path: root/mail/exim-old
diff options
authorSheldon Hearn <>2001-06-14 18:43:05 +0000
committerSheldon Hearn <>2001-06-14 18:43:05 +0000
commit98bfa4fbf7b135d4c44b5820d735d58fd094c37a (patch)
treecff3832118794a08a3e72c97fbf0c3bbc5bff2c5 /mail/exim-old
parentChange ${RM} to ${RM} -f in post-build, otherwise things stop (diff)
Retire our local copy of configure.default, which is a maintenance pain.
Replace it with a patch against the distribution configure.default, which changes as little as possible so that folks who are accustomed to Exim on other platforms will not be astonished. Install the file as configure.default instead of configure.sample, since it's as close as damnit to the default Exim configuration file. The only arguably unnecessary deviation from the default is: * Accept SMTP relay from the loopback IP address. Too many applications require this, and the window of abuse is arguably negligible.
Notes: svn path=/head/; revision=44004
Diffstat (limited to 'mail/exim-old')
7 files changed, 56 insertions, 381 deletions
diff --git a/mail/exim-old/Makefile b/mail/exim-old/Makefile
index 1c2ec7ffbb89..7052d853ce18 100644
--- a/mail/exim-old/Makefile
+++ b/mail/exim-old/Makefile
@@ -165,8 +165,6 @@ SEDLIST+= -e 's,^\# LOOKUP_CDB=,LOOKUP_CDB=,'
${MKDIR} ${WRKSRC}/Local
${SED} ${SEDLIST} < ${WRKSRC}/src/EDITME > ${WRKSRC}/Local/Makefile
- ${SED} ${SEDLIST} < ${FILESDIR}/configure.default \
- > ${WRKSRC}/src/configure.default
${CP} ${WRKSRC}/exim_monitor/EDITME ${WRKSRC}/Local/eximon.conf
cd ${WRKSRC}/doc && \
for i in ../../exim-texinfo-3.20/doc/* ; do \
diff --git a/mail/exim-old/files/configure.default b/mail/exim-old/files/configure.default
deleted file mode 100644
index 9028f34c880f..000000000000
--- a/mail/exim-old/files/configure.default
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,372 +0,0 @@
-# Runtime configuration file for Exim #
-# This is a default configuration file which will operate correctly in
-# uncomplicated installations. Please see the manual for a complete list
-# of all the runtime configuration options that can be included in a
-# configuration file. There are many more than are mentioned here. The
-# manual is in the file doc/spec.txt in the Exim distribution as a plain
-# ASCII file. Other formats (PostScript, Texinfo, HTML, PDF) are available
-# from the Exim ftp sites. The manual is also online via the Exim web sites.
-# This file is divided into several parts, all but the last of which are
-# terminated by a line containing the word "end". The parts must appear
-# in the correct order, and all must be present (even if some of them are
-# in fact empty). Blank lines, and lines starting with # are ignored.
-# Specify your host's canonical name here. This should normally be the fully
-# qualified "official" name of your host. If this option is not set, the
-# uname() function is called to obtain the name.
-# primary_hostname =
-# Specify the domain you want to be added to all unqualified addresses
-# here. An unqualified address is one that does not contain an "@" character
-# followed by a domain. For example, "caesar@rome.ex" is a fully qualified
-# address, but the string "caesar" (i.e. just a login name) is an unqualified
-# email address. Unqualified addresses are accepted only from local callers by
-# default. See the receiver_unqualified_{hosts,nets} options if you want
-# to permit unqualified addresses from remote sources. If this option is
-# not set, the primary_hostname value is used for qualification.
-# qualify_domain =
-# If you want unqualified recipient addresses to be qualified with a different
-# domain to unqualified sender addresses, specify the recipient domain here.
-# If this option is not set, the qualify_domain value is used.
-# qualify_recipient =
-# Specify your local domains as a colon-separated list here. If this option
-# is not set (i.e. not mentioned in the configuration file), the
-# qualify_recipient value is used as the only local domain. If you do not want
-# to do any local deliveries, uncomment the following line, but do not supply
-# any data for it. This sets local_domains to an empty string, which is not
-# the same as not mentioning it at all. An empty string specifies that there
-# are no local domains; not setting it at all causes the default value (the
-# setting of qualify_recipient) to be used.
