diff options
authorHubert Chathi <>2019-10-06 09:07:44 -0400
committerHubert Chathi <>2019-10-06 09:07:44 -0400
commit4e18c48c03528ed7d0a839a633e393bc2865dc8c (patch)
parentadd JSON headers to endpoints (diff)
add support for filters
BREAKING CHANGE: the client struct now needs a user ID
11 files changed, 666 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/lib/polyjuice/client.ex b/lib/polyjuice/client.ex
index 34c2f72..f950dc1 100644
--- a/lib/polyjuice/client.ex
+++ b/lib/polyjuice/client.ex
@@ -26,7 +26,8 @@ defmodule Polyjuice.Client do
@enforce_keys [:base_url]
defstruct [
- :access_token
+ :access_token,
+ :user_id
@doc "The r0 client URL prefix"
diff --git a/lib/polyjuice/client/endpoint/post_user_filter.ex b/lib/polyjuice/client/endpoint/post_user_filter.ex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee426a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/polyjuice/client/endpoint/post_user_filter.ex
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+# Copyright 2019 Hubert Chathi <>
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+defmodule Polyjuice.Client.Endpoint.PostUserFilter do
+ @moduledoc """
+ Upload a filter definition.
+ """
+ @type t :: %__MODULE__{
+ user_id: String.t(),
+ filter: map
+ }
+ @enforce_keys [:user_id, :filter]
+ defstruct [
+ :user_id,
+ :filter
+ ]
+ defimpl Polyjuice.Client.Endpoint.Proto do
+ def http_spec(
+ %{
+ user_id: user_id,
+ filter: filter
+ },
+ base_url
+ ) do
+ e = &URI.encode_www_form/1
+ body = Poison.encode!(filter)
+ %Polyjuice.Client.Endpoint.HttpSpec{
+ method: :post,
+ headers: [
+ {"Accept", "application/json"},
+ {"Content-Type", "application/json"}
+ ],
+ url:
+ URI.merge(
+ base_url,
+ "#{Polyjuice.Client.prefix_r0()}/user/#{e.(user_id)}/filter"
+ )
+ |> to_string(),
+ body: body,
+ transform: &Polyjuice.Client.Endpoint.PostUserFilter.transform/3
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ def transform(status_code, _resp_headers, body) do
+ case status_code do
+ 200 ->
+ {:ok, body |> Poison.decode!() |> Map.get("filter_id")}
+ _ ->
+ {:error, status_code, body}
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/polyjuice/client/filter.ex b/lib/polyjuice/client/filter.ex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1466dfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/polyjuice/client/filter.ex
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+# Copyright 2019 Hubert Chathi <>
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+defmodule Polyjuice.Client.Filter do
+ @moduledoc ~S"""
+ Build filters.
+ The functions in this module can be chained to create more complex filters.
+ Examples:
+ iex> Polyjuice.Client.Filter.include_state_types([""])
+ ...> |> Polyjuice.Client.Filter.limit_timeline_events(10)
+ ...> |> Polyjuice.Client.Filter.lazy_loading()
+ %{
+ "room" => %{
+ "state" => %{
+ "types" => [""],
+ "lazy_load_members" => true
+ },
+ "timeline" => %{
+ "lazy_load_members" => true,
+ "limit" => 10
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ """
+ defp update(map, [key], initial, func) when is_map(map) do
+ Map.update(map, key, initial, func)
+ end
+ defp update(map, [key | rest], initial, func) when is_map(map) do
+ Map.put(map, key, update(Map.get(map, key, %{}), rest, initial, func))
+ end
+ defp put(map, [key], val) when is_map(map) do
+ Map.put(map, key, val)
+ end
+ defp put(map, [key | rest], val) when is_map(map) do
+ Map.put(map, key, put(Map.get(map, key, %{}), rest, val))
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Allow certain types of presence events to be included.
+ """
+ @spec include_presence_types(filter :: map, types :: list) :: map
+ def include_presence_types(filter \\ %{}, types)
+ def include_presence_types(filter, types) when filter == %{} and is_list(types) do
+ %{
+ "presence" => %{
+ "types" => types
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ def include_presence_types(filter, types) when is_map(filter) and is_list(types) do
+ update(
+ filter,
+ ["presence", "types"],
+ types,
+ &Enum.concat(&1, types)
+ )
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Don't allow certain types of presence events.
