path: root/ftp
diff options
authorPete Fritchman <>2002-07-21 18:48:30 +0000
committerPete Fritchman <>2002-07-21 18:48:30 +0000
commit4953b6fddd2673c380744c3e8d77923612b4b1e6 (patch)
tree6f1cb98868d16c5421e7925378697f33cfa2fe97 /ftp
parentFixed build on -CURRENT by replacing the matching but non-working 3.x (diff)
1. fix a bug where kbear would crash if you clicked on an MP3 file
2. add FreeBSD mirrors to the default kbear bookmarks 3. bump PORTREVISION PR: 40731 Submitted by: maintainer Obtained from: kbear author (1)
Notes: svn path=/head/; revision=63327
Diffstat (limited to 'ftp')
3 files changed, 1061 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ftp/kbear/Makefile b/ftp/kbear/Makefile
index 153ca74a32bf..b42b847d4b1b 100644
--- a/ftp/kbear/Makefile
+++ b/ftp/kbear/Makefile
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
diff --git a/ftp/kbear/files/patch-kbeardirlister.cpp b/ftp/kbear/files/patch-kbeardirlister.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..121bc3c45bf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ftp/kbear/files/patch-kbeardirlister.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+--- kbear/parts/filesyspart/kbeardirlister.cpp Thu Jun 20 18:51:32 2002
++++ kbear/parts/filesyspart/kbeardirlister.cpp Wed Jul 17 10:18:18 2002
+@@ -30,16 +30,17 @@
+ #include <kdirlister.h>
+ #include <kapplication.h>
+ #include <kdirwatch.h>
+ #include <kconfig.h>
+ #include <kio/slave.h>
+ #include <kio/scheduler.h>
+ #include <kparts/part.h>
+ #include <kparts/componentfactory.h>
++#include <ktrader.h>
+ #include <kdebug.h>
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Application specific include files
+ #include "kbeardirlister.h"
+ #include "../../base/kbearlistjob.h"
+ #include "../../base/kbeardeletejob.h"
+ #include "../../base/kbearconnectionmanager.h"
+@@ -98,34 +99,40 @@
+ }
+ //-----------------------------------------------
+ KParts::ReadOnlyPart* KBearDirLister::getPreviewPartInternal( const QString& mime ) {
+ kdDebug()<<"KBearDirLister::getPreviewPartInternal() mime in="<<mime<<endl;
+ // first we need to find out if user want ReadOnly, ReadWrite or want to be asked
+ QString oldGroup = kapp->config()->group();
+ kapp->config()->setGroup("General");
+ unsigned int viewMode = kapp->config()->readUnsignedNumEntry( "Preview Mode", 0 );
+ if( viewMode == 2 ) { // Ask
+ int ret = KMessageBox::questionYesNoCancel( 0L, i18n( "Do you want to open the file in read only mode or in read/write mode ?"),
+ i18n("Select view mode..."), KGuiItem(i18n("Read only")), KGuiItem(i18n("Read/write")) );
+ if( ret == KMessageBox::Cancel )
+ m_partViewer = (KParts::ReadOnlyPart*)1;
+ else if( ret == KMessageBox::No )
+ viewMode = 1; // ReadWrite
+ }
++ QObject* obj = 0L;
+ if( viewMode == 1 ) { // ReadWrite
+- m_partViewer = KParts::ComponentFactory::
+- createPartInstanceFromQuery<KParts::ReadWritePart>
+- ( mime, QString::null, m_partViewerWidget, "PreviewWidget", m_partViewerWidget, "PreviewPart" );
+- }
+- if( ! m_partViewer ) { // ReadOnly
+- m_partViewer = KParts::ComponentFactory::
+- createPartInstanceFromQuery<KParts::ReadOnlyPart>
+- ( mime, QString::null, m_partViewerWidget, "PreviewWidget", m_partViewerWidget, "PreviewPart" );
++ obj = KParts::ComponentFactory::
++ createInstanceFromQuery<KParts::ReadWritePart>
++ ( mime, QString::null, m_partViewerWidget, "PreviewPart" );
++ }
++ if( ! obj ) { // ReadOnly
++ obj = KParts::ComponentFactory::
++ createInstanceFromQuery<KParts::ReadOnlyPart>
++ ( mime, QString::null, m_partViewerWidget, "PreviewPart" );
+ }
++ if( obj )
++ m_partViewer = dynamic_cast<KParts::ReadOnlyPart*>( obj );
+ kapp->config()->setGroup( oldGroup );
+ return m_partViewer;
+ }
+ //-----------------------------------------------
+ KParts::ReadOnlyPart* KBearDirLister::getPreviewPart( const KURL& url, QWidget* parent ) {
+ kdDebug()<<"KBearDirLister::getPreviewPart url="<<url.prettyURL()<<endl;
+ m_previewURL = url;
+ m_mime = QString::null;
+@@ -173,18 +180,18 @@
+ KMessageBox::detailedError( 0L, list[1], list[2], list[0] );
+ }
+ m_mime = "error";
+ }
+ //-----------------------------------------------
+ void KBearDirLister::slotMimeType( KIO::Job*, const QString& mime ) {
+ kdDebug()<<"KBearDirLister::slotMimeType() mime="<<mime<<endl;
+ m_partViewer = getPreviewPartInternal( mime );
+- if( (int)m_partViewer > 1 ) {
+- connectionManager->putOnHold( (unsigned long)this );
++ if( m_partViewer && (int)m_partViewer > 1 ) {
++ connectionManager->putOnHold( (unsigned long)this );
+ connect( m_slave, SIGNAL( infoMessage( const QString& ) ),
