path: root/lib/lsg_irc/alcolog_plugin.ex
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/lsg_irc/alcolog_plugin.ex')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1229 deletions
diff --git a/lib/lsg_irc/alcolog_plugin.ex b/lib/lsg_irc/alcolog_plugin.ex
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index 145e4fc..0000000
--- a/lib/lsg_irc/alcolog_plugin.ex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1229 +0,0 @@
-defmodule Nola.IRC.AlcoologPlugin do
- require Logger
- @moduledoc """
- # [alcoolog]({{context_path}}/alcoolog)
- * **!santai `<cl | (calc)>` `<degrés d'alcool> [annotation]`**: enregistre un nouveau verre de `montant` d'une boisson à `degrés d'alcool`.
- * **!santai `<cl | (calc)>` `<beer name>`**: enregistre un nouveau verre de `cl` de la bière `beer name`, et checkin sur
- * **!moar `[cl]` : enregistre un verre équivalent au dernier !santai.
- * **-santai**: annule la dernière entrée d'alcoolisme.
- * **.alcoolisme**: état du channel en temps réel.
- * **.alcoolisme `<semaine | Xj>`**: points par jour, sur X j.
- * **!alcoolisme `[pseudo]`**: affiche les points d'alcoolisme.
- * **!alcoolisme `[pseudo]` `<semaine | Xj>`**: affiche les points d'alcoolisme par jour sur X j.
- * **+alcoolisme `<h|f>` `<poids en kg>` `[facteur de perte en mg/l (10, 15, 20, 25)]`**: Configure votre profil d'alcoolisme.
- * **.sobre**: affiche quand la sobriété frappera sur le chan.
- * **!sobre `[pseudo]`**: affiche quand la sobriété frappera pour `[pseudo]`.
- * **!sobrepour `<date>`**: affiche tu pourras être sobre pour `<date>`, et si oui, combien de volumes d'alcool peuvent encore être consommés.
- * **!alcoolog**: ([voir]({{context_path}}/alcoolog)) lien pour voir l'état/statistiques et historique de l'alcoolémie du channel.
- * **!alcool `<cl>` `<degrés>`**: donne le nombre d'unités d'alcool dans `<cl>` à `<degrés>°`.
- * **!soif**: c'est quand l'apéro ?
- 1 point = 1 volume d'alcool.
- Annotation: champ libre!
- ---
- ## `!txt`s
- * status utilisateur: `alcoolog.user_(sober|legal|legalhigh|high|toohigh|sick)(|_rising)`
- * mauvaises boissons: `alcoolog.drink_(negative|zero|negative)`
- * santo: `alcoolog.santo`
- * santai: `alcoolog.santai`
- * plus gros, moins gros: `alcoolog.(fatter|thinner)`
- """
- def irc_doc, do: @moduledoc
- def start_link(), do: GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, [], name: __MODULE__)
- # tuple dets: {nick, date, volumes, current_alcohol_level, nom, commentaire}
- # tuple ets: {{nick, date}, volumes, current, nom, commentaire}
- # tuple meta dets: {nick, map}
- # %{:weight => float, :sex => true(h),false(f)}
- @pubsub ~w(account)
- @pubsub_triggers ~w(santai moar again bis santo santeau alcoolog sobre sobrepour soif alcoolisme alcool)
- @default_user_meta %{weight: 77.4, sex: true, loss_factor: 15}
- def data_state() do
- dets_filename = (Nola.data_path() <> "/" <> "alcoolisme.dets") |> String.to_charlist
- dets_meta_filename = (Nola.data_path() <> "/" <> "alcoolisme_meta.dets") |> String.to_charlist
- %{dets: dets_filename, meta: dets_meta_filename, ets: __MODULE__.ETS}
- end
- def init(_) do
- triggers = for(t <- @pubsub_triggers, do: "trigger:"<>t)
- for sub <- @pubsub ++ triggers do
- {:ok, _} = Registry.register(IRC.PubSub, sub, plugin: __MODULE__)
- end
