diff options
authorAlexey Dokuchaev <>2007-02-08 17:49:13 +0000
committerAlexey Dokuchaev <>2007-02-08 17:49:13 +0000
commit4017e1e7ebf6cd0c6a297a006d7332be033da41a (patch)
parentAdd CONFLICTS with unrar-* (diff)
- Add a patch by Christian Zander from nVidia that fixes crashes reported by
users on recent 6.X and -CURRENT systems. This applies to both versions, 9631 and 9746 - Optimize REINPLACE_CMD invocation while here
Notes: svn path=/head/; revision=184589
2 files changed, 752 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/x11/nvidia-driver/Makefile b/x11/nvidia-driver/Makefile
index db640d75bf13..746b02090616 100644
--- a/x11/nvidia-driver/Makefile
+++ b/x11/nvidia-driver/Makefile
@@ -52,7 +52,8 @@ NVVERSION?= 9746 # The latest version to date
.if ${NVVERSION} == 7184
EXTRA_PATCHES+= ${FILESDIR}/6113-patch-lib::Makefile
+ ${FILESDIR}/crash-patch-by-zander-1759235
.if ${OSVERSION} >= 600033
@@ -124,8 +125,7 @@ post-install:
@${REINPLACE_CMD} '/README\.Linux/d ; /nvidia_drv\.o/d' ${TMPPLIST}
.if ${NVVERSION} < 9746
- @${REINPLACE_CMD} '/wfb/d' ${TMPPLIST}
- @${REINPLACE_CMD} '/chapter-10/d' ${TMPPLIST}
+ @${REINPLACE_CMD} '/wfb/d ; /chapter-10/d' ${TMPPLIST}
${LN} -sf ${PREFIX}/lib/
diff --git a/x11/nvidia-driver/files/crash-patch-by-zander-1759235 b/x11/nvidia-driver/files/crash-patch-by-zander-1759235
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..73d65f2fe23d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x11/nvidia-driver/files/crash-patch-by-zander-1759235
@@ -0,0 +1,749 @@
+diff -ru src/nv-freebsd.h src.1759235/nv-freebsd.h
+--- src/nv-freebsd.h 2006-12-19 13:50:18.000000000 -0800
++++ src.1759235/nv-freebsd.h 2007-01-26 10:13:57.436330000 -0800
+@@ -111,6 +111,9 @@
+ * on FreeBSD, due to its thread-aware reference counting.
+ */
++#define __TD_FDT(_td) ((_td)->td_proc->p_fd)
++#define __TD_FDT_CNT(_td) ((_td)->td_proc->p_fd->fd_refcnt)
+ #if __FreeBSD_version >= 601100
+ #define __NV_ITHREAD() (curthread->td_pflags & TDP_ITHREAD)
+ #else
+@@ -177,12 +180,6 @@
+ } nvidia_event_t;
+ typedef
+-struct nvidia_drv2 {
+- STAILQ_HEAD(event_queue, nvidia_event) event_queue;
+- struct selinfo rsel;
+-} nvidia_drv2_t;
+ struct nvidia_softc {
+ device_t dev;
+ device_t agp_dev;
+@@ -203,6 +200,9 @@
+ struct cdev *cdev;
+ nv_state_t *nv_state;
++ /* queue of OS events */
++ STAILQ_HEAD(event_queue, nvidia_event) event_queue;
+ struct sysctl_ctx_list sysctl_ctx;
+ struct selinfo rsel;
+@@ -213,8 +213,8 @@
+ int refcnt;
+- struct mtx mtx_rm;
+- struct sx sx_api;
++ struct mtx rm_mtx;
++ struct sx api_sx;
+ } nvidia_softc_t;
+@@ -222,10 +222,9 @@
+ #define CDEV_MAJOR 180
+ #define CDEV_CTL_MINOR 255
+-extern struct clonedevs *nvidia_ctl_clones;
+-extern struct clonedevs *nvidia_dev_clones;
+ extern devclass_t nvidia_devclass;
++extern struct nvidia_softc nvidia_ctl_sc;
+ extern nv_state_t nvidia_ctl_state;
+ extern const char *pNVRM_ID;
+@@ -259,15 +258,9 @@
+ #define __NV_IOC_TYPE(_cmd) (((_cmd) >> 8) & 0xff)
