# PowerDNSex A client to [PowerDNS 4 API](https://doc.powerdns.com/md/httpapi/README/), with all CRUD operations to manage zones and records. [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/digaoddc/power_dnsex.svg?branch=travis)](https://travis-ci.org/digaoddc/power_dnsex) ## Installation If [available in Hex](https://hex.pm/docs/publish), the package can be installed as: 1. Add `powerdnsex` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`: ```elixir def deps do [{:powerdnsex, "~> 0.1.0"}] end ``` 2. Ensure `powerdnsex` is started before your application: ```elixir def application do [applications: [:powerdnsex]] end ``` ## Configuration Insert this in your configuration files. Eg: `config.exs` ```elixir config :powerdnsex, url: "localhost:8081", token: "sometoken" ``` You can also use ENV vars to configure PowerDNSex. ```elixir config :powerdnsex, url: {:system, "POWERDNS_URL"}, token: {:system, "POWERDNS_TOKEN"} ``` Make sure you set those environment variables. ## Example usage ### Zone Management ```elixir # CREATE ZONE: zone_model = %PowerDNSex.Models.Zone{ id: "example.com.", kind: "Master", name: "example.com.", serial: 1, } {:ok, zone} = PowerDNSex.create_zone(zone_model) # SHOW ZONE: {:ok, zone} = PowerDNSex.show_zone("example.com") # SHOW ZONE without RRSets: {:ok, zone} = PowerDNSex.get_zone("example.com") # DELETE ZONE: res = PowerDNSex.delete_zone("example.com") ``` ### Record management ```elixir # CREATE RECORD: {:ok, zone} = PowerDNSex.show_zone("example.com") record = %{ name: "test.example.com.", type: "A", ttl: 60, records: [ %{ content: "", disabled: false, } ] } res = PowerDNSex.create_record(zone, record) # SHOW RECORD: record = %{ name: "test.example.com.", type: "A", } rrset = PowerDNSex.show_record("example.com", record) # UPDATE RECORD: {:ok, zone} = PowerDNSex.show_zone("example.com") record = %{ name: "test.example.com.", type: "A", ttl: 60, records: [ %{ content: "", disabled: false, } ] } res = PowerDNSex.update_record(zone, record) # DELETE RECORD: {:ok, zone} = PowerDNSex.show_zone("example.com") record = %{ name: "test.example.com.", type: "A", } rrset = PowerDNSex.show_record("example.com", record) res = PowerDNSex.delete_record(zone, rrset) ``` ## Development ### Setup application ```bash $ script/setup ``` ### Run local console (IEX) ```bash $ script/run ``` ### Run tests ```bash $ script/test ``` #### Run tests to a specific File ```bash $ script/test test/lib/powerdnsex/powerdnsex_test.exs ``` ### Reset environment (clean + setup) ### YOU WILL LOSE EVERYTHING Good for then you change the elixir version and need to delete everything and start again ```bash $ script/reset ```