diff options
9 files changed, 233 insertions, 75 deletions
diff --git a/japanese/Wnn6-lib/Makefile b/japanese/Wnn6-lib/Makefile
index e58d0553da8a..6008c0c97579 100644
--- a/japanese/Wnn6-lib/Makefile
+++ b/japanese/Wnn6-lib/Makefile
@@ -3,11 +3,11 @@
# Date created: 11 July 1997
# Whom: Satoshi Taoka <>
-# $Id: Makefile,v 1.17 1997/09/10 06:51:52 asami Exp $
+# $Id: Makefile,v 1.18 1997/09/10 07:55:37 asami Exp $
-PKGNAME= jp-Wnn6-lib-97.6.6
+PKGNAME= ja-Wnn6-lib-97.6.6
CATEGORIES= japanese
MASTER_SITES= file://localhost${PREFIX}/OMRONWnn6/wnnsdk/sdk/ \
diff --git a/japanese/Wnn6-lib/pkg-descr b/japanese/Wnn6-lib/pkg-descr
index b980c6bc8d2d..fc5a1d43283b 100644
--- a/japanese/Wnn6-lib/pkg-descr
+++ b/japanese/Wnn6-lib/pkg-descr
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-This has include files (e.g. wnn/commonhd.h) and a library (libwnn.a)
-to build Wnn6 clients. The files are included in
+This has include files (e.g. wnn/commonhd.h) and a library file
+(libwnn.a) to build Wnn6 clients. The files are included in
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ from Omron Software Co., Ltd.
| FAX: +81-44-246-6011 |
Wnn6 is one of Japanese input methods. 'Wnn6 for Linux/FreeBSD' is
supported an only Japanese method. However, Wnn4.2 which is free is
supported Chinese and Korean ones, too.
diff --git a/japanese/Wnn6/Makefile b/japanese/Wnn6/Makefile
index 4d4abfcaaca6..23ccfc1a28cd 100644
--- a/japanese/Wnn6/Makefile
+++ b/japanese/Wnn6/Makefile
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-# New ports collection makefile for: Wnn6-demo
+# New ports collection makefile for: Wnn6
# Version required: 97.6.6
# Date created: 15 July 1997
# Whom: Satoshi Taoka <>
-# $Id: Makefile,v 1.17 1997/09/10 06:51:52 asami Exp $
+# $Id: Makefile,v 1.18 1997/09/10 07:55:31 asami Exp $
-PKGNAME= jp-Wnn6-97.6.6
+PKGNAME= ja-Wnn6-97.6.6
CATEGORIES= japanese
@@ -16,74 +16,72 @@ MAINTAINER=
MOUNT_PT?= /cdrom
MOUNT_DEV?= /dev/wcd0c
-RESTRICTED= "Restrictive copyright"
-NO_CDROM= yes
+RESTRICTED= "You should buy from Omron Software Co., Ltd."
+NO_CDROM= "You should buy from Omron Software Co., Ltd."
+NO_PACKAGE= "You should buy from Omron Software Co., Ltd."
+NO_BUILD= yes
+# If ${.CURDIR}/work/.build_done (which will be ${BUILD_COOKIE}) exists,
+# we do nothing in a 'do-fetch' stage.
+.if exists(${.CURDIR}/work/.build_done)
- @echo -n "Please set the CD-ROM of 'Wnn6' into your cdrom-drive. (Press Return)"; \
+ @${ECHO} -n "Please set the CD-ROM of 'Wnn6' into your cdrom-drive. (Press Return)"; \
read dummy; \
- echo "A mount point and the device file are '${MOUNT_PT}' and '${MOUNT_DEV}' respectively."; \
- echo -n "Are these correct? (y/n) [y]"; \
+ ${ECHO} "By default, a mount point and a device file"; \
+ ${ECHO} " are '${MOUNT_PT}' and '${MOUNT_DEV}' respectively."; \
+ ${ECHO} -n "Are these correct? (y/n) [y]"; \
(read ans; \
case x$${ans} in \
xn*|xN*) \
- echo "Please rerun 'make' in specifying MOUNT_PT and MOUNT_DEV"; \
- echo "For example:"; \
- echo " make MOUNT_PT=/mnt MOUNT_DEV=/dev/cd0c"; \
+ ${ECHO} "###########################################################"; \
+ ${ECHO} "Please rerun 'make' in specifying MOUNT_PT and MOUNT_DEV"; \
+ ${ECHO} "For example:"; \
+ ${ECHO} " make MOUNT_PT=/mnt MOUNT_DEV=/dev/cd0c"; \
+ ${ECHO} "###########################################################"; \
/usr/bin/false; \
;; \
*) \
- echo "Now mounting the CD-ROM ..."; \
+ ${ECHO} "Now mounting the CD-ROM ..."; \
;; \
- @for t in `mount | grep ${MOUNT_PT}`; do \