+ """
+ @spec exclude_presence_types(filter :: map, types :: list) :: map
+ def exclude_presence_types(filter \\ %{}, types)
+ def exclude_presence_types(filter, types) when filter == %{} and is_list(types) do
+ %{
+ "presence" => %{
+ "not_types" => types
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ def exclude_presence_types(filter, types) when is_map(filter) and is_list(types) do
+ update(
+ filter,
+ ["presence", "not_types"],
+ types,
+ &Enum.concat(&1, types)
+ )
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Allow certain types of ephemeral room events to be included.
+ """
+ @spec include_ephemeral_types(filter :: map, types :: list) :: map
+ def include_ephemeral_types(filter \\ %{}, types)
+ def include_ephemeral_types(filter, types) when filter == %{} and is_list(types) do
+ %{
+ "room" => %{
+ "ephemeral" => %{
+ "types" => types
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ def include_ephemeral_types(filter, types) when is_map(filter) and is_list(types) do
+ update(
+ filter,
+ ["room", "ephemeral", "types"],
+ types,
+ &Enum.concat(&1, types)
+ )
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Don't allow certain types of ephemeral room events.
+ """
+ @spec exclude_ephemeral_types(filter :: map, types :: list) :: map
+ def exclude_ephemeral_types(filter \\ %{}, types)
+ def exclude_ephemeral_types(filter, types) when filter == %{} and is_list(types) do
+ %{
+ "room" => %{
+ "ephemeral" => %{
+ "not_types" => types
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ def exclude_ephemeral_types(filter, types) when is_map(filter) and is_list(types) do
+ update(
+ filter,
+ ["room", "ephemeral", "not_types"],
+ types,
+ &Enum.concat(&1, types)
+ )
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Allow certain types of state events to be included.
+ """
+ @spec include_state_types(filter :: map, types :: list) :: map
+ def include_state_types(filter \\ %{}, types)
+ def include_state_types(filter, types) when filter == %{} and is_list(types) do
+ %{
+ "room" => %{
+ "state" => %{
+ "types" => types
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ def include_state_types(filter, types) when is_map(filter) and is_list(types) do
+ update(
+ filter,
+ ["room", "state", "types"],
+ types,
+ &Enum.concat(&1, types)
+ )
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Don't allow certain types of state events.
+ """
+ @spec exclude_state_types(filter :: map, types :: list) :: map
+ def exclude_state_types(filter \\ %{}, types)
+ def exclude_state_types(filter, types) when filter == %{} and is_list(types) do
+ %{
+ "room" => %{
+ "state" => %{
+ "not_types" => types
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ def exclude_state_types(filter, types) when is_map(filter) and is_list(types) do
+ update(
+ filter,
+ ["room", "state", "not_types"],
+ types,
+ &Enum.concat(&1, types)
+ )
+ end
+ @doc """
+ Set the maximum number of timeline events.
+ """
+ @spec limit_timeline_events(filter :: map, limit :: integer) :: map
+ def limit_timeline_events(filter \\ %{}, limit)
+ def limit_timeline_events(filter, limit) when filter == %{} and is_integer(limit) do
+ %{
+ "room" => %{
+ "timeline" => %{
+ "limit" => limit
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ def limit_timeline_events(filter, limit) when is_map(filter) and is_integer(limit) do
+ put(filter, ["room", "timeline", "limit"], limit)
+ end
+ @spec lazy_loading(filter :: map) :: map
+ def lazy_loading(filter \\ %{})
+ def lazy_loading(filter) when filter == %{} do
+ %{
+ "room" => %{
+ "state" => %{
+ "lazy_load_members" => true
+ },
+ "timeline" => %{
+ "lazy_load_members" => true
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ def lazy_loading(filter) when is_map(filter) do
+ filter
+ |> put(["room", "state", "lazy_load_members"], true)
+ |> put(["room", "timeline", "lazy_load_members"], true)
+ end
diff --git a/lib/polyjuice/client/storage.ex b/lib/polyjuice/client/storage.ex
index 6ca4ffa..3f5e26d 100644
--- a/lib/polyjuice/client/storage.ex
+++ b/lib/polyjuice/client/storage.ex
@@ -49,6 +49,18 @@ defprotocol Polyjuice.Client.Storage do
def set_sync_token(storage, token)
@doc """
+ Store the ID for a filter.