-# local_domains =
-# If you want to accept mail addressed to your host's literal IP address, for
-# example, mail addressed to "user@[]", then uncomment the
-# following line, or supply the literal domain(s) as part of "local_domains"
-# above.
-# local_domains_include_host_literals
-# No local deliveries will ever be run under the uids of these users (a colon-
-# separated list). An attempt to do so gets changed so that it runs under the
-# uid of "nobody" instead. This is a paranoic safety catch. Note the default
-# setting means you cannot deliver mail addressed to root as if it were a
-# normal user. This isn't usually a problem, as most sites have an alias for
-# root that redirects such mail to a human administrator.
-exim_user = sendmail
-exim_group = mail
-never_users = root
-# The use of your host as a mail relay by any host, including the local host
-# calling its own SMTP port, is locked out by default. If you want to permit
-# relaying from the local host, you should set
-# host_accept_relay = localhost
-# If you want to permit relaying through your host from certain hosts or IP
-# networks, you need to set the option appropriately, for example
-# host_accept_relay = :
-# If you are an MX backup or gateway of some kind for some domains, you must
-# set relay_domains to match those domains. This will allow any host to
-# relay through your host to those domains.
-# See the section of the manual entitled "Control of relaying" for more
-# information.
-host_accept_relay = ""
-# The setting below causes Exim to do a reverse DNS lookup on all incoming
-# IP calls, in order to get the true host name. If you feel this is too
-# expensive, you can specify the networks for which a lookup is done, or
-# remove the setting entirely.
-host_lookup =
-# By default, Exim expects all envelope addresses to be fully qualified, that
-# is, they must contain both a local part and a domain. If you want to accept
-# unqualified addresses (just a local part) from certain hosts, you can specify
-# these hosts by setting one or both of
-# receiver_unqualified_hosts =
-# sender_unqualified_hosts =
-# to control sender and receiver addresses, respectively. When this is done,
-# unqualified addresses are qualified using the settings of qualify_domain
-# and/or qualify_recipient (see above).
-# By default, Exim does not make any checks, other than syntactic ones, on
-# incoming addresses during the SMTP dialogue. This reduces delays in SMTP
-# transactions, but it does mean that you might accept messages with unknown
-# recipients, and/or bad senders.
-# Uncomment this line if you want incoming recipient addresses to be verified
-# during the SMTP dialogue. Unknown recipients are then rejected at this stage,
-# and the generation of a failure message is the job of the sending host.
-# receiver_verify
-# Uncomment this line if you want incoming sender addresses (return-paths) to
-# be verified during the SMTP dialogue. Verification can normally only check
-# that the domain exists.
-# sender_verify
-# Exim contains support for the Realtime Blocking List (RBL) that is being
-# maintained as part of the DNS. See for background.
-# Uncommenting the first line below will make Exim reject mail from any
-# host whose IP address is blacklisted in the RBL at Some
-# others have followed the RBL lead and have produced other lists: DUL is
-# a list of dial-up addresses, and ORBS is a list of open relay systems. The
-# second line below checks all three lists.
-# rbl_domains =
-# rbl_domains =
-# If you want Exim to support the "percent hack" for all your local domains,
-# uncomment the following line. This is the feature by which mail addressed
-# to x%y@z (where z is one of your local domains) is locally rerouted to
-# x@y and sent on. Otherwise x%y is treated as an ordinary local part.
-# percent_hack_domains = *
-pid_file_path = /var/run/
-log_file_path = /var/log/exim/%slog
-# Only one appropriate transport is called for each delivery. #
-# A transport is used only when referenced from a director or a router that
-# successfully handles an address.
-# This transport is used for delivering messages over SMTP connections.
- driver = smtp
-# This transport is used for local delivery to user mailboxes. By default
-# it will be run under the uid and gid of the local user, and requires
-# the sticky bit to be set on the /var/mail directory. Some systems use
-# the alternative approach of running mail deliveries under a particular
-# group instead of using the sticky bit. The commented options below show
-# how this can be done.
