# nola Some stupid and badly coded IRC bot. Can be spotted as "bavaria" on irc.random.sh, but is multi-connections and also elsewhere (poor channels). ## Dependencies * Erlang and Elixir (OTP24+) to build a release. * (Optional) Python 3 for: * link plugin: pdftitle: `pip install pdftitle` * txt plugin: markov: `pip install markovify` ## Development To start your Phoenix server: * Install dependencies with `mix deps.get` * Start Phoenix endpoint with `mix phx.server` Now you can visit [`localhost:4000`](http://localhost:4000) from your browser. Ready to run in production? Please [check our deployment guides](http://www.phoenixframework.org/docs/deployment). ## Production Build a release using `MIX_ENV=prod mix release`. # nola ## ideas * logger * rate limiting only allow x/messages per x/period ignore user for exponential values notice user "Enhance Your Calm!" * duck games * markov txt * markov par txt * markov global * log to dets * !seen * !grab * 420 counter * kick roulette * counts ("won" and "lost") * !kickrandom (+ counts) * ? * partyline en pv * partyline! pour join la PL * parler en query <=> broadcast a tout les personnes qui ont "partyline!" * reminder