+ """
+ @spec set_filter_id(storage :: __MODULE__.t(), filter :: map, filter_id :: String.t()) :: any
+ def set_filter_id(storage, filter, filter_id)
+ @doc """
+ Get the ID stored for a filter, or `nil' if no ID has been stored.
+ """
+ @spec get_filter_id(storage :: __MODULE__.t(), filter :: map) :: String.t() | nil
+ def get_filter_id(storage, filter)
+ @doc """
Store data for a specific key.
@spec kv_put(storage :: __MODULE__.t(), key :: String, value :: __MODULE__.value()) :: any
diff --git a/lib/polyjuice/client/storage/dets.ex b/lib/polyjuice/client/storage/dets.ex
index edea241..71999ee 100644
--- a/lib/polyjuice/client/storage/dets.ex
+++ b/lib/polyjuice/client/storage/dets.ex
@@ -51,6 +51,22 @@ defmodule Polyjuice.Client.Storage.Dets do
:dets.insert(table, {:sync_token, token})
+ def set_filter_id(%{table: table}, filter, id) when is_map(filter) and is_binary(id) do
+ {:ok, json} = Polyjuice.Util.JSON.canonical_json(filter)
+ hash = :crypto.hash(:sha256, json)
+ :dets.insert(table, {"filter_" <> hash, id})
+ end
+ def get_filter_id(%{table: table}, filter) do
+ {:ok, json} = Polyjuice.Util.JSON.canonical_json(filter)
+ hash = :crypto.hash(:sha256, json)
+ case :dets.lookup(table, "filter_" <> hash) do
+ [{_, id}] -> id
+ _ -> nil
+ end
+ end
def kv_put(%{table: table}, key, value) when is_binary(key) do
:dets.insert(table, {"kv_" <> key, value})
diff --git a/lib/polyjuice/client/storage/ets.ex b/lib/polyjuice/client/storage/ets.ex
index dfeae72..e3a6e0c 100644
--- a/lib/polyjuice/client/storage/ets.ex
+++ b/lib/polyjuice/client/storage/ets.ex
@@ -46,6 +46,22 @@ defmodule Polyjuice.Client.Storage.Ets do
:ets.insert(table, {:sync_token, token})
+ def set_filter_id(%{table: table}, filter, id) when is_map(filter) and is_binary(id) do
+ {:ok, json} = Polyjuice.Util.JSON.canonical_json(filter)
+ hash = :crypto.hash(:sha256, json)
+ :dets.insert(table, {"filter_" <> hash, id})
+ end
+ def get_filter_id(%{table: table}, filter) do
+ {:ok, json} = Polyjuice.Util.JSON.canonical_json(filter)
+ hash = :crypto.hash(:sha256, json)
+ case :dets.lookup(table, "filter_" <> hash) do
+ [{_, id}] -> id
+ _ -> nil
+ end
+ end
def kv_put(%{table: table}, key, value) when is_binary(key) do
:dets.insert(table, {"kv_" <> key, value})
diff --git a/lib/polyjuice/client/sync.ex b/lib/polyjuice/client/sync.ex
index b12913c..6d49f2b 100644
--- a/lib/polyjuice/client/sync.ex
+++ b/lib/polyjuice/client/sync.ex
@@ -22,26 +22,24 @@ defmodule Polyjuice.Client.Sync do
Start a sync task.
@spec start_link([...]) :: {:ok, pid}
- def start_link([
- %Polyjuice.Client{access_token: access_token, base_url: homeserver_url},
- listener,
- storage | opts
- ])
- when is_binary(access_token) and is_binary(homeserver_url) and is_pid(listener) and
- is_list(opts) do
- Task.start_link(__MODULE__, :sync, [access_token, homeserver_url, listener, storage, opts])
+ def start_link([client, listener, storage | opts])
+ when is_pid(listener) and is_list(opts) do
+ Task.start_link(__MODULE__, :sync, [client, listener, storage, opts])
- @enforce_keys [:listener, :access_token, :uri, :storage]
+ @enforce_keys [:listener, :access_token, :homeserver_url, :uri, :user_id, :storage]
defstruct [
+ :homeserver_url,
+ :user_id,
query_params: "",
- backoff: nil
+ backoff: nil,
+ set_filter: nil
@sync_path "_matrix/client/r0/sync"
@@ -49,16 +47,46 @@ defmodule Polyjuice.Client.Sync do
@buffer_timeout 10000
@doc false
- def sync(access_token, homeserver_url, listener, storage, opts) do
+ def sync(
+ %Polyjuice.Client{
+ access_token: access_token,
+ base_url: homeserver_url,
+ user_id: user_id
+ },
+ listener,
+ storage,
+ opts
+ ) do
+ # Figure out how to handle the filter (if any): can we pass it in straight
+ # to the query, or do we need to get its ID. And if we get its ID, do we
+ # already have it, or do we need to send it to the server?