+ #define __NV_IOC_NR(_cmd) (((_cmd) >> 0) & 0xff)
+-#if __FreeBSD_version >= 600034
+-void nvidia_dev_clone (void *, struct ucred *, char *, int, struct cdev **);
+-void nvidia_ctl_clone (void *, struct ucred *, char *, int, struct cdev **);
+-void nvidia_dev_clone (void *, char *, int, struct cdev **);
+-void nvidia_ctl_clone (void *, char *, int, struct cdev **);
+-#define NV_GET_SOFTC(_dev) ((struct nvidia_softc *)((_dev)->si_drv1))
++/* nvidia_dev.c */
++int nvidia_dev_attach (struct nvidia_softc *);
++int nvidia_dev_detach (struct nvidia_softc *);
+ /* nvidia_ctl.c */
+ int nvidia_ctl_attach (void);
+diff -ru src/nvidia_ctl.c src.1759235/nvidia_ctl.c
+--- src/nvidia_ctl.c 2006-12-19 13:50:18.000000000 -0800
++++ src.1759235/nvidia_ctl.c 2007-01-26 10:14:04.272757250 -0800
+@@ -28,52 +28,10 @@
+ };
+-static nvidia_softc_t nvidia_ctl_sc;
+-static int nvidia_count = 0;
+-struct clonedevs *nvidia_ctl_clones;
+-void nvidia_ctl_clone(
+- void *arg,
+-#if __FreeBSD_version >= 600034
+- struct ucred *cred,
+- char *name,
+- int namelen,
+- struct cdev **dev
+- int i, clone = 0;
++static struct cdev *nvidia_ctl_cdev = NULL;
++struct nvidia_softc nvidia_ctl_sc;
+- if (*dev != NULL)
+- return;
+- if (strcmp(name, "nvidiactl") != 0)
+- return;
+- /*
+- * XXX clone_create() doesn't handle automatic clone
+- * number allocation correctly at this point, it
+- * can insert clone list entries out of order, with
+- * respect to the clone number, and subsequently
+- * allocate numbers that are still in use. Iterate over
+- * the possible clone numbers until the first unused
+- * one is found.
+- */
+- do {
+- i = clone_create(&nvidia_ctl_clones, &nvidia_ctl_cdevsw,
+- &clone, dev, 0);
+- if (i == 0) clone++;
+- } while ((clone <= CLONE_UNITMASK) && (i == 0));
+- if ((i != 0) && (clone <= CLONE_UNITMASK)) {
+- *dev = make_dev(&nvidia_ctl_cdevsw, unit2minor(clone),
+- UID_ROOT, GID_WHEEL, 0666, "nvidiactl.%u", clone);
+- if (*dev != NULL) {
+- (*dev)->si_flags |= SI_CHEAPCLONE;
+- (*dev)->si_drv1 = (void *)&nvidia_ctl_sc;
+- }
+- }
++static int nvidia_count = 0;
+ int nvidia_ctl_open(
+ struct cdev *dev,
+@@ -85,21 +43,10 @@
+ int status;
+ nv_state_t *nv = &nvidia_ctl_state;
+- if (!dev->si_drv2) {
+- /* only allow one open() of this file */
+- dev->si_drv2 = dev->si_drv1;
+- } else
+- return EBUSY;
+ nv_lock_api(nv);
+ status = nvidia_open_ctl();
+ nv_unlock_api(nv);
+- if (status == 0) {
+- /* XXX Fix me? (clear of SI_CHEAPCLONE) */
+- dev->si_flags &= ~SI_CHEAPCLONE;
+- }
+ return status;
+ }
+@@ -117,11 +64,6 @@
+ status = nvidia_close_ctl(dev, td);
+ nv_unlock_api(nv);
+- if (status == 0) {
+- /* XXX Fix me? (call to destroy_dev()) */
+- destroy_dev(dev);
+- }
+ return status;
+ }
+@@ -223,21 +165,15 @@
+ int nvidia_ctl_attach(void)
+ {
+- struct nvidia_softc *sc;
+ if (nvidia_count == 0) {
+ /*
+ * This routine is called from nvidia_attach(), multiple times
+ * when more than one device is installed.