- dets_filename = (Nola.data_path() <> "/" <> "alcoolisme.dets") |> String.to_charlist
- {:ok, dets} = :dets.open_file(dets_filename, [{:type,:bag}])
- ets =, [:ordered_set, :named_table, :protected, {:read_concurrency, true}])
- dets_meta_filename = (Nola.data_path() <> "/" <> "alcoolisme_meta.dets") |> String.to_charlist
- {:ok, meta} = :dets.open_file(dets_meta_filename, [{:type,:set}])
- traverse_fun = fn(obj, dets) ->
- case obj do
- object = {nick, naive = %NaiveDateTime{}, volumes, active, cl, deg, name, comment} ->
- date = naive
- |> DateTime.from_naive!("Etc/UTC")
- |> DateTime.to_unix()
- new = {nick, date, volumes, active, cl, deg, name, comment,}
- :dets.delete_object(dets, object)
- :dets.insert(dets, new)
- :ets.insert(ets, {{nick, date}, volumes, active, cl, deg, name, comment,})
- dets
- object = {nick, naive = %NaiveDateTime{}, volumes, active, cl, deg, name, comment, meta} ->
- date = naive
- |> DateTime.from_naive!("Etc/UTC")
- |> DateTime.to_unix()
- new = {nick, date, volumes, active, cl, deg, name, comment,}
- :dets.delete_object(dets, object)
- :dets.insert(dets, new)
- :ets.insert(ets, {{nick, date}, volumes, active, cl, deg, name, comment,})
- dets
- object = {nick, date, volumes, active, cl, deg, name, comment, meta} ->
- :ets.insert(ets, {{nick, date}, volumes, active, cl, deg, name, comment, meta})
- dets
- _ ->
- dets
- end
- end
- :dets.foldl(traverse_fun, dets, dets)
- :dets.sync(dets)
- state = %{dets: dets, meta: meta, ets: ets}
- {:ok, state}
- end
- @eau ["santo", "santeau"]
- def handle_info({:irc, :trigger, santeau, m = %IRC.Message{trigger: %IRC.Trigger{args: _, type: :bang}}}, state) when santeau in @eau do
- Nola.IRC.TxtPlugin.reply_random(m, "alcoolog.santo")
- {:noreply, state}
- end
- def handle_info({:irc, :trigger, "soif", m = %IRC.Message{trigger: %IRC.Trigger{args: _, type: :bang}}}, state) do
- now = DateTime.utc_now()
- |> Timex.Timezone.convert("Europe/Paris")
- apero = format_duration_from_now(%DateTime{now | hour: 18, minute: 0, second: 0}, false)
- day_of_week = Date.day_of_week(now)
- {txt, apero?} = cond do
- now.hour >= 0 && now.hour < 6 ->
- {["apéro tardif ? Je dis OUI ! SANTAI !"], true}
- now.hour >= 6 && now.hour < 12 ->
- if day_of_week >= 6 do
- {["de l'alcool pour le petit dej ? le week-end, pas de problème !"], true}
- else
- {["C'est quand même un peu tôt non ? Prochain apéro #{apero}"], false}
- end
- now.hour >= 12 && (now.hour < 14) ->
- {["oui! c'est l'apéro de midi! (et apéro #{apero})",
- "tu peux attendre #{apero} ou y aller, il est midi !"
- ], true}
- now.hour == 17 ->
- {[
- "ÇA APPROCHE !!! Apéro #{apero}",
- "BIENTÔT !!! Apéro #{apero}",
- "achetez vite les teilles, apéro dans #{apero}!",
- "préparez les teilles, apéro dans #{apero}!"
- ], false}
- now.hour >= 14 && now.hour < 18 ->
- weekend = if day_of_week >= 6 do
- " ... ou maintenant en fait, c'est le week-end!"
- else
- ""
- end
- {["tiens bon! apéro #{apero}#{weekend}",
- "courage... apéro dans #{apero}#{weekend}",
- "pas encore :'( apéro dans #{apero}#{weekend}"
- ], false}
- true ->
- {[
- ], true}
- end
- txt = txt
- |> Enum.shuffle()
- |> Enum.random()
- m.replyfun.(txt)
- stats = get_full_statistics(state,
- if !apero? && > 0.1 do
- m.replyfun.("(... ou continue en fait, je suis pas ta mère !)")
