defmodule IRC.Account do alias IRC.UserTrack.User @moduledoc """ Account registry.... Maps a network predicate: * `{net, {:nick, nickname}}` * `{net, {:account, account}}` * `{net, {:mask, user@host}}` to an unique identifier, that can be shared over multiple networks. If a predicate cannot be found for an existing account, a new account will be made in the database. To link two existing accounts from different network onto a different one, a merge operation is provided. """ # FIXME: Ensure uniqueness of name? @derive {Poison.Encoder, except: [:token]} defstruct [:id, :name, :token] @type t :: %__MODULE__{id: id(), name: String.t()} @type id :: String.t() defimpl Inspect, for: __MODULE__ do import Inspect.Algebra def inspect(%{id: id, name: name}, opts) do concat(["#IRC.Account[", id, " ", name, "]"]) end end def file(base) do to_charlist(Nola.data_path() <> "/account_#{base}.dets") end defp from_struct(%__MODULE__{id: id, name: name, token: token}) do {id, name, token} end defp from_tuple({id, name, token}) do %__MODULE__{id: id, name: name, token: token} end def start_link() do GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, [], [name: __MODULE__]) end def init(_) do {:ok, accounts} = :dets.open_file(file("db"), []) {:ok, meta} = :dets.open_file(file("meta"), []) {:ok, predicates} = :dets.open_file(file("predicates"), [{:type, :set}]) {:ok, %{accounts: accounts, meta: meta, predicates: predicates}} end def get(id) do case :dets.lookup(file("db"), id) do [account] -> from_tuple(account) _ -> nil end end def get_by_name(name) do spec = [{{:_, :"$1", :_}, [{:==, :"$1", {:const, name}}], [:"$_"]}] case"db"), spec) do [account] -> from_tuple(account) _ -> nil end end def get_meta(%__MODULE__{id: id}, key, default \\ nil) do case :dets.lookup(file("meta"), {id, key}) do [{_, value}] -> (value || default) _ -> default end end @spec find_meta_accounts(String.t()) :: [{account :: t(), value :: String.t()}, ...] @doc "Find all accounts that have a meta of `key`." def find_meta_accounts(key) do spec = [{{{:"$1", :"$2"}, :"$3"}, [{:==, :"$2", {:const, key}}], [{{:"$1", :"$3"}}]}] for {id, val} <-"meta"), spec), do: {get(id), val} end @doc "Find an account given a specific meta `key` and `value`." @spec find_meta_account(String.t(), String.t()) :: t() | nil def find_meta_account(key, value) do #spec = [{{{:"$1", :"$2"}, :"$3"}, [:andalso, {:==, :"$2", {:const, key}}, {:==, :"$3", {:const, value}}], [:"$1"]}] spec = [{{{:"$1", :"$2"}, :"$3"}, [{:andalso, {:==, :"$2", {:const, key}}, {:==, {:const, value}, :"$3"}}], [:"$1"]}] case"meta"), spec) do [id] -> get(id) _ -> nil end end def get_all_meta(%__MODULE__{id: id}) do spec = [{{{:"$1", :"$2"}, :"$3"}, [{:==, :"$1", {:const, id}}], [{{:"$2", :"$3"}}]}]"meta"), spec) end def put_user_meta(account = %__MODULE__{}, key, value) do put_meta(account, "u:"<>key, value) end def put_meta(%__MODULE__{id: id}, key, value) do :dets.insert(file("meta"), {{id, key}, value}) end def delete_meta(%__MODULE__{id: id}, key) do :dets.delete(file("meta"), {id, key}) end def all_accounts() do :dets.traverse(file("db"), fn(obj) -> {:continue, from_tuple(obj)} end) end def all_predicates() do :dets.traverse(file("predicates"), fn(obj) -> {:continue, obj} end) end def all_meta() do :dets.traverse(file("meta"), fn(obj) -> {:continue, obj} end) end def merge_account(old_id, new_id) do if old_id != new_id do spec = [{{:"$1", :"$2"}, [{:==, :"$2", {:const, old_id}}], [:"$1"]}] predicates ="predicates"), spec) for pred <- predicates, do: :ok = :dets.insert(file("predicates"), {pred, new_id}) spec = [{{{:"$1", :"$2"}, :"$3"}, [{:==, :"$1", {:const, old_id}}], [{{:"$2", :"$3"}}]}] metas ="meta"), spec) for {k,v} <- metas do :dets.delete(file("meta"), {{old_id, k}}) :ok = :dets.insert(file("meta"), {{new_id, k}, v}) end :dets.delete(file("db"), old_id) IRC.Membership.merge_account(old_id, new_id) IRC.UserTrack.merge_account(old_id, new_id) IRC.Connection.dispatch("account", {:account_change, old_id, new_id}) IRC.Connection.dispatch("conn", {:account_change, old_id, new_id}) end :ok end @doc "Find an account by a logged in user" def find_by_nick(network, nick) do do_lookup(%ExIRC.SenderInfo{nick: nick, network: network}, false) end @doc "Always find an account by nickname, even if offline. Uses predicates and then account name." def find_always_by_nick(network, chan, nick) do with \ nil <- find_by_nick(network, nick), nil <- do_lookup(%User{network: network, nick: nick}, false), nil <- get_by_name(nick) do nil else %__MODULE__{} = account -> memberships = IRC.Membership.of_account(account) if Enum.any?