+ */
+- sc = &nvidia_ctl_sc;
+- bzero(sc, sizeof(nvidia_softc_t));
+- nvidia_ctl_state.os_state = sc;
+- sc->nv_state = (void *)&nvidia_ctl_state;
+- mtx_init(&sc->mtx_rm, "ctl.mtx_rm", NULL, MTX_SPIN | MTX_RECURSE);
+- sx_init(&sc->sx_api, "ctl.sx_api");
++ nvidia_ctl_cdev = make_dev(&nvidia_ctl_cdevsw,
++ "%s", nvidia_ctl_cdevsw.d_name);
+ }
+ nvidia_count++;
+@@ -256,10 +192,8 @@
+ * Like nvidia_ctl_attach(), nvidia_ctl_detach() will also be
+ * called more than once with multiple devices.
+ */
+- mtx_destroy(&sc->mtx_rm);
+- sx_destroy(&sc->sx_api);
++ destroy_dev(nvidia_ctl_cdev);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+diff -ru src/nvidia_dev.c src.1759235/nvidia_dev.c
+--- src/nvidia_dev.c 2006-12-19 13:50:18.000000000 -0800
++++ src.1759235/nvidia_dev.c 2007-01-26 10:14:08.509022000 -0800
+@@ -30,58 +30,6 @@
+ };
+-struct clonedevs *nvidia_dev_clones;
+-void nvidia_dev_clone(
+- void *arg,
+-#if __FreeBSD_version >= 600034
+- struct ucred *cred,
+- char *name,
+- int namelen,
+- struct cdev **dev
+- int i, unit;
+- struct nvidia_softc *sc;
+- int clone = 0;
+- if (*dev != NULL)
+- return;
+- if (dev_stdclone(name, NULL, "nvidia", &unit) != 1)
+- return;
+- if (unit >= NV_MAX_DEVICES)
+- return;
+- sc = devclass_get_softc(nvidia_devclass, unit);
+- if (sc == NULL)
+- return;
+- /*
+- * XXX clone_create() doesn't handle automatic clone
+- * number allocation correctly at this point, it
+- * can insert clone list entries out of order, with
+- * respect to the clone number, and subsequently
+- * allocate numbers that are still in use. Iterate over
+- * the possible clone numbers until the first unused
+- * one is found.
+- */
+- do {
+- i = clone_create(&nvidia_dev_clones, &nvidia_dev_cdevsw,
+- &clone, dev, 0);
+- if (i == 0) clone++;
+- } while ((clone <= CLONE_UNITMASK) && (i == 0));
+- if ((i != 0) && (clone <= CLONE_UNITMASK)) {
+- *dev = make_dev(&nvidia_dev_cdevsw, unit2minor(clone),
+- UID_ROOT, GID_WHEEL, 0666, "nvidia%u.%u", unit, clone);
+- if (*dev != NULL) {
+- (*dev)->si_drv1 = (void *)sc;
+- (*dev)->si_flags |= SI_CHEAPCLONE;
+- }
+- }
+ int nvidia_dev_open(
+ struct cdev *dev,
+ int oflags,
+@@ -90,30 +38,20 @@
+ )
+ {
+ int status;
+- struct nvidia_softc *sc = NV_GET_SOFTC(dev);
+- nv_state_t *nv = sc->nv_state;
++ struct nvidia_softc *sc;
++ nv_state_t *nv;
++ int unit = minor(dev);
+- struct nvidia_drv2 *drv2;
++ sc = devclass_get_softc(nvidia_devclass, unit);
++ if (!sc)
++ return ENXIO;
+- if (!dev->si_drv2) {
+- drv2 = malloc(sizeof(struct nvidia_drv2), M_NVIDIA, M_WAITOK | M_ZERO);
+- if (drv2 == NULL)
+- return ENOMEM;
+- STAILQ_INIT(&drv2->event_queue);
+- dev->si_drv2 = drv2;
+- } else
+- return EBUSY;
++ nv = sc->nv_state;
+ nv_lock_api(nv);
+ status = nvidia_open_dev(sc);
+ nv_unlock_api(nv);