+ @for t in `mount | ${GREP} ${MOUNT_PT}`; do \
if [ x"$$t" = x"${MOUNT_PT}" ]; then \
- echo "##################################################"; \
- echo "${MOUNT_PT} is busy"; \
- echo "Please umount ${MOUNT_PT}"; \
- echo "##################################################"; \
+ ${ECHO} "##################################################"; \
+ ${ECHO} "${MOUNT_PT} is busy"; \
+ ${ECHO} "Please 'umount ${MOUNT_PT}'"; \
+ ${ECHO} "##################################################"; \
/usr/bin/false; \
fi; \
@/sbin/mount_cd9660 ${MOUNT_DEV} ${MOUNT_PT}
@if [ ! -e ${DISTDIR}/${DISTNAME}${EXTRACT_SUFX} ]; then \
- echo "${DISTDIR}/${DISTNAME}${EXTRACT_SUFX}: No such file"; \
- echo "Perhaps the CD-ROM is not one of Wnn6"; \
+ ${ECHO} "${DISTDIR}/${DISTNAME}${EXTRACT_SUFX}: No such file"; \
+ ${ECHO} "Perhaps the CD-ROM is not one of Wnn6"; \
/sbin/umount ${MOUNT_PT}; \
- echo "Umounting is done ..."; \
+ ${ECHO} "Umounting is done ..."; \
/usr/bin/false; \
@/sbin/umount ${MOUNT_PT}
@cd ${WRKSRC}/usr; tar cf - OMRONWnn6 | (cd ${PREFIX}; tar xvpf -)
- @if [ ! -f ${STARTUP_SCRIPT} ]; then \
- echo "Installing ${STARTUP_SCRIPT} startup file."; \
- echo '#!/bin/sh' > ${STARTUP_SCRIPT}; \
- echo 'wnn6=/usr/local/bin/Wnn6/jserver' \
- >> ${STARTUP_SCRIPT} ; \
- echo 'if [ -f $$wnn6 ]; then' >> ${STARTUP_SCRIPT} ; \
- echo " echo -n ' Wnn6'" >> ${STARTUP_SCRIPT}; \
- echo ' $$wnn6' >> ${STARTUP_SCRIPT} ; \
- echo "fi" >> ${STARTUP_SCRIPT} ; \
- chmod 755 ${STARTUP_SCRIPT} ; \
- chown bin.bin ${STARTUP_SCRIPT}; \
- fi
diff --git a/japanese/Wnn6/pkg-comment b/japanese/Wnn6/pkg-comment
index 3f582ae1651f..34d5fbf9c624 100644
--- a/japanese/Wnn6/pkg-comment
+++ b/japanese/Wnn6/pkg-comment
@@ -1 +1 @@
-A Japanese input method (this is a commodity)
+A Japanese input method (this is not free)
diff --git a/japanese/Wnn6/pkg-descr b/japanese/Wnn6/pkg-descr
index 89762d5517e4..3da0e09e45a7 100644
--- a/japanese/Wnn6/pkg-descr
+++ b/japanese/Wnn6/pkg-descr
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-This is Wnn6, a Japanese input method. This software is a commodity,
-and you can buy it from Omron Software Co., Ltd.
+This is Wnn6, a Japanese input method. This software 'Wnn6' is not
+free, and you can buy it from Omron Software Co., Ltd.
| URL: |
@@ -8,15 +8,13 @@ and you can buy it from Omron Software Co., Ltd.
| FAX: +81-44-246-6011 |
-Remark 1. If you install this package, the folloing symbolic links are
+Remark 1. If a value of ${PKG_PREFIX} is not '/usr/local', the
+following symbolic links are made:
"/usr/local/bin/Wnn6" to "${PKG_PREFIX}/OMRONWnn6/Wnn6fbsd" and,
"/usr/local/lib/wnn6" to "${PKG_PREFIX}/OMRONWnn6/wnn6fbsd".
-Remark 2. We do not fetch by FTP.
+Remark 2. We do not fetch by FTP but get from CD-ROM.
- S. Taoka
diff --git a/japanese/Wnn6/pkg-install b/japanese/Wnn6/pkg-install
index aa52c4e88d69..e50af7b35e68 100644
--- a/japanese/Wnn6/pkg-install
+++ b/japanese/Wnn6/pkg-install
@@ -1,19 +1,184 @@
-if [ "$2" != "POST-INSTALL" ]; then exit 0; fi
-mkdir -p /usr/local/bin
-mkdir -p /usr/local/lib
-cd /usr/local/bin; rm -f Wnn6; ln -s ${PKG_PREFIX}/OMRONWnn6/Wnn6fbsd Wnn6
-cd /usr/local/lib; rm -f wnn6; ln -s ${PKG_PREFIX}/OMRONWnn6/wnn6fbsd wnn6
-cd ${PKG_PREFIX}/OMRONWnn6/wnn6fbsd/ja_JP; rm -f dic; ln -s ../../wnn6dic dic
-chown -R 127.bin ${PKG_PREFIX}/OMRONWnn6
-echo "######################################################################"
-echo "Execute ${PKG_PREFIX}/OMRONWnn6/ for startup configuration."