- driver = appendfile
- file = /var/mail/${local_part}
- delivery_date_add
- envelope_to_add
- return_path_add
- group = mail
- mode = 0660
-# This transport is used for handling pipe deliveries generated by alias
-# or .forward files. If the pipe generates any standard output, it is returned
-# to the sender of the message as a delivery error. Set return_fail_output
-# instead of return_output if you want this to happen only when the pipe fails
-# to complete normally. You can set different transports for aliases and
-# forwards if you want to - see the references to address_pipe below.
- driver = pipe
- return_output
-# This transport is used for handling deliveries directly to files that are
-# generated by aliassing or forwarding.
- driver = appendfile
- delivery_date_add
- envelope_to_add
- return_path_add
-# This transport is used for handling autoreplies generated by the filtering
-# option of the forwardfile director.
- driver = autoreply
-# Specifies how local addresses are handled #
-# A local address is passed to each in turn until it is accepted. #
-# Local addresses are those with a domain that matches some item in the
-# "local_domains" setting above, or those which are passed back from the
-# routers because of a "self=local" setting (not used in this configuration).
-# This director handles aliasing using a traditional /etc/aliases file.
-# If any of your aliases expand to pipes or files, you will need to set
-# up a user and a group for these deliveries to run under. You can do
-# this by uncommenting the "user" option below (changing the user name
-# as appropriate) and adding a "group" option if necessary. Alternatively, you
-# can specify "user" on the transports that are used. Note that those
-# listed below are the same as are used for .forward files; you might want
-# to set up different ones for pipe and file deliveries from aliases.
- driver = aliasfile
- file = /etc/aliases
- search_type = lsearch
- file_transport = address_file
- pipe_transport = address_pipe
- user = XX_BINOWN_XX
-# This director handles forwarding using traditional .forward files.
-# If you want it also to allow mail filtering when a forward file
-# starts with the string "# Exim filter", uncomment the "filter" option.
-# The no_verify setting means that this director will be skipped when
-# verifying addresses if sender_verify or receiver_verify is set (though
-# they are not set by default). Similarly, no_expn means that this director
-# will be skipped if smtp_expn_hosts is set to allow any hosts to use the
-# EXPN command.
-# The check_ancestor option means that if the forward file generates an
-# address that is an ancestor of the current one, the current one gets
-# passed on instead. This covers the case where A is aliased to B and B
-# has a .forward file pointing to A.
-# The three transports specified at the end are those that are used when
-# forwarding generates a direct delivery to a file, or to a pipe, or sets
-# up an auto-reply, respectively.
- driver = forwardfile
- file = .forward
- no_verify
- no_expn
- check_ancestor
-# filter
- file_transport = address_file
- pipe_transport = address_pipe
- reply_transport = address_reply
- match_directory = !^/nonexistent
-# This director matches local user mailboxes.
- driver = localuser
- transport = local_delivery
-# Specifies how remote addresses are handled #
-# A remote address is passed to each in turn until it is accepted. #
-# Remote addresses are those with a domain that does not match any item
-# in the "local_domains" setting above.
-# This router routes to remote hosts over SMTP using a DNS lookup with
-# default options.
- driver = lookuphost
- transport = remote_smtp
-# This router routes to remote hosts over SMTP by explicit IP address,
-# given as a "domain literal" in the form [nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn]. The RFCs
-# require this facility, which is why it is enabled by default in Exim.
-# If you want to lock it out, set forbid_domain_literals in the main
-# configuration section above.
- driver = ipliteral
- transport = remote_smtp
-# This single retry rule applies to all domains and all errors. It specifies
-# retries every 15 minutes for 2 hours, then increasing retry intervals,
-# starting at 1 hour and increasing each time by a factor of 1.5, up to 16
-# hours, then retries every 8 hours until 4 days have passed since the first
-# failed delivery.
-# Domain Error Retries
-# ------ ----- -------
-* * F,2h,15m; G,16h,1h,1.5; F,4d,8h
-# There are no rewriting specifications in this default configuration file.
-# End of Exim configuration file
diff --git a/mail/exim-old/files/patch-aa b/mail/exim-old/files/patch-aa
index 47b2595e1088..614884508733 100644
--- a/mail/exim-old/files/patch-aa
+++ b/mail/exim-old/files/patch-aa
@@ -42,10 +42,10 @@ This patch makes three changes to the exim_install script:
- echo $com because there is no existing configuration file.