- end
- {:noreply, state}
- end
- def handle_info({:irc, :trigger, "sobrepour", m = %IRC.Message{trigger: %IRC.Trigger{args: args, type: :bang}}}, state) do
- args = Enum.join(args, " ")
- {:ok, now} ="Europe/Paris", Tzdata.TimeZoneDatabase)
- time = case args do
- "demain " <> time ->
- {h, m} = case String.split(time, [":", "h"]) do
- [hour, ""] ->
- IO.puts ("h #{inspect hour}")
- {h, _} = Integer.parse(hour)
- {h, 0}
- [hour, min] when min != "" ->
- {h, _} = Integer.parse(hour)
- {m, _} = Integer.parse(min)
- {h, m}
- [hour] ->
- IO.puts ("h #{inspect hour}")
- {h, _} = Integer.parse(hour)
- {h, 0}
- _ -> {0, 0}
- end
- secs = ((60*60)*24)
- day = DateTime.add(now, secs, :second, Tzdata.TimeZoneDatabase)
- %DateTime{day | hour: h, minute: m, second: 0}
- "après demain " <> time ->
- secs = 2*((60*60)*24)
- DateTime.add(now, secs, :second, Tzdata.TimeZoneDatabase)
- datetime ->
- case Timex.Parse.DateTime.Parser.parse(datetime, "{}") do
- {:ok, dt} -> dt
- _ -> nil
- end
- end
- if time do
- meta = get_user_meta(state,
- stats = get_full_statistics(state,
- duration = round(DateTime.diff(time, now)/60.0)
- IO.puts "diff #{inspect duration} sober in #{inspect stats.sober_in}"
- if duration < stats.sober_in do
- int = stats.sober_in - duration
- m.replyfun.("désolé, aucune chance! tu seras sobre #{format_minute_duration(int)} après!")
- else
- remaining = duration - stats.sober_in
- if remaining < 30 do
- m.replyfun.("moins de 30 minutes de sobriété, c'est impossible de boire plus")
- else
- loss_per_minute = ((meta.loss_factor/100)/60)
- remaining_gl = (remaining-30)*loss_per_minute
- m.replyfun.("marge de boisson: #{inspect remaining} minutes, #{remaining_gl} g/l")
- end
- end
- end
- {:noreply, state}
- end
- def handle_info({:irc, :trigger, "alcoolog", m = %IRC.Message{trigger: %IRC.Trigger{args: [], type: :plus}}}, state) do
- {:ok, token} ={:alcoolog, :index,,})
- url = NolaWeb.Router.Helpers.alcoolog_url(NolaWeb.Endpoint, :index,, NolaWeb.format_chan(, token)
- m.replyfun.("-> #{url}")
- {:noreply, state}
- end
- def handle_info({:irc, :trigger, "alcoolog", m = %IRC.Message{trigger: %IRC.Trigger{args: [], type: :bang}}}, state) do
- url = NolaWeb.Router.Helpers.alcoolog_url(NolaWeb.Endpoint, :index,, NolaWeb.format_chan(
- m.replyfun.("-> #{url}")
- {:noreply, state}
- end
- def handle_info({:irc, :trigger, "alcool", m = %IRC.Message{trigger: %IRC.Trigger{args: args = [cl, deg], type: :bang}}}, state) do
- {cl, _} = Util.float_paparse(cl)
- {deg, _} = Util.float_paparse(deg)
- points = Alcool.units(cl, deg)
- meta = get_user_meta(state,
- k = if, do: 0.7, else: 0.6
- weight = meta.weight
- gl = (10*points)/(k*weight)
- duration = round(gl/((meta.loss_factor/100)/60))+30
- sober_in_s = if duration > 0 do
- duration = Timex.Duration.from_minutes(duration)
- Timex.Format.Duration.Formatter.lformat(duration, "fr", :humanized)
- else
- ""
- end
- m.replyfun.("Il y a #{Float.round(points+0.0, 4)} unités d'alcool dans #{cl}cl à #{deg}° (#{Float.round(gl + 0.0, 4)} g/l, #{sober_in_s})")
- {:noreply, state}
- end
- def handle_info({:irc, :trigger, "santai", m = %IRC.Message{trigger: %IRC.Trigger{args: [cl, deg | comment], type: :bang}}}, state) do
- santai(m, state, cl, deg, comment)
- {:noreply, state}
- end
- @moar [
- "{{message.sender.nick}}: la même donc ?",
- "{{message.sender.nick}}: et voilà la petite sœur !"
