defmodule MatrixAppService.Client do @moduledoc """ Convenience wrapper around `Polyjuice.Client.LowLevel`. Library users can use the wrapped functions or call `user/1` and pass the returned struct to Polyjuice functions. """ @type client_options :: {:base_url, String.t()} | MatrixAppService.Client.LowLevel.create_opts() @doc """ Returns a client for the application service. By default, the client gets its homeserver URL and access token from configuration. Different options can be provided to override the defaults, those are: * `:base_url`: homerver URL * `:acces_token`: access token * `:device_id`: device ID * `:user_id`: user ID * `:storage`: a `t:Polyjuice.Client.Storage.t/0` """ @spec client([client_options()]) :: Polyjuice.Client.LowLevel.t() def client(opts \\ []) do base_url = Keyword.get(opts, :base_url) || (MatrixAppService.Application.start_endpoint?() && MatrixAppServiceWeb.Endpoint.config(:base_url)) || Application.get_env(:matrix_app_service, :app_service)[:base_url] || raise "MatrixAppService: config key base_url missing" access_token = Keyword.get(opts, :access_token) || (MatrixAppService.Application.start_endpoint?() && MatrixAppServiceWeb.Endpoint.config(:access_token)) || Application.get_env(:matrix_app_service, :app_service)[:access_token] || raise "MatrixAppService: config key access_token missing" default_opts = [ access_token: access_token, device_id: "APP_SERVICE" ] opts = Keyword.merge(default_opts, opts) Polyjuice.Client.LowLevel.create(base_url, opts) end @doc """ Creates a Matrix room. Arguments: 1. `options`: see `Polyjuice.Client.Room.create_room/2` 2. `client_options`: see `client/1` """ @spec create_room(Keyword.t()) :: {:ok, String.t()} | Any def create_room(options \\ [], client_options \\ []) do client(client_options) |> Polyjuice.Client.Room.create_room(options) end @doc """ Creates a new alias for a Matrix room. Arguments: 1. `room_id`: room ID 2. `room_alias`: room alias 3. `client_options`: see `client/1` """ @spec create_alias(String.t(), String.t(), client_options()) :: {:ok, String.t()} | Any def create_alias(room_id, room_alias, client_options \\ []) do client(client_options) |> Polyjuice.Client.Room.create_alias(room_id, room_alias) end @doc """ Sends a message to a Matrix room. Arguments: 1. `room_id`: room ID 2. `msg`: see `Polyjuice.Client.Room.send_message/3` 3. `client_options`: see `client/1` """ @spec send_message(String.t(), String.t(), client_options()) :: {:ok, String.t()} | Any def send_message(room_id, msg, client_options \\ []) do client(client_options) |> Polyjuice.Client.Room.send_message(room_id, msg) end @doc """ Registers a new Matrix user. Arguments: 1. `opts`: a keyword list that can contain these keys: * `:inhibit_login`: true * `:device_id`: device ID, defaults to `"APP_SERVICE"` * `:initial_device_display_name`: device name, defaults to `"ApplicationService"` * `:kind`: kind of account to register, defaults to `"user"`, can also be `"guest"` 2. `client_options`: see `client/1` """ @spec register(Polyjuice.Client.LowLevel.register_opts(), client_options()) :: {:ok, String.t()} | Any def register(opts \\ [], client_options \\ []) do default_opts = [ inhibit_login: true, device_id: "APP_SERVICE", initial_device_display_name: "Application Service" ] opts = Keyword.merge(default_opts, opts) client(client_options) |> Polyjuice.Client.LowLevel.register(opts) end defdelegate get_data(client, id, key), to: Polyjuice.Client.Account defdelegate get_profile(client, id), to: Polyjuice.Client.Profile defdelegate modify_display(client, id, name), to: Polyjuice.Client.Profile end