defmodule Nola.TelegramRoom do require Logger @behaviour Telegram.ChatBot alias Telegram.Api @couch "bot-telegram-rooms" def rooms(), do: rooms(:with_docs) @spec rooms(:with_docs | :ids) :: [Map.t | integer( )] def rooms(:with_docs) do case Couch.get(@couch, :all_docs, include_docs: true) do {:ok, %{"rows" => rows}} -> {:ok, for(%{"doc" => doc} <- rows, do: doc)} error = {:error, _} -> error end end def rooms(:ids) do case Couch.get(@couch, :all_docs) do {:ok, %{"rows" => rows}} -> {:ok, for(%{"id" => id} <- rows, do: id)} error = {:error, _} -> error end end def room(id, opts \\ []) do Couch.get(@couch, id, opts) end # TODO: Create couch def setup() do :ok end def after_start() do for id <- room(:ids), do: Telegram.Bot.ChatBot.Chat.Session.Supervisor.start_child(Nola.Telegram, Integer.parse(id) |> elem(0)) end @impl Telegram.ChatBot def init(id) when is_integer(id) and id < 0 do token = Keyword.get(Application.get_env(:nola, :telegram, []), :key) {:ok, chat} = Api.request(token, "getChat", chat_id: id) Logger.metadata(transport: :telegram, id: id, telegram_room_id: id) tg_room = case room(id) do {:ok, tg_room = %{"network" => _net, "channel" => _chan}} -> tg_room {:error, :not_found} -> [net, chan] = String.split(chat["title"], "/", parts: 2) {net, chan} = case IRC.Connection.get_network(net, chan) do %IRC.Connection{} -> {net, chan} _ -> {nil, nil} end {:ok, _id, _rev} =, %{"_id" => id, "network" => net, "channel" => nil}) {:ok, tg_room} = room(id) tg_room end %{"network" => net, "channel" => chan} = tg_room"Starting ChatBot for room #{id} \"#{chat["title"]}\" #{inspect tg_room}") irc_plumbed = if net && chan do {:ok, _} = Registry.register(Nola.PubSub, "#{net}/#{chan}:messages", plugin: __MODULE__) {:ok, _} = Registry.register(Nola.PubSub, "#{net}/#{chan}:triggers", plugin: __MODULE__) {:ok, _} = Registry.register(Nola.PubSub, "#{net}/#{chan}:outputs", plugin: __MODULE__) true else Logger.warn("Did not found telegram match for #{id} \"#{chat["title"]}\"") false end {:ok, %{id: id, net: net, chan: chan, irc: irc_plumbed}} end def init(id) do Logger.error("telegram_room: bad id (not room id)", transport: :telegram, id: id, telegram_room_id: id) :ignoree end defp find_or_create_meta_account(from = %{"id" => user_id}, state) do if account = IRC.Account.find_meta_account("telegram-id", user_id) do account else first_name = Map.get(from, "first_name") last_name = Map.get(from, "last_name") name = [first_name, last_name] |> Enum.filter(& &1) |> Enum.join(" ") username = Map.get(from, "username", first_name) account = username |> IRC.Account.new_account() |> IRC.Account.update_account_name(name) |> IRC.Account.put_meta("telegram-id", user_id)"telegram_room: created account #{} for telegram user #{user_id}") account end end def handle_update(%{"message" => %{"from" => from = %{"id" => user_id}, "text" => text}}, _token, state) do account = find_or_create_meta_account(from, state) connection = IRC.Connection.get_network( IRC.send_message_as(account,, state.chan, text, true) {:ok, state} end def handle_update(data = %{"message" => %{"from" => from = %{"id" => user_id}, "location" => %{"latitude" => lat, "longitude" => lon}}}, _token, state) do account = find_or_create_meta_account(from, state) connection = IRC.Connection.get_network( IRC.send_message_as(account,, state.chan, "@ #{lat}, #{lon}", true) {:ok, state} end for type <- ~w(photo voice video document animation) do def handle_update(data = %{"message" => %{unquote(type) => _}}, token, state) do upload(unquote(type), data, token, state) end end def handle_update(update, token, state) do {:ok, state} end def handle_info({:irc, _, _, message}, state) do handle_info({:irc, nil, message}, state) end def handle_info({:irc, _, message = %IRC.Message{sender: %{nick: nick}, text: text}}, state) do if Map.get(message.meta, :from) == self() do else body = if Map.get(message.meta, :self), do: text, else: "<#{nick}> #{text}" Nola.Telegram.send_message(, body) end {:ok, state} end def handle_info(info, state) do"UNhandled #{inspect info}") {:ok, state} end defp upload(_type, %{"message" => m = %{"chat" => %{"id" => chat_id}, "from" => from = %{"id" => user_id}}}, token, state) do account = find_or_create_meta_account(from, state) if account do {content, type} = cond do m["photo"] -> {m["photo"], "photo"} m["voice"] -> {m["voice"], "voice message"} m["video"] -> {m["video"], "video"} m["document"] -> {m["document"], "file"} m["animation"] -> {m["animation"], "gif"} end file = if is_list(content) && Enum.count(content) > 1 do Enum.sort_by(content, fn(p) -> p["file_size"] end, &>=/2) |> List.first() else content end file_id = file["file_id"] file_unique_id = file["file_unique_id"] text = if(m["caption"], do: m["caption"] <> " ", else: "") spawn(fn() -> with \ {:ok, file} <- Telegram.Api.request(token, "getFile", file_id: file_id), path = "{token}/#{file["file_path"]}", {:ok, %HTTPoison.Response{status_code: 200, body: body}} <- HTTPoison.get(path), <> = body, {:ok, magic} <- GenMagic.Pool.perform(Nola.GenMagic, {:bytes, smol_body}), bucket = Application.get_env(:nola, :s3, []) |> Keyword.get(:bucket), ext = Path.extname(file["file_path"]), s3path = "#{}/#{file_unique_id}#{ext}", s3req = ExAws.S3.put_object(bucket, s3path, body, acl: :public_read, content_type: magic.mime_type), {:ok, _} <- ExAws.request(s3req) do path = NolaWeb.Router.Helpers.url(NolaWeb.Endpoint) <> "/files/#{s3path}" txt = "#{type}: #{text}#{path}" connection = IRC.Connection.get_network( IRC.send_message_as(account,, state.chan, txt, true) else error -> Telegram.Api.request(token, "sendMessage", chat_id: chat_id, text: "File upload failed, sorry.") Logger.error("Failed upload from Telegram: #{inspect error}") end end) {:ok, state} end end end