- ]
- def handle_info({:irc, :trigger, "bis", m = %IRC.Message{trigger: %IRC.Trigger{args: args, type: :bang}}}, state) do
- handle_info({:irc, :trigger, "moar", m}, state)
- end
- def handle_info({:irc, :trigger, "again", m = %IRC.Message{trigger: %IRC.Trigger{args: args, type: :bang}}}, state) do
- handle_info({:irc, :trigger, "moar", m}, state)
- end
- def handle_info({:irc, :trigger, "moar", m = %IRC.Message{trigger: %IRC.Trigger{args: args, type: :bang}}}, state) do
- case get_statistics_for_nick(state, do
- {_, obj = {_, _date, _points, _active, cl, deg, _name, comment, _meta}} ->
- cl = case args do
- [cls] ->
- case Util.float_paparse(cls) do
- {cl, _} -> cl
- _ -> cl
- end
- _ -> cl
- end
- moar = @moar |> Enum.shuffle() |> Enum.random() |> Tmpl.render(m) |> m.replyfun.()
- santai(m, state, cl, deg, comment, auto_set: true)
- {_, obj = {_, date, points, _last_active, type, descr}} ->
- case Regex.named_captures(~r/^(?<cl>\d+[.]\d+)cl\s+(?<deg>\d+[.]\d+)°$/, type) do
- nil -> m.replyfun.("suce")
- u ->
- moar = @moar |> Enum.shuffle() |> Enum.random() |> Tmpl.render(m) |> m.replyfun.()
- santai(m, state, u["cl"], u["deg"], descr, auto_set: true)
- end
- _ -> nil
- end
- {:noreply, state}
- end
- defp santai(m, state, cl, deg, comment, options \\ []) do
- comment = cond do
- comment == [] -> nil
- is_binary(comment) -> comment
- comment == nil -> nil
- true -> Enum.join(comment, " ")
- end
- {cl, cl_extra} = case {Util.float_paparse(cl), cl} do
- {{cl, extra}, _} -> {cl, extra}
- {:error, "("<>_} ->
- try do
- {:ok, result} = Abacus.eval(cl)
- {result, nil}
- rescue
- _ -> {nil, "cl: invalid calc expression"}
- end
- {:error, _} -> {nil, "cl: invalid value"}
- end
- {deg, comment, auto_set, beer_id} = case Util.float_paparse(deg) do
- {deg, _} -> {deg, comment, Keyword.get(options, :auto_set, false), nil}
- :error ->
- beername = if(comment, do: "#{deg} #{comment}", else: deg)
- case Untappd.search_beer(beername, limit: 1) do
- {:ok, %{"response" => %{"beers" => %{"count" => count, "items" => [%{"beer" => beer, "brewery" => brewery} | _]}}}} ->
- {Map.get(beer, "beer_abv"), "#{Map.get(brewery, "brewery_name")}: #{Map.get(beer, "beer_name")}", true, Map.get(beer, "bid")}
- _ ->
- {deg, "could not find beer", false, nil}
- end
- end
- cond do
- cl == nil -> m.replyfun.(cl_extra)
- deg == nil -> m.replyfun.(comment)
- cl >= 500 || deg >= 100 -> Nola.IRC.TxtPlugin.reply_random(m, "alcoolog.drink_toohuge")
- cl == 0 || deg == 0 -> Nola.IRC.TxtPlugin.reply_random(m, "alcoolog.drink_zero")
- cl < 0 || deg < 0 -> Nola.IRC.TxtPlugin.reply_random(m, "alcoolog.drink_negative")
- true ->
- points = Alcool.units(cl, deg)
- now = || DateTime.utc_now()
- |> DateTime.to_unix(:millisecond)
- user_meta = get_user_meta(state,
- name = "#{cl}cl #{deg}°"
- old_stats = get_full_statistics(state,
- meta = %{}
- meta = Map.put(meta, "timestamp", now)
- meta = Map.put(meta, "weight", user_meta.weight)
- meta = Map.put(meta, "sex",
- :ok = :dets.insert(state.dets, {, now, points, if(old_stats, do:, else: 0), cl, deg, name, comment, meta})
- true = :ets.insert(state.ets, {{, now}, points, if(old_stats, do:, else: 0),cl, deg, name, comment, meta})
- #sante = @santai |> -> String.trim(String.upcase(s)) end) |> Enum.shuffle() |> Enum.random()
- sante = Nola.IRC.TxtPlugin.random("alcoolog.santai")
- k = if, do: 0.7, else: 0.6
- weight = user_meta.weight
- peak = Float.round((10*points||0.0)/(k*weight), 4)
- stats = get_full_statistics(state,
- sober_add = if old_stats && Map.get(old_stats || %{}, :sober_in) do
- mins = round(stats.sober_in - old_stats.sober_in)
- " [+#{mins}m]"
- else
- ""
- end
- nonow = DateTime.utc_now()
- sober = nonow |> DateTime.add(round(stats.sober_in*60), :second)
- |> Timex.Timezone.convert("Europe/Paris")
- at = if == do
- {:ok, detail} = Timex.Format.DateTime.Formatters.Default.lformat(sober, "aujourd'hui {h24}:{m}", "fr")
- detail
- else
- {:ok, detail} = Timex.Format.DateTime.Formatters.Default.lformat(sober, "{WDfull} {h24}:{m}", "fr")
- detail
- end
- up = if stats.active_drinks > 1 do
- " " <> Enum.join(for(_ <- 1..stats.active_drinks, do: "▲")) <> ""
- else
- ""
- end
- since_str = if stats.since && stats.since_min > 180 do
- "(depuis: #{stats.since_s}) "
- else
- ""
- end
- msg = fn(nick, extra) ->
- "#{sante} #{nick} #{extra}#{up} #{format_points(points)} @#{}g/l [+#{peak} g/l]"
- <> " (15m: #{stats.active15m}, 30m: #{stats.active30m}, 1h: #{stats.active1h}) #{since_str}(sobriété #{at} (dans #{stats.sober_in_s})#{sober_add}) !"
