# ircbot admin bot Everything is supposed to be ran inside a remote IEx console: `./bin/lsg remote`. ## Connection management ### List Connections IRC.Connection.connections() ### Add Connection conn = %{nick: "nick", user: "user", name: "user", network: "netname", host: "irc.netname.org", tls: true, port: 6697} IRC.Connection.add_connection(conn) ### Start Connection IRC.Connection.start_connection(connection_id) ### Stop Connection IRC.Connection.stop_connection(connection_id) ### Delete Connection IRC.Connection.delete_connection(connection_id) ## Plugin management ### Enabled plugins IRC.Plugin.enabled() ### Enable or Disable a plugin IRC.Plugin.disable(plugin_module_or_name) IRC.Plugin.enable(plugin_module_or_name) IRC.Plugin.switch(plugin_module_or_name) ### Declare a plugin IRC.Plugin.declare(module) ## Account/Users ### Get an account by ID IRC.Account.get(id) ### Find account by network & nick IRC.Account.find_by_nick(network, nick) ## Alcoolog * History: `AlcoologPlugin.user_history(id)` ### Remove an entry id = "" # Some account id alc = LSG.IRC.AlcoologPlugin.data_state() # 249° elem = h |> Enum.find(fn(el) -> elem(el, 4) == 249 end) # 249cl elem = h |> Enum.find(fn(el) -> elem(el, 3) == 249 end) :dets.delete_object(alc.dets, elem)