(memberships, fn({net, ch}) -> (net == network) or (chan && chan == ch) end) do account else nil end end end def find(something) do do_lookup(something, false) end def lookup(something, make_default \\ true) do account = do_lookup(something, make_default) if account && Map.get(something, :nick) do IRC.Connection.dispatch("account", {:account_auth, Map.get(something, :nick),}) end account end def handle_info(_, state) do {:noreply, state} end def handle_cast(_, state) do {:noreply, state} end def handle_call(_, _, state) do {:noreply, state} end def terminate(_, state) do for {_, dets} <- state do :dets.sync(dets) :dets.close(dets) end end defp do_lookup(message = %IRC.Message{account: account_id}, make_default) when is_binary(account_id) do get(account_id) end defp do_lookup(sender = %ExIRC.Who{}, make_default) do if user = IRC.UserTrack.find_by_nick(sender) do lookup(user, make_default) else #FIXME this will never work with continued lookup by other methods as Who isn't compatible lookup_by_nick(sender, :dets.lookup(file("predicates"), {,{:nick, sender.nick}}), make_default) end end defp do_lookup(sender = %ExIRC.SenderInfo{}, make_default) do lookup(IRC.UserTrack.find_by_nick(sender), make_default) end defp do_lookup(user = %User{account: id}, make_default) when is_binary(id) do get(id) end defp do_lookup(user = %User{network: server, nick: nick}, make_default) do lookup_by_nick(user, :dets.lookup(file("predicates"), {server,{:nick, nick}}), make_default) end defp do_lookup(nil, _) do nil end defp lookup_by_nick(_, [{_, id}], _make_default) do get(id) end defp lookup_by_nick(user, _, make_default) do #authenticate_by_host(user) if make_default, do: new_account(user), else: nil end def new_account(nick) do id = EntropyString.large_id() :dets.insert(file("db"), {id, nick, EntropyString.token()}) get(id) end def new_account(%{nick: nick, network: server}) do id = EntropyString.large_id() :dets.insert(file("db"), {id, nick, EntropyString.token()}) :dets.insert(file("predicates"), {{server, {:nick, nick}}, id}) get(id) end def update_account_name(account = %__MODULE__{id: id}, name) do account = %__MODULE__{account | name: name} :dets.insert(file("db"), from_struct(account)) get(id) end def get_predicates(%__MODULE__{} = account) do spec = [{{:"$1", :"$2"}, [{:==, :"$2", {:const,}}], [:"$1"]}]"predicates"), spec) end defmodule AccountPlugin do @moduledoc """ # Account * **account** Get current account id and token * **auth `` ``** Authenticate and link the current nickname to an account * **auth** list authentications methods * **whoami** list currently authenticated users * **web** get a one-time login link to web * **enable-telegram** Link a Telegram account * **enable-sms** Link a SMS number * **enable-untappd** Link a Untappd account * **set-name** set account name * **setusermeta puppet-nick ``** Set puppet IRC nickname """ def irc_doc, do: @moduledoc def start_link(), do: GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, [], name: __MODULE__) def init(_) do {:ok, _} = Registry.register(IRC.PubSub, "messages:private", []) {:ok, nil} end def handle_info({:irc, :text, m = %IRC.Message{account: account, text: "help"}}, state) do text = [ "account: show current account and auth token", "auth: show authentications methods", "whoami: list authenticated users", "set-name : set account name", "web: login to web", "enable-sms | disable-sms: enable/change or disable sms", "enable-telegram: link/change telegram", "enable-untappd: link untappd account", "getmeta: show meta datas", "setusermeta: set user meta", ] m.replyfun.