- <> " (aujourd'hui #{stats.daily_volumes} points - #{stats.daily_gl} g/l)"
- end
- meta = if beer_id do
- Map.put(meta, "untappd:beer_id", beer_id)
- else
- meta
- end
- if beer_id do
- spawn(fn() ->
- case Untappd.maybe_checkin(m.account, beer_id) do
- {:ok, body} ->
- badges = get_in(body, ["badges", "items"])
- if badges != [] do
- badges_s =, fn(badge) -> Map.get(badge, "badge_name") end)
- |> Enum.filter(fn(b) -> b end)
- |> Enum.intersperse(", ")
- |> Enum.join("")
- badge = if(length(badges) > 1, do: "badges", else: "badge")
- m.replyfun.("\\O/ Unlocked untappd #{badge}: #{badges_s}")
- end
- :ok
- {:error, {:http_error, error}} when is_integer(error) -> m.replyfun.("Checkin to Untappd failed: #{to_string(error)}")
- {:error, {:http_error, error}} -> m.replyfun.("Checkin to Untappd failed: #{inspect error}")
- _ -> :error
- end
- end)
- end
- local_extra = if auto_set do
- if comment do
- " #{comment} (#{cl}cl @ #{deg}°)"
- else
- "#{cl}cl @ #{deg}°"
- end
- else
- ""
- end
- m.replyfun.(msg.(m.sender.nick, local_extra))
- notify = IRC.Membership.notify_channels(m.account) -- [{,}]
- for {net, chan} <- notify do
- user = IRC.UserTrack.find_by_account(net, m.account)
- nick = if(user, do: user.nick, else:
- extra = " " <> present_type(name, comment) <> ""
- IRC.Connection.broadcast_message(net, chan, msg.(nick, extra))
- end
- miss = cond do
- points <= 0.6 -> :small
- stats.active30m >= 2.9 && stats.active30m < 3 -> :miss3
- stats.active30m >= 1.9 && stats.active30m < 2 -> :miss2
- stats.active30m >= 0.9 && stats.active30m < 1 -> :miss1
- stats.active30m >= 0.45 && stats.active30m < 0.5 -> :miss05
- stats.active30m >= 0.20 && stats.active30m < 0.20 -> :miss025
- stats.active30m >= 3 && stats.active1h < 3.15 -> :small3
- stats.active30m >= 2 && stats.active1h < 2.15 -> :small2
- stats.active30m >= 1.5 && stats.active1h < 1.5 -> :small15
- stats.active30m >= 1 && stats.active1h < 1.15 -> :small1
- stats.active30m >= 0.5 && stats.active1h <= 0.51 -> :small05
- stats.active30m >= 0.25 && stats.active30m <= 0.255 -> :small025
- true -> nil
- end
- if miss do
- miss = Nola.IRC.TxtPlugin.random("alcoolog.#{to_string(miss)}")
- if miss do
- for {net, chan} <- IRC.Membership.notify_channels(m.account) do
- user = IRC.UserTrack.find_by_account(net, m.account)
- nick = if(user, do: user.nick, else:
- IRC.Connection.broadcast_message(net, chan, "#{nick}: #{miss}")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def handle_info({:irc, :trigger, "santai", m = %IRC.Message{trigger: %IRC.Trigger{args: _, type: :bang}}}, state) do
- m.replyfun.("!santai <cl> <degrés> [commentaire]")
- {:noreply, state}
- end
- def get_all_stats() do
- IRC.Account.all_accounts()
- |> -> {, get_full_statistics(} end)
- |> Enum.filter(fn({_nick, status}) -> status && ( > 0 || status.active30m > 0) end)
- |> Enum.sort_by(fn({_, status}) -> end, &>/2)
- end
- def get_channel_statistics(account, network, nil) do
- IRC.Membership.expanded_members_or_friends(account, network, nil)
