path: root/games/xonix/pkg-descr
blob: 64f6cc740457b5d0f93763a9768e5abece2655fc (plain) (tree)

The  xonix  application  consists  of a playing area and a
status display below.

The status display shows the  current  values  for  level,
filled  area  (in percent), number of players (lifes), and
elapsed time.

The playing area has several regions.   The  brown  region
(initially  only  the  border) is ``filled region'', where
the player can move, starting from the  top  left  corner.
Beware  of  the bouncing yellow eater(s) that do also move
across filled regions however, if they hit the  player,  a
life  will go away.  The flyers can only bounce across the
green (so-called empty) area in the middle.

The purpose of the game is to move the player  across  the
empty  region  (whereby it leaves his way in a brown color
to show where it came along), and finally cut off a  piece
of  unfilled  region  by  moving  him  back to some filled
region.  If the player itself or the  (unfilled  yet)  way
will  be  hit by a flyer, a life will be lost again.  Once
the player's way reached another part  of  filled  region,
the  way  and all adjacent unfilled regions where there is
no flyer in will be filled in turn.  One  level  has  com-
pleted  as  soon  as  75 % of the originally unfilled area
have been filled this way.

Every level, there will be one flyer more.   Every  second
level,  an additional player will be granted.  Every fifth
level, an additional eater will be fired off.

The  original xonix game has been seen somewhere on an old
PC/XT clone.  This is  a  reimplementation  from  scratch,
done by Torsten Sch�nitz  starting the project on a Macin-
tosh.  The X11 support has been written  by   J�rg  Wunsch
with the pleasant help by Alfredo Herrera Hern�ndez.