path: root/games/xsoldier/files/patch-aa
blob: 21d8f9cce19083e3138f9bbed081bfeb4cd91520 (plain) (tree)

--- Imakefile.orig	Sat Mar  1 00:48:57 1997
+++ Imakefile	Wed Nov  1 12:11:15 2000
@@ -6,58 +6,58 @@
 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* -------------------- ����1 ���󥹥ȡ���������� ----------------------- */
+/* ---------------------- PART1 INSTALL DIRECTORY ------------------------ */
 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* ���󥹥ȡ���ǥ��쥯�ȥ�						   */
-/* �񤭹��߸��¤�̵���ȥ��󥹥ȡ������ޤ���=> ͷ�٤ʤ���(^^;           */
-PIXMAPDIR	= /usr/local/games/lib/xsoldier
-SCOREDIR	= /usr/local/games/lib/xsoldier
-BINDIR		= /usr/local/games
+/* Install Directory                                                       */
+/* You can't install without write permission of these. => Unplayable. (^^;*/
+PIXMAPDIR	= $(LIBDIR)/xsoldier
+SCOREDIR	= $(LIBDIR)/xsoldier
+/* BINDIR		= /usr/local/games */
-/* �������ե�����̾��SCOREDIR �ʲ����֤���ޤ���			   */
+/* Score File Name. It's under SCOREDIR.                                   */
 SCOREFILE	= .scorefile
 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* --------------------- ����2 ����ѥ�������� -------------------------- */
+/* ------------------- PART2 COMPILE CONFIGURATION ----------------------- */
 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* xmkmf �� Makefile �� cc �ˤʤä��㤦���				   */
+/* What compiler do you want to use?                                       */
 /* CC		= gcc */
-/* xpm��X�Ȱۤʤ�ǥ��쥯�ȥ�˥��󥹥ȡ��뤵��Ƥ�����		   */
+/* If you have xpm not in the X directory.                                 */
 /* XPMINCDIR	= /usr/X11R6/include */
 /* XPMLIBDIR	= /usr/X11R6/lib */
-/* 			  ������ path ��񤤤�				   */
+/*                        Write path name here and .....                   */
-/* ���2�ĤΥ����Ȥ������Ƥ�������					   */
+/* Uncomment the upper 2 lines.                                            */
-/* �������������							   */
+/* Game Wait                                                               */
 WAIT		= 35000
-/* ����¾����ѥ��륪�ץ����						   */
-/*     -DDUPSCORE �� Ʊ���ʪ���ϥ���������ʣ������ȥ�����              */
-/*     -DSYSV     �� SystemV �Ϥʤɤ� random �ؿ���̵����硤		   */
-/*                   ������ srand48 �� lrand48 �ؿ�����Ѥ��ޤ�	   */
+/* The other compile options                                               */
+/*     -DDUPSCORE -> Allow multiple entry in the high score                */
+/*     -DSYSV     -> Specify when not have random functions(SystemV etc.)  */
+/*                   Use srand48 and lrand48 instead.                      */
-/* ���祤���ƥ��å���Ȥ����						   */
+/* When you use the joystick                                               */
 /* #define JOYSTICK */
 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* ------------------ ����3 ���󥹥ȡ��륳�ޥ�ɤ����� ------------------- */
+/* ------------------ PART3 INSTALL COMMAND CONFIGURATION ---------------- */
 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* Solaris��openwin����Ѥ��ƥ���ѥ��뤹��Ȥ���ɬ��			   */
+/* You need this when you use openwin on Solaris.                          */
 /* INSTALL		= /usr/ucb/install */
 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /*									   */
-/* 		 ����Ū�ˤ������鲼�Ϥ��¤�ʤ��ƺѤ�ϥ�		   */
+/*               Basically, you don't need change below.                   */
 /*									   */
 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
 OBJS = $(SRCS:.c=.o)
 install:: install.pixmap install.score install.bin
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
 	@if [ -d $(SCOREDIR) ]; then chmod 755 $(SCOREDIR); \
         else $(MKDIRHIER) $(SCOREDIR); chmod 755 $(SCOREDIR); fi
-	$(INSTALL) -c -m 600 scorefile.txt $(SCOREDIR)/$(SCOREFILE)
+	$(INSTALL) -c -g games -m 660 scorefile.txt $(SCOREDIR)/$(SCOREFILE)
 	@echo "install score . done"
@@ -109,5 +109,5 @@
 	@if [ -d $(BINDIR) ]; then set +x; \
         else (set -x; $(MKDIRHIER) $(BINDIR)); fi
-	$(INSTALL) -c -m 4755 $(PROGRAM) $(BINDIR)/$(PROGRAM)
+	$(INSTALL) -c -g games -m 2755 $(PROGRAM) $(BINDIR)/$(PROGRAM)
 	@echo "install bin . done"