+- if (status == 0) {
+- /* XXX Fix me? (clear of SI_CHEAPCLONE) */
+- dev->si_flags &= ~SI_CHEAPCLONE;
+- } else
+- free(drv2, M_NVIDIA);
+ return status;
+ }
+@@ -125,28 +63,17 @@
+ )
+ {
+ int status;
+- struct nvidia_softc *sc = NV_GET_SOFTC(dev);
+- struct nvidia_drv2 *drv2;
++ struct nvidia_softc *sc;
++ nv_state_t *nv;
++ int unit = minor(dev);
+- nv_state_t *nv = sc->nv_state;
+- struct nvidia_event *et;
++ sc = devclass_get_softc(nvidia_devclass, unit);
++ nv = sc->nv_state;
+ nv_lock_api(nv);
+ status = nvidia_close_dev(sc, dev, td);
+ nv_unlock_api(nv);
+- drv2 = dev->si_drv2;
+- while ((et = STAILQ_FIRST(&drv2->event_queue))) {
+- STAILQ_REMOVE(&drv2->event_queue, et, nvidia_event, queue);
+- free(et, M_NVIDIA);
+- }
+- if (status == 0) {
+- free(dev->si_drv2, M_NVIDIA);
+- /* XXX Fix me? (call to destroy_dev()) */
+- destroy_dev(dev);
+- }
+ return status;
+ }
+@@ -159,12 +86,16 @@
+ )
+ {
+ int status;
+- struct nvidia_softc *sc = NV_GET_SOFTC(dev);
+- nv_state_t *nv = sc->nv_state;
++ struct nvidia_softc *sc;
++ nv_state_t *nv;
++ int unit = minor(dev);
+ if (__NV_IOC_TYPE(cmd) != NV_IOCTL_MAGIC)
+ return ENOTTY;
++ sc = devclass_get_softc(nvidia_devclass, unit);
++ nv = sc->nv_state;
+ nv_lock_api(nv);
+ status = nvidia_handle_ioctl(dev, cmd, data, fflag, td);
+ nv_unlock_api(nv);
+@@ -178,16 +109,18 @@
+ d_thread_t *td
+ )
+ {
+- struct nvidia_softc *sc = NV_GET_SOFTC(dev);
+- nv_state_t *nv = sc->nv_state;
++ struct nvidia_softc *sc;
++ nv_state_t *nv;
++ int unit = minor(dev);
+- struct nvidia_drv2 *drv2 = dev->si_drv2;
++ sc = devclass_get_softc(nvidia_devclass, unit);
++ nv = sc->nv_state;
+ nv_lock_rm(nv);
+- if (STAILQ_EMPTY(&drv2->event_queue)) {
++ if (STAILQ_EMPTY(&sc->event_queue)) {
+ nv_unlock_rm(nv);
+- selrecord(td, &drv2->rsel);
++ selrecord(td, &sc->rsel);
+ } else {
+ nv_unlock_rm(nv);
+ return (events & (POLLIN | POLLPRI));
+@@ -204,10 +137,13 @@
+ )
+ {
+ int status;
+- struct nvidia_softc *sc = NV_GET_SOFTC(dev);
+- nv_state_t *nv = sc->nv_state;
++ struct nvidia_softc *sc;
+ vm_offset_t physical;
++ nv_state_t *nv;
++ int unit = minor(dev);
++ sc = devclass_get_softc(nvidia_devclass, unit);
++ nv = sc->nv_state;
+ nv_lock_api(nv);
+ status = nvidia_mmap_dev(sc, offset, &physical);
+@@ -219,7 +155,26 @@
+ return status;
+ }
+-/* XXX This needs to be populated with FreeBSD specific code to allow
++int nvidia_dev_attach(struct nvidia_softc *sc)
++ sc->cdev = make_dev(&nvidia_dev_cdevsw,
++ device_get_unit(sc->dev),
++ "%s%d", nvidia_dev_cdevsw.d_name,
++ device_get_unit(sc->dev));
++ return 0;
++int nvidia_dev_detach(struct nvidia_softc *sc)
++ destroy_dev(sc->cdev);
++ return 0;
++ * XXX This needs to be populated with FreeBSD specific code to allow
+ * us to support DMA addresses larger than 32 bits.
