defmodule LSG.IRC.BasePlugin do def irc_doc, do: nil def start_link() do GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, [], name: __MODULE__) end def init([]) do regopts = [plugin: __MODULE__] {:ok, _} = Registry.register(IRC.PubSub, "trigger:version", regopts) {:ok, _} = Registry.register(IRC.PubSub, "trigger:help", regopts) {:ok, _} = Registry.register(IRC.PubSub, "trigger:liquidrender", regopts) {:ok, _} = Registry.register(IRC.PubSub, "trigger:plugin", regopts) {:ok, nil} end def handle_info({:irc, :trigger, "plugin", %{trigger: %{type: :query, args: [plugin]}} = m}, _) do module = Module.concat([LSG.IRC, Macro.camelize(plugin<>"_plugin")]) with true <- Code.ensure_loaded?(module), pid when is_pid(pid) <- GenServer.whereis(module) do m.replyfun.("loaded, active: #{inspect(pid)}") else false -> m.replyfun.("not loaded") nil -> msg = case IRC.Plugin.get(module) do :disabled -> "disabled" {_, false, _} -> "disabled" _ -> "not active" end m.replyfun.(msg) end {:noreply, nil} end def handle_info({:irc, :trigger, "plugin", %{trigger: %{type: :plus, args: [plugin]}} = m}, _) do module = Module.concat([LSG.IRC, Macro.camelize(plugin<>"_plugin")]) with true <- Code.ensure_loaded?(module), IRC.Plugin.switch(module, true), {:ok, pid} <- IRC.Plugin.start(module) do m.replyfun.("started: #{inspect(pid)}") else false -> m.replyfun.("not loaded") :ignore -> m.replyfun.("disabled or throttled") {:error, _} -> m.replyfun.("start error") end {:noreply, nil} end def handle_info({:irc, :trigger, "plugin", %{trigger: %{type: :tilde, args: [plugin]}} = m}, _) do module = Module.concat([LSG.IRC, Macro.camelize(plugin<>"_plugin")]) with true <- Code.ensure_loaded?(module), pid when is_pid(pid) <- GenServer.whereis(module), :ok <- GenServer.stop(pid), {:ok, pid} <- IRC.Plugin.start(module) do m.replyfun.("restarted: #{inspect(pid)}") else false -> m.replyfun.("not loaded") nil -> m.replyfun.("not active") end {:noreply, nil} end def handle_info({:irc, :trigger, "plugin", %{trigger: %{type: :minus, args: [plugin]}} = m}, _) do module = Module.concat([LSG.IRC, Macro.camelize(plugin<>"_plugin")]) with true <- Code.ensure_loaded?(module), pid when is_pid(pid) <- GenServer.whereis(module), :ok <- GenServer.stop(pid) do IRC.Plugin.switch(module, false) m.replyfun.("stopped: #{inspect(pid)}") else false -> m.replyfun.("not loaded") nil -> m.replyfun.("not active") end {:noreply, nil} end def handle_info({:irc, :trigger, "liquidrender", m = %{trigger: %{args: args}}}, _) do template = Enum.join(args, " ") m.replyfun.(Tmpl.render(template, m)) {:noreply, nil} end def handle_info({:irc, :trigger, "help", m = %{trigger: %{type: :bang}}}, _) do url = LSGWeb.Router.Helpers.irc_url(LSGWeb.Endpoint, :index,, LSGWeb.format_chan( m.replyfun.("-> #{url}") {:noreply, nil} end def handle_info({:irc, :trigger, "version", message = %{trigger: %{type: :bang}}}, _) do {:ok, vsn} = :application.get_key(:lsg, :vsn) ver = List.to_string(vsn) url = LSGWeb.Router.Helpers.irc_url(LSGWeb.Endpoint, :index) version = "v#{ver} ; #{url} ; source:" message.replyfun.(version) {:noreply, nil} end def handle_info(msg, _) do {:noreply, nil} end end