+ this, SIGNAL( infoMessage( const QString& ) ) );
+ }
+ m_mime = mime;
+ }
+ //-----------------------------------------------
+ void KBearDirLister::slotDisconnectSlaveInfo() {
+ disconnect( m_slave, SIGNAL( infoMessage( const QString& ) ),
diff --git a/ftp/kbear/files/patch-sitemanager.xml b/ftp/kbear/files/patch-sitemanager.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..10e60f2ddcba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ftp/kbear/files/patch-sitemanager.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,970 @@
+--- kbear/plugins/sitemanager/sitemanager.xml.orig Thu Jul 18 18:00:11 2002
++++ kbear/plugins/sitemanager/sitemanager.xml Thu Jul 18 21:28:50 2002
+@@ -345,16 +345,957 @@
+ <group label="Imported Bookmarks" />
+ <group label="Personal" />
+ <group label="BSD Sites" >
+- <site label="FreeBSD" >
+- <protocol>ftp</protocol>
+- <host></host>
+- <port>21</port>
+- <remote_path>/pub/FreeBSD</remote_path>
+- <description/>
+- <anonymous/>
+- <mark_partial/>
+- <auto_reconnect sleep="30" count="10" />
+- </site>
++ <group label="FreeBSD">
++ <site label="FreeBSD" >
++ <protocol>ftp</protocol>
++ <host></host>
++ <port>21</port>
++ <remote_path>/pub/FreeBSD</remote_path>
++ <description/>
++ <anonymous/>
++ <mark_partial/>
++ <auto_reconnect sleep="30" count="10" />
++ </site>
++ <group label="FreeBSD Mirrors in Africa">
++ <site label="South Africa" >
++ <protocol>ftp</protocol>
++ <host></host>
++ <port>21</port>
++ <remote_path>/pub/FreeBSD</remote_path>
++ <description/>
++ <anonymous/>
++ <mark_partial/>
++ <auto_reconnect sleep="30" count="10" />
++ </site>
++ <site label="South Africa (ftp2)" >
++ <protocol>ftp</protocol>
++ <host></host>
++ <port>21</port>
++ <remote_path>/pub/FreeBSD</remote_path>
++ <description/>
++ <anonymous/>
++ <mark_partial/>
++ <auto_reconnect sleep="30" count="10" />
++ </site>
++ <site label="South Africa (ftp3)" >
++ <protocol>ftp</protocol>
++ <host></host>
++ <port>21</port>
++ <remote_path>/pub/FreeBSD</remote_path>
++ <description/>
++ <anonymous/>
++ <mark_partial/>
++ <auto_reconnect sleep="30" count="10" />
++ </site>
++ <site label="South Africa (ftp4)" >
++ <protocol>ftp</protocol>
++ <host></host>
++ <port>21</port>
++ <remote_path>/pub/FreeBSD</remote_path>
++ <description/>
++ <anonymous/>
++ <mark_partial/>
++ <auto_reconnect sleep="30" count="10" />
++ </site>
++ </group>
++ <group label="FreeBSD mirrors in Asia">
++ <site label="China" >
++ <protocol>ftp</protocol>
++ <host></host>
++ <port>21</port>
++ <remote_path>/pub/FreeBSD</remote_path>
++ <description/>
++ <anonymous/>
++ <mark_partial/>
++ <auto_reconnect sleep="30" count="10" />
++ </site>
++ <site label="Hong Kong" >
++ <protocol>ftp</protocol>
++ <host></host>
++ <port>21</port>
++ <remote_path>/pub/FreeBSD</remote_path>
++ <description/>
++ <anonymous/>
++ <mark_partial/>
++ <auto_reconnect sleep="30" count="10" />
++ </site>
++ <site label="Israel" >
++ <protocol>ftp</protocol>
++ <host></host>
++ <port>21</port>
++ <remote_path>/pub/FreeBSD</remote_path>
++ <description/>
++ <anonymous/>
++ <mark_partial/>
++ <auto_reconnect sleep="30" count="10" />
++ </site>
++ <site label="Japan" >
++ <protocol>ftp</protocol>
++ <host></host>
++ <port>21</port>
++ <remote_path>/pub/FreeBSD</remote_path>
++ <description/>
++ <anonymous/>
++ <mark_partial/>
++ <auto_reconnect sleep="30" count="10" />
++ </site>
++ <site label="Japan (ftp2)" >
++ <protocol>ftp</protocol>
++ <host></host>
++ <port>21</port>
++ <remote_path>/pub/FreeBSD</remote_path>
++ <description/>
++ <anonymous/>
++ <mark_partial/>
++ <auto_reconnect sleep="30" count="10" />
++ </site>
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++ <host></host>
++ <port>21</port>
++ <remote_path>/pub/FreeBSD</remote_path>
++ <description/>
++ <anonymous/>
++ <mark_partial/>
++ <auto_reconnect sleep="30" count="10" />
++ </site>
++ <site label="Japan (ftp4)" >
++ <protocol>ftp</protocol>
++ <host></host>
++ <port>21</port>
++ <remote_path>/pub/FreeBSD</remote_path>
++ <description/>
++ <anonymous/>
++ <mark_partial/>
++ <auto_reconnect sleep="30" count="10" />
++ </site>
++ <site label="Japan (ftp5)" >
++ <protocol>ftp</protocol>
++ <host></host>
++ <port>21</port>
++ <remote_path>/pub/FreeBSD</remote_path>
++ <description/>
++ <anonymous/>
++ <mark_partial/>
++ <auto_reconnect sleep="30" count="10" />
++ </site>
++ <site label="Japan (ftp6)" >
++ <protocol>ftp</protocol>
++ <host></host>
++ <port>21</port>
++ <remote_path>/pub/FreeBSD</remote_path>
++ <description/>
++ <anonymous/>
++ <mark_partial/>
++ <auto_reconnect sleep="30" count="10" />
