defmodule IRC.PuppetConnection do require Logger @min_backoff :timer.seconds(5) @max_backoff :timer.seconds(2*60) @max_idle :timer.hours(12) @env Mix.env defmodule Supervisor do use DynamicSupervisor def start_link() do DynamicSupervisor.start_link(__MODULE__, [], name: __MODULE__) end def start_child(%IRC.Account{id: account_id}, %IRC.Connection{id: connection_id}) do spec = %{id: {account_id, connection_id}, start: {IRC.PuppetConnection, :start_link, [account_id, connection_id]}, restart: :transient} DynamicSupervisor.start_child(__MODULE__, spec) end @impl true def init(_init_arg) do DynamicSupervisor.init( strategy: :one_for_one, max_restarts: 10, max_seconds: 1 ) end end def whereis(account = %IRC.Account{id: account_id}, connection = %IRC.Connection{id: connection_id}) do {:global, name} = name(account_id, connection_id) case :global.whereis_name(name) do :undefined -> nil pid -> pid end end def send_message(account = %IRC.Account{id: account_id}, connection = %IRC.Connection{id: connection_id}, channel, text) do GenServer.cast(name(account_id, connection_id), {:send_message, self(), channel, text}) end def start_and_send_message(account = %IRC.Account{id: account_id}, connection = %IRC.Connection{id: connection_id}, channel, text) do {:global, name} = name(account_id, connection_id) pid = whereis(account, connection) pid = if !pid do case IRC.PuppetConnection.Supervisor.start_child(account, connection) do {:ok, pid} -> pid {:error, {:already_started, pid}} -> pid end else pid end GenServer.cast(pid, {:send_message, self(), channel, text}) end def start(account = %IRC.Account{}, connection = %IRC.Connection{}) do IRC.PuppetConnection.Supervisor.start_child(account, connection) end def start_link(account_id, connection_id) do GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, [account_id, connection_id], name: name(account_id, connection_id)) end def name(account_id, connection_id) do {:global, {PuppetConnection, account_id, connection_id}} end def init([account_id, connection_id]) do account = %IRC.Account{} = IRC.Account.get(account_id) connection = %IRC.Connection{} = IRC.Connection.lookup(connection_id) Logger.metadata(puppet_conn: <> "@" <> backoff = :backoff.init(@min_backoff, @max_backoff) |> :backoff.type(:jitter) idle = :erlang.send_after(@max_idle, self, :idle) {:ok, %{client: nil, backoff: backoff, idle: idle, connected: false, buffer: [], channels: [], connection_id: connection_id, account_id: account_id, connected_server: nil, connected_port: nil, network:}, {:continue, :connect}} end def handle_continue(:connect, state) do #ipv6 = if @env == :prod do # subnet = LSG.Subnet.assign(state.account_id) # IRC.Account.put_meta(IRC.Account.get(state.account_id), "subnet", subnet) # ip =, 1) # {:ok, ipv6} = :inet_parse.ipv6_address(to_charlist(ip)) # System.cmd("add-ip6", [ip]) # ipv6 #end conn = IRC.Connection.lookup(state.connection_id) client_opts = [] |> Keyword.put(:network, client = if state.client && Process.alive?(state.client) do"Reconnecting client") state.client else"Connecting") {:ok, client} = ExIRC.Client.start_link(debug: false) ExIRC.Client.add_handler(client, self()) client end base_opts = [ {:nodelay, true} ] #{ip, opts} = case {ipv6, :inet_res.resolve(to_charlist(, :in, :aaaa)} do # {ipv6, {:ok, {:dns_rec, _dns_header, _query, rrs = [{:dns_rr, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _} | _], _, _}}} -> # ip = rrs # |>{:dns_rr, _, :aaaa, :in, _, _, ipv6, _, _, _}) -> ipv6 end) # |> Enum.shuffle() # |> List.first() # opts = [ # :inet6, # {:ifaddr, ipv6} # ] # {ip, opts} # _ -> {ip, opts} = {to_charlist(, []} #end conn_fun = if conn.tls, do: :connect_ssl!, else: :connect! apply(ExIRC.Client, conn_fun, [client, ip, conn.port, base_opts ++ opts]) {:noreply, %{state | client: client}} end def handle_continue(:connected, state) do state = Enum.reduce(Enum.reverse(state.buffer), state, fn(b, state) -> {:noreply, state} = handle_cast(b, state) state end) {:noreply, %{state | buffer: []}} end def handle_cast(cast = {:send_message, _pid, _channel, _text}, state = %{connected: false, buffer: buffer}) do {:noreply, %{state | buffer: [cast | buffer]}} end def handle_cast({:send_message, pid, channel, text}, state = %{connected: true}) do channels = if !Enum.member?(state.channels, channel) do ExIRC.Client.join(state.client, channel) [channel | state.channels] else state.channels end ExIRC.Client.msg(state.client, :privmsg, channel, text) meta = %{puppet: true, from: pid} account = IRC.Account.get(state.account_id) nick = make_nick(state) sender = %ExIRC.SenderInfo{network:, nick: suffix_nick(nick), user: nick, host: "puppet."} reply_fun = fn(text) -> IRC.Connection.broadcast_message(, channel, text) end message = %IRC.Message{id: FlakeId.get(), at: NaiveDateTime.utc_now(), text: text, network:, account: account, sender: sender, channel: channel, replyfun: reply_fun, trigger: IRC.Connection.extract_trigger(text), meta: meta} message = case IRC.UserTrack.messaged(message) do :ok -> message {:ok, message} -> message end IRC.Connection.publish(message, ["#{}/#{channel}:messages"]) idle = if length(state.buffer) == 0 do :erlang.cancel_timer(state.idle) :erlang.send_after(@max_idle, self(), :idle) else state.idle end {:noreply, %{state | idle: idle, channels: channels}} end def handle_info(:idle, state) do ExIRC.Client.quit(state.client, "Puppet was idle for too long") ExIRC.Client.stop!(state.client) {:stop, :normal, state} end def handle_info(:disconnected, state) do {delay, backoff} ="#{inspect(self())} Disconnected -- reconnecting in #{inspect delay}ms") Process.send_after(self(), :connect, delay) {:noreply, %{state | connected: false, backoff: backoff}} end def handle_info(:connect, state) do {:noreply, state, {:continue, :connect}} end # Connection successful def handle_info({:connected, server, port}, state) do"#{inspect(self())} Connected to #{inspect(server)}:#{port} #{inspect state}") {_, backoff} = :backoff.succeed(state.backoff) base_nick = make_nick(state) ExIRC.Client.logon(state.client, "", suffix_nick(base_nick), base_nick, "#{base_nick}'s puppet") {:noreply, %{state | backoff: backoff, connected_server: server, connected_port: port}} end # Logon successful def handle_info(:logged_in, state) do"#{inspect(self())} Logged in") {_, backoff} = :backoff.succeed(state.backoff) # Create an UserTrack entry for the client so it's authenticated to the right account_id already. IRC.UserTrack.connected(, suffix_nick(make_nick(state)), make_nick(state), "puppet.", state.account_id, %{puppet: true}) {:noreply, %{state | backoff: backoff}} end # ISUP def handle_info({:isup, network}, state) do {:noreply, %{state | network: network, connected: true}, {:continue, :connected}} end # Been kicked def handle_info({:kicked, _sender, chan, _reason}, state) do {:noreply, %{state | channels: state.channels -- [chan]}} end def handle_info(_info, state) do {:noreply, state} end def make_nick(state) do account = IRC.Account.get(state.account_id) user = IRC.UserTrack.find_by_account(, account) base_nick = if(user, do: user.nick, else: clean_nick = case String.split(base_nick, ":", parts: 2) do ["@"<>nick, _] -> nick [nick] -> nick end clean_nick end if Mix.env == :dev do def suffix_nick(nick), do: "#{nick}[d]" else def suffix_nick(nick), do: "#{nick}[p]" end end