+ {filter, set_filter} =
+ case Keyword.get(opts, :filter) do
+ nil ->
+ {nil, nil}
+ f when is_binary(f) ->
+ {f, nil}
+ f when is_map(f) ->
+ case Polyjuice.Client.Storage.get_filter_id(storage, f) do
+ nil -> {nil, f}
+ id -> {id, nil}
+ end
+ end
query_params =
- [{"timeout", @sync_timeout}],
+ if filter do
+ [{"timeout", @sync_timeout}, {"filter", filter}]
+ else
+ [{"timeout", @sync_timeout}]
+ end,
- {:filter, filter}, acc -> acc ++ [{"filter", filter}]
- {:full_state, full_state}, acc -> acc ++ [{"full_state", full_state}]
- {:set_presence, set_presence}, acc -> acc ++ [{"set_presence", set_presence}]
+ {:full_state, full_state}, acc -> [{"full_state", full_state} | acc]
+ {:set_presence, set_presence}, acc -> [{"set_presence", set_presence} | acc]
_, acc -> acc
@@ -69,10 +97,13 @@ defmodule Polyjuice.Client.Sync do
listener: listener,
access_token: access_token,
+ homeserver_url: homeserver_url,
+ user_id: user_id,
uri: uri,
query_params: query_params,
storage: storage,
- since: Polyjuice.Client.Storage.get_sync_token(storage)
+ since: Polyjuice.Client.Storage.get_sync_token(storage),
+ set_filter: set_filter
@@ -90,7 +121,12 @@ defmodule Polyjuice.Client.Sync do
) do
{:ok, conn_ref} ->"Connected to sync")
- do_sync(%{state | conn_ref: conn_ref, backoff: nil})
+ if state.set_filter do
+ set_filter(%{state | conn_ref: conn_ref, backoff: nil})
+ else
+ do_sync(%{state | conn_ref: conn_ref, backoff: nil, set_filter: nil})
+ end
# FIXME: what errors do we need to handle differently?
{:error, err} ->
@@ -100,6 +136,68 @@ defmodule Polyjuice.Client.Sync do
+ defp set_filter(state) do
+ if state.backoff, do: :timer.sleep(state.backoff * 1000)
+ Logger.debug("Setting filter")
+ e = &URI.encode_www_form/1
+ path =
+ URI.merge(
+ state.homeserver_url,
+ "#{Polyjuice.Client.prefix_r0()}/user/#{e.(state.user_id)}/filter"
+ ).path
+ headers = [
+ {"Accept", "application/json"},
+ {"Content-Type", "application/json"},
+ {"Authorization", "Bearer #{state.access_token}"}
+ ]
+ case :hackney.send_request(
+ state.conn_ref,
+ {:post, path, headers, Poison.encode!(state.set_filter)}
+ ) do
+ {:ok, status_code, _resp_headers, client_ref} ->
+ case status_code do
+ 200 ->
+ {:ok, body} = :hackney.body(client_ref)
+ filter_id = body |> Poison.decode!() |> Map.get("filter_id")
+ Logger.debug("got filter id #{filter_id}")
+ Polyjuice.Client.Storage.set_filter_id(, state.set_filter, filter_id)
+ do_sync(%{
+ state
+ | query_params: "#{state.query_params}&filter=#{e.(filter_id)}",
+ set_filter: nil
+ })
+ _ ->
+ {:ok, body} = :hackney.body(client_ref)
+ Logger.warn("Unable to set filter for sync. Ignoring. Got message: #{body}")
+ do_sync(%{state | set_filter: nil})
+ end
+ # if the request timed out, try again
+ {:error, :timeout} ->
+"set filter timed out")
+ set_filter(%{state | backoff: nil})
+ {:error, :closed} ->
+ backoff = calc_backoff(state.backoff)
+ Logger.error("Set filter error: closed; retrying in #{backoff} seconds.")
+ connect(%{state | backoff: backoff, conn_ref: nil})
+ # FIXME: what other error codes do we need to handle?