- echo ${CP} ../src/configure.default ${CONFIGURE_FILE}
- ${real} ${CP} ../src/configure.default ${CONFIGURE_FILE}
-+ echo $com Installing sample configuration file
++ echo $com Installing default configuration file in ${CONFIGURE_FILE%/*}/configure.default
+ ${real} mkdir -p ${CONFIGURE_FILE%/*}
-+ echo ${CP} ../src/configure.default ${CONFIGURE_FILE}.sample
-+ ${real} ${CP} ../src/configure.default ${CONFIGURE_FILE}.sample
++ echo ${CP} ../src/configure.default ${CONFIGURE_FILE%/*}
++ ${real} ${CP} ../src/configure.default ${CONFIGURE_FILE%/*}
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo $com ""
echo $com "*** Exim installation ${ver}failed ***"
diff --git a/mail/exim-old/files/patch-src::EDITME b/mail/exim-old/files/patch-src::EDITME
index e5f897f0c3bd..2b4699382ff8 100644
--- a/mail/exim-old/files/patch-src::EDITME
+++ b/mail/exim-old/files/patch-src::EDITME
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
# installations may want something like this:
-# LOG_FILE_PATH=/var/log/exim_%slog
# which results in files with names /var/log/exim_mainlog, etc. The directory
# in which the log files are placed must exist; Exim does not try to create
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
# them. Some installations may want something like this
-# PID_FILE_PATH=/var/lock/
-+# PID_FILE_PATH=/var/run/
# If PID_FILE_PATH is not defined, Exim writes a file in its spool directory
# (see SPOOL_DIRECTORY below) with the name "" for the standard
diff --git a/mail/exim-old/files/patch-src::configure.default b/mail/exim-old/files/patch-src::configure.default
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9096beabbc5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail/exim-old/files/patch-src::configure.default
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+--- src/configure.default.orig Thu Jun 14 19:39:54 2001
++++ src/configure.default Thu Jun 14 20:10:52 2001
+@@ -99,6 +99,8 @@
+ # normal user. This isn't usually a problem, as most sites have an alias for
+ # root that redirects such mail to a human administrator.
++exim_user = sendmail
++exim_group = mail
+ never_users = root
+@@ -122,6 +124,8 @@
+ # See the section of the manual entitled "Control of relaying" for more
+ # information.
++host_accept_relay =
+ # The setting below causes Exim to do a reverse DNS lookup on all incoming
+ # IP calls, in order to get the true host name. If you feel this is too
+@@ -230,8 +234,8 @@
+ delivery_date_add
+ envelope_to_add
+ return_path_add
+-# group = mail
+-# mode = 0660
++ group = mail
++ mode = 0660
+ # This transport is used for handling pipe deliveries generated by alias
+@@ -294,7 +298,8 @@
+ driver = aliasfile
+ file = /etc/aliases
+ search_type = lsearch
+-# user = exim
++ user = sendmail
++ group = mail
+ file_transport = address_file
+ pipe_transport = address_pipe
+@@ -328,6 +333,7 @@
+ file_transport = address_file
+ pipe_transport = address_pipe
+ reply_transport = address_reply
++ match_directory = !^/nonexistent
+ # This director matches local user mailboxes.
diff --git a/mail/exim-old/pkg-message b/mail/exim-old/pkg-message
index f2e1f7151740..4cd17b173628 100644
--- a/mail/exim-old/pkg-message
+++ b/mail/exim-old/pkg-message
@@ -11,5 +11,5 @@ as a comprehensive FAQ list, are available on the Exim web site:
To activate Exim:
-1) Create exim/configure from exim/configure.sample .
+1) Create exim/configure from exim/configure.default .
2) Use the rc.d/exim/sh script to start the Exim daemon .
diff --git a/mail/exim-old/pkg-plist b/mail/exim-old/pkg-plist
index d0d5a83887ef..81a349674177 100644
--- a/mail/exim-old/pkg-plist
+++ b/mail/exim-old/pkg-plist
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@