diff options
authorHubert Chathi <>2020-11-02 22:04:22 -0500
committerHubert Chathi <>2020-11-02 22:04:22 -0500
commit04644972f45511f8372ab0cfa3e76c6c14d760b8 (patch)
parentallow compressed server responses (diff)
add support for proxies, SSL options, and following redirects
2 files changed, 124 insertions, 29 deletions
diff --git a/lib/polyjuice/client.ex b/lib/polyjuice/client.ex
index 2de32fc..d7ad60a 100644
--- a/lib/polyjuice/client.ex
+++ b/lib/polyjuice/client.ex
@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ defmodule Polyjuice.Client do
base_url: String.t(),
id: integer,
pid: pid,
+ hackney_opts: list,
opts: map
@@ -72,6 +73,7 @@ defmodule Polyjuice.Client do
+ hackney_opts: [],
opts: %{}
@@ -89,6 +91,16 @@ defmodule Polyjuice.Client do
- `sync`: whether to start a sync process (defaults to true). The sync process
will not start if there is no `storage` or `handler` provided.
- `sync_filter`: the filter to use for the sync. Defaults to no filter.
+ - `proxy`: use a proxy to connect to the homeserver. This may be of the form
+ `{:http, host, port}` or `{:http, host, port, user, pass}` for HTTP proxies,
+ or `{:socks5, host, port}` or `{:socks5, host, port, user, pass}` for SOCKS5
+ proxies.
+ - `ssl_options`: SSL/TLS options. This is a list of `tls_client_option`s as
+ defined at
+ - `follow_redirect`: whether redirects should be automatically followed. May
+ either a number indicating the maximum number of redirects to follow, or
+ `true`, meaning that redirects should be followed up to a default maximum
+ number.
@spec start_link(base_url :: String.t(), opts :: Keyword.t()) :: {:ok, pid}
def start_link(base_url, opts \\ []) when is_binary(base_url) and is_list(opts) do
@@ -199,11 +211,46 @@ defmodule Polyjuice.Client do
name: process_name(client_id, :supervisor)
+ hackney_opts =
+ [
+ case Map.get(opts, :proxy) do
+ {:http, host, port} ->
+ host = if is_binary(host), do: String.to_charlist(host), else: host
+ [proxy: {host, port}]
+ {:http, host, port, user, pass} ->
+ host = if is_binary(host), do: String.to_charlist(host), else: host
+ [proxy: {host, port}, proxy_auth: {user, pass}]
+ {:socks5, host, port} ->
+ host = if is_binary(host), do: String.to_charlist(host), else: host
+ [proxy: {:socks5, host, port}]
+ {:socks5, host, port, user, pass} ->
+ host = if is_binary(host), do: String.to_charlist(host), else: host
+ [proxy: {:socks5, host, port}, socks5_user: user, socks5_pass: pass]
+ _ ->
+ []
+ end,
+ case Map.get(opts, :ssl_options) do
+ opts when is_list(opts) -> [ssl_options: opts]
+ _ -> []
+ end,
+ case Map.get(opts, :follow_redirect) do
+ true -> [follow_redirect: true]
+ count when is_integer(count) -> [follow_redirect: true, max_redirect: count]
+ _ -> []
+ end
+ # FIXME: pool options?
+ ]
+ |> Enum.concat()
if sync and access_token != nil and handler != nil and storage != nil do
{:ok, _pid} =
- sync_child_spec(base_url, client_id, self(), opts)
+ sync_child_spec(base_url, client_id, self(), hackney_opts, opts)
@@ -217,6 +264,7 @@ defmodule Polyjuice.Client do
base_url: base_url,
id: client_id,
pid: self(),
+ hackney_opts: hackney_opts,
opts: opts
@@ -272,11 +320,13 @@ defmodule Polyjuice.Client do
{:via, Registry, {Polyjuice.Client, {id, process}}}
- defp sync_child_spec(base_url, client_id, pid, opts) do
+ defp sync_child_spec(base_url, client_id, pid, hackney_opts, opts) do
id: Polyjuice.Client.Sync,
restart: :transient,
- start: {Task, :start_link, [Polyjuice.Client.Sync, :sync, [base_url, client_id, pid, opts]]}
+ start:
+ {Task, :start_link,
+ [Polyjuice.Client.Sync, :sync, [base_url, client_id, pid, hackney_opts, opts]]}
@@ -365,7 +415,7 @@ defmodule Polyjuice.Client do
- []
+ client.hackney_opts
) do
{:ok, status_code, resp_headers, client_ref} ->
Logger.debug("status code #{status_code}")
@@ -612,7 +662,13 @@ defmodule Polyjuice.Client do
- sync_child_spec(client.base_url,,, client.opts)
+ sync_child_spec(
+ client.base_url,
+ client.hackney_opts,
+ client.opts
+ )
diff --git a/lib/polyjuice/client/sync.ex b/lib/polyjuice/client/sync.ex
index 4671260..c315e90 100644
--- a/lib/polyjuice/client/sync.ex
+++ b/lib/polyjuice/client/sync.ex
@@ -21,16 +21,17 @@ defmodule Polyjuice.Client.Sync do
@doc """
Start a sync task.
