path: root/www/slash/files/patch-bin::install-slashsite
blob: 1c0f3ca0c43c37e54856fbc28230a222e019f989 (plain) (tree)

--- bin/install-slashsite.orig	Mon Mar 18 18:35:35 2002
+++ bin/install-slashsite	Mon Mar 18 18:42:08 2002
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
 # THIS IS DANGEROUS ... when run as root on a non-GNU
 # system, it can blank out the hostname entirely
-chomp($hostname_f = `hostname -f`);
+chomp($hostname_f = `hostname -f 2> /dev/null` || `hostname 2> /dev/null`);
 unless ($opts{'H'}) {
 	print "
 What is hostname of your Slash site
@@ -431,6 +431,7 @@
 sub apache_site_conf {
 	my $host_port = $hostname;
 	$host_port .= ":80" unless $host_port =~ /:/;
+	my $log_path = (-d '/usr/local/logs' ? "logs" : "/var/log");
 	my $text = qq|
 # note that if your site's path is a symlink, the
 # path listed here is most likely the actual path;
@@ -446,8 +447,8 @@
     ServerAdmin $email
     DocumentRoot $prefix_site/$sitename/htdocs
     ServerName $host_noport
-    ErrorLog logs/${sitename}_error_log
-    CustomLog logs/${sitename}_access_log common
+    ErrorLog $log_path/${sitename}_error_log
+    CustomLog $log_path/${sitename}_access_log common
     PerlSetupEnv On
     PerlSetEnv TZ GMT