-if [ X${PKG_PREFIX} != X"/usr/local" ]; then
- echo
- echo "Warning!!"
- echo "We made symbolic links from \"/usr/local/bin/Wnn6\" to \"${PKG_PREFIX}/OMRONWnn6/Wnn6fbsd\""
- echo "and from \"/usr/local/lib/wnn6\" to \"${PKG_PREFIX}/OMRONWnn6/wnn6fbsd\""
-echo "######################################################################"
+# an installation script for Wnn6
+ if which -s pw; then
+ :
+ else
+ cat <<EOF
+This system looks like a pre-2.2 version of FreeBSD. We see that it
+is missing the "pw" utility. We need this utility. Please get and
+install it, and try again. You can get the source from:
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ask() {
+ local question default answer
+ question=$1
+ default=$2
+ if [ -z "${PACKAGE_BUILDING}" ]; then
+ read -p "${question} (y/n) [${default}]? " answer
+ fi
+ if [ x${answer} = x ]; then
+ answer=${default}
+ fi
+ echo ${answer}
+yesno() {
+ local dflt question answer
+ question=$1
+ dflt=$2
+ while :; do
+ answer=$(ask "${question}" "${dflt}")
+ case "${answer}" in
+ [Yy]*) return 0;;
+ [Nn]*) return 1;;
+ esac
+ echo "Please answer yes or no."
+ done
+case $2 in
+ ## Hack /etc/services ##
+ FILE="/etc/services"
+ # check
+ OK=no
+ HAS_WNN6=no
+ for i in `grep wnn6 $FILE `; do
+ if [ $COUNT = 1 ] && [ X"$i" = X"wnn6" ]; then
+ HAS_WNN6=yes
+ elif [ $COUNT = 2 ] && [ $HAS_WNN6 = yes ] && \
+ [ X"$i" = X"22273/tcp" ]; then
+ OK=yes
+ break
+ fi
+ COUNT=`expr ${COUNT} + 1`
+ done
+ # add an entry for wnn6 to /etc/services
+ if [ $OK = no ]; then
+ echo "This system has no entry for Wnn6 in ${FILE}"
+ if yesno "Would you like to add it automatically?" y; then
+ mv ${FILE} ${FILE}.bak
+ (grep -v wnn6 ${FILE}.bak ; \
+ echo "wnn6 22273/tcp # Wnn6") >> ${FILE}
+ rm ${FILE}.bak
+ else
+ echo "Please add 'wnn6 22273/tcp' into ${FILE}, and try again."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ ## Hack /etc/master.passwd ##
+ # check
+ id_69=`id -u 69 2> /dev/null`
+ id_wnn=`id -u wnn 2> /dev/null`
+ if [ X"$id_wnn" = X69 ];then
+ exit 0
+ elif [ X"$id_69" != X ]; then
+cat <<EOF
+This system already has an account whose name is not 'wnn' and ID
+number is 69.
+ '`id 69`'
+For Wnn6 in this port or package, ID number of 'wnn' has to be 69.
+Please try again after you delete the account.
+ exit 1
+ elif [ X"$id_wnn" != X ]; then
+ cat <<EOF
+This system has an 'wnn' account whose ID number is $id_wnn. It seems
+that Wnn4.2 has been already installed. For Wnn6 in this ports or
+package, ID number of 'wnn' has to be 69. So we do the following two
+1) You should delete the account.
+2) It seems that all of files or directories for Wnn4.2 are in
+ ${PKG_PREFIX}/lib/wnn and ${PKG_PREFIX}/bin. You should change these ID
+ number from '$id_wnn' to '69'.
+ Notice: After doing 1) and 2), we will create a new 'wnn' account
+ whose ID number is '69'.