- @enforce_keys [:id, :homeserver_url, :uri, :storage]
+ @enforce_keys [:id, :homeserver_url, :storage, :hackney_connect, :hackney_request]
defstruct [
- :uri,
+ :hackney_connect,
+ :hackney_request,
query_params: "",
backoff: nil,
set_filter: nil,
@@ -47,8 +48,12 @@ defmodule Polyjuice.Client.Sync do
+ hackney_opts,
%{storage: storage, handler: handler, test: test} = opts
) do
+ homeserver_url =
+ if is_binary(homeserver_url), do: URI.parse(homeserver_url), else: homeserver_url
# Figure out how to handle the filter (if any): can we pass it in straight
# to the query, or do we need to get its ID. And if we get its ID, do we
# already have it, or do we need to send it to the server?
@@ -83,35 +88,73 @@ defmodule Polyjuice.Client.Sync do
|> Enum.concat()
|> URI.encode_query()
- uri = URI.merge(homeserver_url, @sync_path)
Registry.register(Polyjuice.Client, {id, :sync}, nil)
+ {hackney_connect, hackney_request} = get_hackney_functions(opts, hackney_opts, homeserver_url)
handler: handler,
id: id,
pid: pid,
homeserver_url: homeserver_url,
- uri: uri,
query_params: query_params,
storage: storage,
since: Polyjuice.Client.Storage.get_sync_token(storage),
+ hackney_connect: hackney_connect,
+ hackney_request: hackney_request,
set_filter: set_filter,
test: test
+ defp get_hackney_functions(opts, hackney_opts, uri) do
+ hackney_transport =
+ case uri.scheme do
+ "http" -> :hackney_tcp
+ "https" -> :hackney_ssl
+ end
+ hackney_opts = [recv_timeout: @sync_timeout + @buffer_timeout] ++ hackney_opts
+ hackney_connect =
+ if Map.has_key?(opts, :proxy) do
+ # we only get one request per connection when using a proxy, so don't
+ # bother trying to maintain an open connection. We'll just make single
+ # requests.
+ fn -> {:ok, nil} end
+ else
+ fn ->
+ :hackney.connect(hackney_transport,, uri.port, hackney_opts)
+ end
+ end
+ hackney_request =
+ if Map.has_key?(opts, :proxy) do
+ fn method, path, headers, body, state ->
+ url = URI.merge(state.homeserver_url, path) |> to_string()
+ :hackney.request(method, url, headers, body, hackney_opts)
+ end
+ else
+ fn method, path, headers, body, state ->
+ uri = URI.merge(state.homeserver_url, path)
+ abs_path = if uri.query, do: "#{uri.path}?#{uri.query}", else: uri.path
+ :hackney.send_request(
+ state.conn_ref,
+ {method, abs_path, [{"Host",} | headers], body}
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ {hackney_connect, hackney_request}
+ end
defp calc_backoff(backoff), do: if(backoff, do: min(backoff * 2, 30), else: 1)
defp connect(state) do
if state.backoff, do: :timer.sleep(state.backoff * 1000)
- uri = state.uri
- options = [recv_timeout: @sync_timeout + @buffer_timeout]
- case %URI{scheme: uri.scheme, host:, port: uri.port}
- |> URI.to_string()
- |> :hackney.connect(options) do
+ case state.hackney_connect.() do
{:ok, conn_ref} ->"Connected to sync")
Polyjuice.Client.Handler.handle(state.handler, :sync_connected)
@@ -125,7 +168,7 @@ defmodule Polyjuice.Client.Sync do
# FIXME: what errors do we need to handle differently?
{:error, err} ->
backoff = calc_backoff(state.backoff)
- Logger.error("Sync error: #{err}; retrying in #{backoff} seconds.")
+ Logger.error("Sync connection error: #{err}; retrying in #{backoff} seconds.")
connect(%{state | backoff: backoff})
@@ -139,12 +182,6 @@ defmodule Polyjuice.Client.Sync do
%{access_token: access_token, user_id: user_id} =, :get_state)
- path =
- URI.merge(
- state.homeserver_url,
- "#{Polyjuice.Client.Endpoint.HttpSpec.prefix_r0()}/user/#{e.(user_id)}/filter"
- ).path
headers = [
{"Accept", "application/json"},
{"Accept-Encoding", "gzip, deflate"},
@@ -152,10 +189,12 @@ defmodule Polyjuice.Client.Sync do
{"Authorization", "Bearer #{access_token}"}
- case :hackney.send_request(
- state.conn_ref,
- {if(state.test, do: :put, else: :post), path, headers,
- Jason.encode_to_iodata!(state.set_filter)}
+ case state.hackney_request.(
+ if(state.test, do: :put, else: :post),
+ "#{Polyjuice.Client.Endpoint.HttpSpec.prefix_r0()}/user/#{e.(user_id)}/filter",
+ headers,
+ Jason.encode_to_iodata!(state.set_filter),
+ state
) do
{:ok, status_code, resp_headers, client_ref} ->
case status_code do
@@ -254,12 +293,12 @@ defmodule Polyjuice.Client.Sync do
path =
- state.uri.path <>
+ @sync_path <>
"?" <>
state.query_params <>
if state.since, do: "&since=" <> URI.encode_www_form(state.since), else: ""
- case :hackney.send_request(state.conn_ref, {:get, path, headers, ""}) do
+ case state.hackney_request.(:get, path, headers, "", state) do
{:ok, status_code, resp_headers, client_ref} ->
case status_code do
200 ->