+ */
+diff -ru src/nvidia_pci.c src.1759235/nvidia_pci.c
+--- src/nvidia_pci.c 2006-12-19 13:50:18.000000000 -0800
++++ src.1759235/nvidia_pci.c 2007-01-26 10:14:11.521210250 -0800
+@@ -236,8 +236,8 @@
+ goto fail;
+ }
+- mtx_init(&sc->mtx_rm, "dev.mtx_rm", NULL, MTX_SPIN | MTX_RECURSE);
+- sx_init(&sc->sx_api, "dev.sx_api");
++ mtx_init(&sc->rm_mtx, "dev.rm_mtx", NULL, MTX_SPIN | MTX_RECURSE);
++ sx_init(&sc->api_sx, "dev.api_sx");
+ return 0;
+@@ -251,6 +251,7 @@
+ {
+ int status;
+ struct nvidia_softc *sc;
++ nv_state_t *nv;
+ /*
+ * Check if the device is still in use before accepting the
+@@ -258,11 +259,19 @@
+ * usage count is non-zero!
+ */
+ sc = device_get_softc(dev);
+- if (sc->refcnt != 0) /* XXX Fix me? (refcnt) */
++ nv = sc->nv_state;
++ nv_lock_api(nv);
++ if (sc->refcnt != 0) { /* XXX Fix me? (refcnt) */
++ nv_unlock_api(nv);
+ return EBUSY;
++ }
++ nv_unlock_api(nv);
+- mtx_destroy(&sc->mtx_rm);
+- sx_destroy(&sc->sx_api);
++ mtx_destroy(&sc->rm_mtx);
++ sx_destroy(&sc->api_sx);
+ status = nvidia_pci_teardown_intr(dev);
+ if (status)
+diff -ru src/nvidia_subr.c src.1759235/nvidia_subr.c
+--- src/nvidia_subr.c 2006-12-19 13:50:17.000000000 -0800
++++ src.1759235/nvidia_subr.c 2007-01-26 10:14:14.001365250 -0800
+@@ -20,9 +20,6 @@
+ devclass_t nvidia_devclass;
+ nv_state_t nvidia_ctl_state;
+-static eventhandler_tag nvidia_ctl_ehtag;
+-static eventhandler_tag nvidia_dev_ehtag;
+ int nvidia_attach(device_t dev)
+ {
+ int status;
+@@ -52,6 +49,9 @@
+ nv->fb = &nv->bars[NV_GPU_BAR_INDEX_FB];
+ nv->regs = &nv->bars[NV_GPU_BAR_INDEX_REGS];
++ if ((status = nvidia_dev_attach(sc)) != 0)
++ return status;
+ if ((status = nvidia_ctl_attach()) != 0)
+ return status;
+@@ -67,6 +67,12 @@
+ sc = device_get_softc(dev);
+ nv_sysctl_exit(sc->nv_state);
++ status = nvidia_dev_detach(sc);
++ if (status) {
++ device_printf(dev, "NVRM: NVIDIA driver DEV detach failed.\n");
++ goto fail;
++ }
+ status = nvidia_ctl_detach();
+ if (status) {
+ device_printf(dev, "NVRM: NVIDIA driver CTL detach failed.\n");
+@@ -311,12 +317,23 @@
+ d_thread_t *td
+ )
+ {
+- struct nvidia_softc *sc = NV_GET_SOFTC(dev);
+- nv_state_t *nv = sc->nv_state;
++ struct nvidia_softc *sc;
++ nv_state_t *nv;
++ int unit = minor(dev);
++ if (unit == CDEV_CTL_MINOR) {
++ /* the control device is "special" */