++ </site>
++ <site label="Japan (ftp7)" >
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++ <host></host>
++ <port>21</port>
++ <remote_path>/pub/FreeBSD</remote_path>
++ <description/>
++ <anonymous/>
++ <mark_partial/>
++ <auto_reconnect sleep="30" count="10" />
++ </site>
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++ <host></host>
++ <port>21</port>
++ <remote_path>/pub/FreeBSD</remote_path>
++ <description/>
++ <anonymous/>
++ <mark_partial/>
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++ </site>
++ <site label="Korea (ftp3)" >
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++ <host></host>
++ <port>21</port>
++ <remote_path>/pub/FreeBSD</remote_path>
++ <description/>
++ <anonymous/>
++ <mark_partial/>
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++ </site>
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++ <protocol>ftp</protocol>
++ <host></host>
++ <port>21</port>
++ <remote_path>/pub/FreeBSD</remote_path>
++ <description/>
++ <anonymous/>
++ <mark_partial/>
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++ </site>
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++ <host></host>
++ <port>21</port>
++ <remote_path>/pub/FreeBSD</remote_path>
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++ <anonymous/>
++ <mark_partial/>
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++ </site>
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++ <host></host>
++ <port>21</port>
++ <remote_path>/pub/FreeBSD</remote_path>
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++ <mark_partial/>
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++ </site>
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++ <host></host>
++ <port>21</port>
++ <remote_path>/pub/FreeBSD</remote_path>
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++ <anonymous/>
++ <mark_partial/>
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++ </site>
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++ <host></host>
++ <port>21</port>
++ <remote_path>/pub/FreeBSD</remote_path>
++ <description/>
++ <anonymous/>
++ <mark_partial/>
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++ </site>
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++ <host></host>
++ <port>21</port>
++ <remote_path>/pub/FreeBSD</remote_path>
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++ <mark_partial/>
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++ </site>
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++ <port>21</port>
++ <remote_path>/pub/FreeBSD</remote_path>
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++ <anonymous/>
++ <mark_partial/>
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++ </site>
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++ <host></host>
++ <port>21</port>
++ <remote_path>/pub/FreeBSD</remote_path>
++ <description/>
++ <anonymous/>
++ <mark_partial/>
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++ </site>
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++ <host></host>
++ <port>21</port>
++ <remote_path>/pub/FreeBSD</remote_path>
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++ <anonymous/>
++ <mark_partial/>
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++ </site>
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++ <port>21</port>
++ <remote_path>/pub/FreeBSD</remote_path>
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++ <mark_partial/>
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++ <port>21</port>
++ <remote_path>/pub/FreeBSD</remote_path>
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++ <anonymous/>
++ <mark_partial/>
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++ </site>
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++ <host></host>
++ <port>21</port>
++ <remote_path>/pub/FreeBSD</remote_path>
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++ <anonymous/>
++ <mark_partial/>
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++ <port>21</port>
++ <remote_path>/pub/FreeBSD</remote_path>
++ <description/>
++ <anonymous/>
++ <mark_partial/>
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++ </site>
++ </group>
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++ <host></host>
++ <port>21</port>
++ <remote_path>/pub/FreeBSD</remote_path>
++ <description/>
++ <anonymous/>
++ <mark_partial/>
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++ </site>
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++ <port>21</port>
++ <remote_path>/pub/FreeBSD</remote_path>
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++ <anonymous/>