+ if yesno "Would you like to do the above things automatically" y; then
+ # We need a command 'pw(8)'
+ check_pw
+ pw userdel wnn
+ if [ $? != 0 ]; then
+ echo ""
+ echo "Cannot delete it. Please do it, and try again."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ find ${PKG_PREFIX}/lib/wnn ${PKG_PREFIX}/bin \
+ -user $id_wnn -exec chown 69 {} \;
+ else
+ echo "Please do those, and try again."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ # add an account 'wnn' to this system
+ echo ""
+ echo "You need an account 'wnn' whose ID number is 69"
+ if yesno "Would you like to create it automatically?" y; then
+ # We need a command 'pw(8)'
+ check_pw
+ pw useradd wnn -u 69 -g 7 -h - -d /nonexistent \
+ -s /nonexistent -c Wnn6 || exit
+ else
+ echo "Please create it, and try again."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ ;;
+ mkdir -p /usr/local/bin
+ mkdir -p /usr/local/lib
+ cd /usr/local/bin; rm -f Wnn6; ln -s ${PKG_PREFIX}/OMRONWnn6/Wnn6fbsd Wnn6
+ cd /usr/local/lib; rm -f wnn6; ln -s ${PKG_PREFIX}/OMRONWnn6/wnn6fbsd wnn6
+ if [ X${PKG_PREFIX} != X"/usr/local" ]; then
+ echo
+ echo "Warning!!"
+ echo "We made symbolic links from \"/usr/local/bin/Wnn6\" to \"${PKG_PREFIX}/OMRONWnn6/Wnn6fbsd\""
+ echo "and from \"/usr/local/lib/wnn6\" to \"${PKG_PREFIX}/OMRONWnn6/wnn6fbsd\""
+ fi
+ cd ${PKG_PREFIX}/OMRONWnn6/wnn6fbsd/ja_JP; rm -f dic; ln -s ../../wnn6dic dic
+ chown -R wnn ${PKG_PREFIX}/OMRONWnn6
+ ## create a startup script ##
+ wnnserver=/usr/local/bin/Wnn6/jserver
+ wnnname=Wnn6
+ startup_script=${PKG_PREFIX}/etc/rc.d/${wnnname}.sh
+ if [ ! -f ${startup_script} ]; then
+ echo "Installing ${startup_script} startup file."
+ echo '#!/bin/sh' > ${startup_script};
+ echo "wnn=${wnnserver}" >> ${startup_script};
+ echo 'if [ -f $wnn ]; then' >> ${startup_script};
+ echo " echo -n ' ${wnnname}'" >> ${startup_script};
+ echo ' $wnn' >> ${startup_script};
+ echo "fi" >> ${startup_script};
+ chmod 755 ${startup_script}
+ chown bin.bin ${startup_script}
+ fi
+ ;;
diff --git a/japanese/Wnn6/pkg-plist b/japanese/Wnn6/pkg-plist
index f4876e2547d1..12665a4fe840 100644
--- a/japanese/Wnn6/pkg-plist
+++ b/japanese/Wnn6/pkg-plist
@@ -87,7 +87,6 @@ OMRONWnn6/Wnn6fbsd/wnntouch
@dirrm OMRONWnn6/wnnsdk/sdk
@dirrm OMRONWnn6/wnnsdk/mule-2.2.2
@dirrm OMRONWnn6/wnnsdk
@@ -101,6 +100,6 @@ OMRONWnn6/
@dirrm OMRONWnn6/doc
@dirrm OMRONWnn6/Wnn6fbsd
@dirrm OMRONWnn6
@unexec rm /usr/local/bin/Wnn6
@unexec rm /usr/local/lib/wnn6
diff --git a/japanese/Wnn7-lib/Makefile b/japanese/Wnn7-lib/Makefile
index e58d0553da8a..6008c0c97579 100644
--- a/japanese/Wnn7-lib/Makefile
+++ b/japanese/Wnn7-lib/Makefile
@@ -3,11 +3,11 @@
# Date created: 11 July 1997
# Whom: Satoshi Taoka <>
-# $Id: Makefile,v 1.17 1997/09/10 06:51:52 asami Exp $
+# $Id: Makefile,v 1.18 1997/09/10 07:55:37 asami Exp $
-PKGNAME= jp-Wnn6-lib-97.6.6
+PKGNAME= ja-Wnn6-lib-97.6.6
CATEGORIES= japanese
MASTER_SITES= file://localhost${PREFIX}/OMRONWnn6/wnnsdk/sdk/ \
diff --git a/japanese/Wnn7-lib/pkg-descr b/japanese/Wnn7-lib/pkg-descr
index b980c6bc8d2d..fc5a1d43283b 100644
--- a/japanese/Wnn7-lib/pkg-descr
+++ b/japanese/Wnn7-lib/pkg-descr
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-This has include files (e.g. wnn/commonhd.h) and a library (libwnn.a)
-to build Wnn6 clients. The files are included in
+This has include files (e.g. wnn/commonhd.h) and a library file
+(libwnn.a) to build Wnn6 clients. The files are included in
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ from Omron Software Co., Ltd.
| FAX: +81-44-246-6011 |
Wnn6 is one of Japanese input methods. 'Wnn6 for Linux/FreeBSD' is
supported an only Japanese method. However, Wnn4.2 which is free is
supported Chinese and Korean ones, too.