++ nv = &nvidia_ctl_state;
++ } else {
++ sc = devclass_get_softc(nvidia_devclass, unit);
++ if (!sc)
++ return ENXIO;
++ nv = sc->nv_state;
++ }
+- if (rm_ioctl(nv, (void *)dev, __NV_IOC_NR(cmd), data))
++ if (rm_ioctl(nv, (void *)__TD_FDT(td), __NV_IOC_NR(cmd), data))
+ return 0;
+ return EINVAL;
+@@ -347,7 +364,8 @@
+ struct nvidia_softc *sc;
+ nv_state_t *nv = &nvidia_ctl_state;
+- rm_free_unused_clients(nv, (void *)dev);
++ if (__TD_FDT_CNT(td) == 0)
++ rm_free_unused_clients(nv, (void *)__TD_FDT(td));
+ sc = nv->os_state;
+ sc->refcnt--;
+@@ -376,6 +394,8 @@
+ * the core resource manager does the actual work. We update both
+ * the flags and the usage count.
+ */
++ STAILQ_INIT(&sc->event_queue);
+ if (!rm_init_adapter(nv)) {
+ device_printf(sc->dev, "NVRM: rm_init_adapter() failed!\n");
+ return EIO;
+@@ -396,10 +416,12 @@
+ )
+ {
+ nv_state_t *nv = sc->nv_state;
++ struct nvidia_event *et;
+- rm_free_unused_clients(nv, (void *)dev);
++ if (__TD_FDT_CNT(td) == 0)
++ rm_free_unused_clients(nv, (void *)__TD_FDT(td));
+ sc->refcnt--;
+@@ -413,6 +435,11 @@
+ rm_disable_adapter(nv);
+ rm_shutdown_adapter(nv);
++ while ((et = STAILQ_FIRST(&sc->event_queue))) {
++ STAILQ_REMOVE(&sc->event_queue, et, nvidia_event, queue);
++ free(et, M_NVIDIA);
++ }
+ nv->flags &= ~NV_FLAG_OPEN;
+ }
+@@ -437,26 +464,20 @@
+ * this routine, further initialization takes place at attach
+ * time.
+ */
+- clone_setup(&nvidia_ctl_clones);
+- clone_setup(&nvidia_dev_clones);
+- nvidia_ctl_ehtag = EVENTHANDLER_REGISTER(dev_clone,
+- nvidia_ctl_clone, 0, 0);
+- if (nvidia_ctl_ehtag == NULL)
+- return ENOMEM;
+- nvidia_dev_ehtag = EVENTHANDLER_REGISTER(dev_clone,
+- nvidia_dev_clone, 0, 0);
+- if (nvidia_dev_ehtag == NULL) {
+- EVENTHANDLER_DEREGISTER(dev_clone, nvidia_ctl_ehtag);
+- return ENOMEM;
+- }
++ sc = &nvidia_ctl_sc;
++ bzero(sc, sizeof(nvidia_softc_t));
+ if (!rm_init_rm()) {
+ printf("NVRM: rm_init_rm() failed!\n");
+ return EIO;
+ }
++ mtx_init(&sc->rm_mtx, "ctl.rm_mtx", NULL, MTX_SPIN | MTX_RECURSE);
++ sx_init(&sc->api_sx, "ctl.api_sx");
++ nvidia_ctl_state.os_state = sc;
++ sc->nv_state = (void *)&nvidia_ctl_state;
+ nvidia_sysctl_init();
+ nvidia_linux_init();
+@@ -468,23 +489,26 @@
+ * unload request if it is. This event can occur even when the
+ * module usage count is non-zero!