(text) {:noreply, state} end def handle_info({:irc, :text, m = %IRC.Message{account: account, text: "auth"}}, state) do spec = [{{:"$1", :"$2"}, [{:==, :"$2", {:const,}}], [:"$1"]}] predicates ="predicates"), spec) text = for {net, {key, value}} <- predicates, do: "#{net}: #{to_string(key)}: #{value}" m.replyfun.(text) {:noreply, state} end def handle_info({:irc, :text, m = %IRC.Message{account: account, text: "whoami"}}, state) do users = for user <- IRC.UserTrack.find_by_account(m.account) do chans =, fn({chan, _}) -> chan end) |> Enum.join(" ") "#{} - #{user.nick}!#{user.username}@#{} - #{chans}" end m.replyfun.(users) {:noreply, state} end def handle_info({:irc, :text, m = %IRC.Message{account: account, text: "account"}}, state) do account = IRC.Account.lookup(m.sender) text = ["Account Id: #{}", "Authenticate to this account from another network: \"auth #{} #{account.token}\" to the other bot!"] m.replyfun.(text) {:noreply, state} end def handle_info({:irc, :text, m = %IRC.Message{sender: sender, text: "auth"<>_}}, state) do #account = IRC.Account.lookup(m.sender) case String.split(m.text, " ") do ["auth", id, token] -> join_account(m, id, token) _ -> m.replyfun.("Invalid parameters") end {:noreply, state} end def handle_info({:irc, :text, m = %IRC.Message{account: account, text: "set-name "<>name}}, state) do IRC.Account.update_account_name(account, name) m.replyfun.("Name changed: #{name}") {:noreply, state} end def handle_info({:irc, :text, m = %IRC.Message{text: "disable-sms"}}, state) do if IRC.Account.get_meta(m.account, "sms-number") do IRC.Account.delete_meta(m.account, "sms-number") m.replfyun.("SMS disabled.") else m.replyfun.("SMS already disabled.") end {:noreply, state} end def handle_info({:irc, :text, m = %IRC.Message{text: "web"}}, state) do auth_url = Untappd.auth_url() login_url = Nola.AuthToken.new_url(, nil) m.replyfun.("-> " <> login_url) {:noreply, state} end def handle_info({:irc, :text, m = %IRC.Message{text: "enable-sms"}}, state) do code = String.downcase(EntropyString.small_id()) IRC.Account.put_meta(m.account, "sms-validation-code", code) IRC.Account.put_meta(m.account, "sms-validation-target", number = Nola.IRC.SmsPlugin.my_number() text = "To enable or change your number for SMS messaging, please send:" <> " \"enable #{code}\" to #{number}" m.replyfun.(text) {:noreply, state} end def handle_info({:irc, :text, m = %IRC.Message{text: "enable-telegram"}}, state) do code = String.downcase(EntropyString.small_id()) IRC.Account.delete_meta(m.account, "telegram-id") IRC.Account.put_meta(m.account, "telegram-validation-code", code) IRC.Account.put_meta(m.account, "telegram-validation-target", text = "To enable or change your number for telegram messaging, please open #{Nola.Telegram.my_path()} and send:" <> " \"/enable #{code}\"" m.replyfun.(text) {:noreply, state} end def handle_info({:irc, :text, m = %IRC.Message{text: "enable-untappd"}}, state) do auth_url = Untappd.auth_url() login_url = Nola.AuthToken.new_url(, {:external_redirect, auth_url}) m.replyfun.(["To link your Untappd account, open this URL:", login_url]) {:noreply, state} end def handle_info({:irc, :text, m = %IRC.Message{text: "getmeta"<>_}}, state) do result = case String.split(m.text, " ") do ["getmeta"] -> for {k, v} <- IRC.Account.get_all_meta(m.account) do case k do "u:"<>key -> "(user) #{key}: #{v}" key -> "#{key}: #{v}" end end ["getmeta", key] -> value = IRC.Account.get_meta(m.account, key) text = if value do "#{key}: #{value}" else "#{key} is not defined" end _ -> "usage: getmeta [key]" end m.replyfun.(result) {:noreply, state} end def handle_info({:irc, :text, m = %IRC.Message{text: "setusermet"<>_}}, state) do result = case String.split(m.text, " ") do ["setusermeta", key, value] -> IRC.Account.put_user_meta(m.account, key, value) "ok" _ -> "usage: setusermeta " end m.replyfun.(result) {:noreply, state} end def handle_info(_, state) do {:noreply, state} end defp join_account(m, id, token) do old_account = IRC.Account.lookup(m.sender) new_account = IRC.Account.get(id) if new_account && token == new_account.token do case IRC.Account.merge_account(, do :ok -> if == do m.replyfun.("Already authenticated, but hello") else m.replyfun.("Accounts merged!") end _ -> m.replyfun.("Something failed :(") end else m.replyfun.("Invalid token") end end end end