++ <mark_partial/>
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++ </site>
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++ <port>21</port>
++ <remote_path>/pub/FreeBSD</remote_path>
++ <description/>
++ <anonymous/>
++ <mark_partial/>
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++ <host></host>
++ <port>21</port>
++ <remote_path>/pub/FreeBSD</remote_path>
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++ <anonymous/>
++ <mark_partial/>
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++ </site>
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++ <host></host>
++ <port>21</port>
++ <remote_path>/pub/FreeBSD</remote_path>
++ <description/>
++ <anonymous/>
++ <mark_partial/>
++ <auto_reconnect sleep="30" count="10" />
++ </site>
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++ <port>21</port>
++ <remote_path>/pub/FreeBSD</remote_path>
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++ <anonymous/>
++ <mark_partial/>
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++ </site>
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++ <port>21</port>
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++ <anonymous/>
++ <mark_partial/>
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++ </site>
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++ <remote_path>/pub/FreeBSD</remote_path>
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++ <anonymous/>
++ <mark_partial/>
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++ </site>
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++ <port>21</port>
++ <remote_path>/pub/FreeBSD</remote_path>
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++ <anonymous/>
++ <mark_partial/>
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++ </site>
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++ <port>21</port>
++ <remote_path>/pub/FreeBSD</remote_path>
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++ <anonymous/>
++ <mark_partial/>
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++ </site>
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++ <port>21</port>
++ <remote_path>/pub/FreeBSD</remote_path>
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++ <anonymous/>
++ <mark_partial/>
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++ </site>
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++ <remote_path>/pub/FreeBSD</remote_path>
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++ <anonymous/>
++ <mark_partial/>
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++ <port>21</port>
++ <remote_path>/pub/FreeBSD</remote_path>
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++ <anonymous/>
++ <mark_partial/>
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++ <remote_path>/pub/FreeBSD</remote_path>
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++ <anonymous/>
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++ </site>
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++ <port>21</port>
++ <remote_path>/pub/FreeBSD</remote_path>
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++ <anonymous/>
++ <mark_partial/>
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++ <host></host>
++ <port>21</port>
++ <remote_path>/pub/FreeBSD</remote_path>
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++ <anonymous/>
++ <mark_partial/>
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++ </site>
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++ <mark_partial/>
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++ <remote_path>/pub/FreeBSD</remote_path>
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++ <mark_partial/>
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++ <mark_partial/>
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++ <port>21</port>
++ <remote_path>/pub/FreeBSD</remote_path>
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++ <mark_partial/>
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++ <port>21</port>
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++ <anonymous/>
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++ <anonymous/>
++ <mark_partial/>
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++ <remote_path>/pub/FreeBSD</remote_path>
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++ <anonymous/>
++ <mark_partial/>
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++ </site>
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++ <port>21</port>
++ <remote_path>/pub/FreeBSD</remote_path>
++ <description/>
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