+ */
+- EVENTHANDLER_DEREGISTER(dev_clone, nvidia_dev_ehtag);
+- EVENTHANDLER_DEREGISTER(dev_clone, nvidia_ctl_ehtag);
+ nv = &nvidia_ctl_state;
+ sc = nv->os_state;
+- if (sc->refcnt != 0) /* XXX Fix me? (refcnt) */
++ nv_lock_api(nv);
++ if (sc->refcnt != 0) { /* XXX Fix me? (refcnt) */
++ nv_unlock_api(nv);
+ return EBUSY;
++ }
++ nv_unlock_api(nv);
++ mtx_destroy(&sc->rm_mtx);
++ sx_destroy(&sc->api_sx);
+ rm_shutdown_rm();
+ nvidia_sysctl_exit();
+ nvidia_linux_exit();
+- clone_cleanup(&nvidia_dev_clones);
+- clone_cleanup(&nvidia_dev_clones);
+ break;
+ default:
+@@ -713,25 +737,25 @@
+ * interrupts on the current processor.
+ */
+ struct nvidia_softc *sc = nv->os_state;
+- mtx_lock_spin(&sc->mtx_rm);
++ mtx_lock_spin(&sc->rm_mtx);
+ }
+ void nv_unlock_rm(nv_state_t *nv)
+ {
+ struct nvidia_softc *sc = nv->os_state;
+- mtx_unlock_spin(&sc->mtx_rm);
++ mtx_unlock_spin(&sc->rm_mtx);
+ }
+ void nv_lock_api(nv_state_t *nv)
+ {
+ struct nvidia_softc *sc = nv->os_state;
+- sx_xlock(&sc->sx_api);
++ sx_xlock(&sc->api_sx);
+ }
+ void nv_unlock_api(nv_state_t *nv)
+ {
+ struct nvidia_softc *sc = nv->os_state;
+- sx_xunlock(&sc->sx_api);
++ sx_xunlock(&sc->api_sx);
+ }
+@@ -742,11 +766,10 @@
+ U032 index
+ )
+ {
++ struct nvidia_softc *sc;
+ struct nvidia_event *et;
+- struct cdev *dev = event->file;
+- struct nvidia_drv2 *drv2;
+- et = malloc(sizeof(struct nvidia_event), M_NVIDIA, M_NOWAIT | M_ZERO);
++ et = malloc(sizeof(nvidia_event_t), M_NVIDIA, M_NOWAIT | M_ZERO);
+ if (et == NULL)
+ return;
+@@ -756,13 +779,13 @@
+ nv_lock_rm(nv);
+- drv2 = dev->si_drv2;
+- STAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&drv2->event_queue, et, queue);
++ sc = nv->os_state;
++ STAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&sc->event_queue, et, queue);
+ nv_unlock_rm(nv);
+ /* XXX Fix me? (os events) */
+- selwakeup(&drv2->rsel);
++ selwakeup(&sc->rsel);
+ }
+ S032 nv_get_event(
+@@ -772,19 +795,27 @@
+ U032 *pending
+ )
+ {
+- struct cdev *dev = file;
+- struct nvidia_drv2 *drv2 = dev->si_drv2;
+- struct nvidia_event *et;
++ struct nvidia_softc *sc = nv->os_state;
++ struct nvidia_event *et, *_et;
+ nv_lock_rm(nv);
+- et = STAILQ_FIRST(&drv2->event_queue);
++ STAILQ_FOREACH(et, &sc->event_queue, queue) {
++ if (et->event.file == file)
++ break;
++ }
+ if (et != NULL) {
+ *event = et->event;
+- STAILQ_REMOVE(&drv2->event_queue, et, nvidia_event, queue);
+- *pending = !STAILQ_EMPTY(&drv2->event_queue);
++ STAILQ_REMOVE(&sc->event_queue, et, nvidia_event, queue);
++ STAILQ_FOREACH(_et, &sc->event_queue, queue) {
++ if (_et->event.file == file)
++ break;
++ }
++ *pending = (_et != NULL);
+ nv_unlock_rm(nv);