+ {:error, err} ->
+ # for other errors, we retry with exponential backoff
+ backoff = calc_backoff(state.backoff)
+ Logger.error("Set filter error: #{err}; retrying in #{backoff} seconds.")
+ set_filter(%{state | backoff: backoff})
+ end
+ end
defp do_sync(state) do
if state.backoff, do: :timer.sleep(state.backoff * 1000)
@@ -119,6 +217,7 @@ defmodule Polyjuice.Client.Sync do
200 ->
if state.backoff, do:"Sync resumed")
{:ok, body} = :hackney.body(client_ref)
+ Logger.debug(body)
json_body = Poison.decode!(body)
process_body(json_body, state)
%{"next_batch" => next_batch} = json_body
diff --git a/mix.exs b/mix.exs
index e7bc1cb..3d48fb2 100644
--- a/mix.exs
+++ b/mix.exs
@@ -46,7 +46,8 @@ defmodule PolyjuiceClient.MixProject do
{:ex_doc, "~> 0.21", only: :dev, runtime: false},
{:hackney, "~> 1.12"},
- {:poison, "~> 4.0"}
+ {:poison, "~> 4.0"},
+ {:polyjuice_util, "~> 0.1.0"}
diff --git a/mix.lock b/mix.lock
index b794a82..10a45d7 100644
--- a/mix.lock
+++ b/mix.lock
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
"nimble_parsec": {:hex, :nimble_parsec, "0.5.1", "c90796ecee0289dbb5ad16d3ad06f957b0cd1199769641c961cfe0b97db190e0", [:mix], [], "hexpm"},
"parse_trans": {:hex, :parse_trans, "3.3.0", "09765507a3c7590a784615cfd421d101aec25098d50b89d7aa1d66646bc571c1", [:rebar3], [], "hexpm"},
"poison": {:hex, :poison, "4.0.1", "bcb755a16fac91cad79bfe9fc3585bb07b9331e50cfe3420a24bcc2d735709ae", [:mix], [], "hexpm"},
+ "polyjuice_util": {:hex, :polyjuice_util, "0.1.0", "69901959c143245b47829c8302d0605dff6c0e1c3b116730c162982e0f512ee0", [:mix], [], "hexpm"},
"ssl_verify_fun": {:hex, :ssl_verify_fun, "1.1.4", "f0eafff810d2041e93f915ef59899c923f4568f4585904d010387ed74988e77b", [:make, :mix, :rebar3], [], "hexpm"},
"unicode_util_compat": {:hex, :unicode_util_compat, "0.4.1", "d869e4c68901dd9531385bb0c8c40444ebf624e60b6962d95952775cac5e90cd", [:rebar3], [], "hexpm"},
diff --git a/test/polyjuice/client/endpoint/post_user_filter_test.exs b/test/polyjuice/client/endpoint/post_user_filter_test.exs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed19407
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/polyjuice/client/endpoint/post_user_filter_test.exs
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# Copyright 2019 Hubert Chathi <>
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+defmodule Polyjuice.Client.Endpoint.PostUserfilterTest do
+ use ExUnit.Case
+ test "POST login" do
+ endpoint = %Polyjuice.Client.Endpoint.PostUserFilter{
+ user_id: "",
+ filter: %{
+ "presence" => %{
+ "types" => []
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ http_spec = Polyjuice.Client.Endpoint.Proto.http_spec(endpoint, "")
+ assert %{http_spec | transform: nil} == %Polyjuice.Client.Endpoint.HttpSpec{
+ auth_required: true,
+ body: ~s({"presence":{"types":[]}}),
+ headers: [
+ {"Accept", "application/json"},
+ {"Content-Type", "application/json"}
+ ],
+ method: :post,
+ transform: nil,
+ url: ""
+ }
+ assert http_spec.transform.(200, [], ~s({"filter_id":"abc"})) == {:ok, "abc"}
+ assert http_spec.transform.(500, [], "Aaah!") == {:error, 500, "Aaah!"}
+ end
diff --git a/test/polyjuice/client/filter_test.exs b/test/polyjuice/client/filter_test.exs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8057360
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/polyjuice/client/filter_test.exs
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+# Copyright 2019 Hubert Chathi <>
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+defmodule Polyjuice.Client.FilterTest do
+ use ExUnit.Case
+ doctest Polyjuice.Client.Filter
+ alias Polyjuice.Client.Filter
+ test "create filters" do
+ assert Filter.include_presence_types([]) == %{"presence" => %{"types" => []}}
+ assert Filter.include_presence_types(["foo"])
+ |> Filter.include_presence_types(["bar"]) == %{
+ "presence" => %{"types" => ["foo", "bar"]}
+ }
+ assert Filter.exclude_presence_types([]) == %{"presence" => %{"not_types" => []}}
+ assert Filter.exclude_presence_types(["foo"])
+ |> Filter.exclude_presence_types(["bar"]) == %{
+ "presence" => %{"not_types" => ["foo", "bar"]}
+ }
+ assert Filter.include_presence_types(["foo.*"])
+ |> Filter.exclude_presence_types([""]) ==
+ %{
+ "presence" => %{"not_types" => [""], "types" => ["foo.*"]}
+ }
+ assert Filter.exclude_presence_types([""])
+ |> Filter.include_presence_types(["foo.*"]) ==
+ %{
+ "presence" => %{"not_types" => [""], "types" => ["foo.*"]}
+ }
+ assert Filter.include_ephemeral_types([]) == %{"room" => %{"ephemeral" => %{"types" => []}}}
+ assert Filter.include_ephemeral_types(["foo"])
+ |> Filter.include_ephemeral_types(["bar"]) ==
+ %{
+ "room" => %{
+ "ephemeral" => %{"types" => ["foo", "bar"]}
+ }
+ }
+ assert Filter.exclude_ephemeral_types([]) == %{
+ "room" => %{"ephemeral" => %{"not_types" => []}}
+ }
+ assert Filter.exclude_ephemeral_types(["foo"])
+ |> Filter.exclude_ephemeral_types(["bar"]) ==
+ %{
+ "room" => %{
+ "ephemeral" => %{"not_types" => ["foo", "bar"]}
+ }
+ }
+ assert Filter.include_ephemeral_types(["foo.*"])
+ |> Filter.exclude_ephemeral_types([""]) == %{
+ "room" => %{
+ "ephemeral" => %{"not_types" => [""], "types" => ["foo.*"]}
+ }
+ }
+ assert Filter.exclude_ephemeral_types([""])
+ |> Filter.include_ephemeral_types(["foo.*"]) == %{
+ "room" => %{
+ "ephemeral" => %{"not_types" => [""], "types" => ["foo.*"]}
+ }
+ }
+ assert Filter.include_state_types([]) == %{"room" => %{"state" => %{"types" => []}}}
+ assert Filter.include_state_types(["foo"])
+ |> Filter.include_state_types(["bar"]) == %{
+ "room" => %{
+ "state" => %{"types" => ["foo", "bar"]}
+ }
+ }
+ assert Filter.exclude_state_types([]) == %{"room" => %{"state" => %{"not_types" => []}}}
+ assert Filter.exclude_state_types(["foo"])
+ |> Filter.exclude_state_types(["bar"]) == %{
+ "room" => %{
+ "state" => %{"not_types" => ["foo", "bar"]}
+ }
+ }
+ assert Filter.include_state_types(["foo.*"])
+ |> Filter.exclude_state_types([""]) == %{
+ "room" => %{
+ "state" => %{"not_types" => [""], "types" => ["foo.*"]}
+ }
+ }
+ assert Filter.exclude_state_types([""])
+ |> Filter.include_state_types(["foo.*"]) == %{
+ "room" => %{
+ "state" => %{"not_types" => [""], "types" => ["foo.*"]}
+ }
+ }
+ assert Filter.limit_timeline_events(10) == %{"room" => %{"timeline" => %{"limit" => 10}}}
+ assert Filter.lazy_loading() == %{
+ "room" => %{
+ "state" => %{"lazy_load_members" => true},
+ "timeline" => %{"lazy_load_members" => true}
+ }
+ }
+ assert Filter.limit_timeline_events(10) |> Filter.lazy_loading() == %{
+ "room" => %{
+ "state" => %{"lazy_load_members" => true},
+ "timeline" => %{"lazy_load_members" => true, "limit" => 10}
+ }
+ }
+ assert Filter.lazy_loading() |> Filter.limit_timeline_events(10) == %{
+ "room" => %{
+ "state" => %{"lazy_load_members" => true},
+ "timeline" => %{"lazy_load_members" => true, "limit" => 10}
+ }
+ }
+ end