- |>{account, _, nick}) -> {nick, get_full_statistics(} end)
- |> Enum.filter(fn({_nick, status}) -> status && ( > 0 || status.active30m > 0) end)
- |> Enum.sort_by(fn({_, status}) -> end, &>/2)
- end
- def get_channel_statistics(_, network, channel), do: get_channel_statistics(network, channel)
- def get_channel_statistics(network, channel) do
- IRC.Membership.expanded_members(network, channel)
- |>{account, _, nick}) -> {nick, get_full_statistics(} end)
- |> Enum.filter(fn({_nick, status}) -> status && ( > 0 || status.active30m > 0) end)
- |> Enum.sort_by(fn({_, status}) -> end, &>/2)
- end
- @spec since() :: %{ => DateTime.t()}
- @doc "Returns the last time the user was at 0 g/l"
- def since() do
- :ets.foldr(fn({{acct, timestamp_or_date}, _vol, current, _cl, _deg, _name, _comment, _m}, acc) ->
- if !Map.get(acc, acct) && current == 0 do
- date = Util.to_date_time(timestamp_or_date)
- Map.put(acc, acct, date)
- else
- acc
- end
- end, %{}, __MODULE__.ETS)
- end
- def get_full_statistics(nick) do
- get_full_statistics(data_state(), nick)
- end
- defp get_full_statistics(state, nick) do
- case get_statistics_for_nick(state, nick) do
- {count, {_, last_at, last_points, last_active, last_cl, last_deg, last_type, last_descr, _meta}} ->
- {active, active_drinks} = current_alcohol_level(state, nick)
- {_, m30} = alcohol_level_rising(state, nick)
- {rising, m15} = alcohol_level_rising(state, nick, 15)
- {_, m5} = alcohol_level_rising(state, nick, 5)
- {_, h1} = alcohol_level_rising(state, nick, 60)
- trend = if rising do
- "▲"
- else
- "▼"
- end
- user_state = cond do
- active <= 0.0 -> :sober
- active <= 0.25 -> :low
- active <= 0.50 -> :legal
- active <= 1.0 -> :legalhigh
- active <= 2.5 -> :high
- active < 3 -> :toohigh
- true -> :sick
- end
- rising_file_key = if rising, do: "_rising", else: ""
- txt_file = "alcoolog." <> "user_" <> to_string(user_state) <> rising_file_key
- user_status = Nola.IRC.TxtPlugin.random(txt_file)
- meta = get_user_meta(state, nick)
- minutes_til_sober = h1/((meta.loss_factor/100)/60)
- minutes_til_sober = cond do
- active < 0 -> 0
- m15 < 0 -> 15
- m30 < 0 -> 30
- h1 < 0 -> 60
- minutes_til_sober > 0 ->
- Float.round(minutes_til_sober+60)
- true -> 0
- end
- duration = Timex.Duration.from_minutes(minutes_til_sober)
- sober_in_s = if minutes_til_sober > 0 do
- Timex.Format.Duration.Formatter.lformat(duration, "fr", :humanized)
- else
- nil
- end
- since = if active > 0 do
- since()
- |> Map.get(nick)
- end
- since_diff = if since, do: Timex.diff(DateTime.utc_now(), since, :minutes)
- since_duration = if since, do: Timex.Duration.from_minutes(since_diff)
- since_s = if since, do: Timex.Format.Duration.Formatter.lformat(since_duration, "fr", :humanized)
- {total_volumes, total_gl} = user_stats(state, nick)
- %{active: active, last_at: last_at, last_cl: last_cl, last_deg: last_deg, last_points: last_points, last_type: last_type, last_descr: last_descr,
- trend_symbol: trend,
- active5m: m5, active15m: m15, active30m: m30, active1h: h1,
- rising: rising,
- active_drinks: active_drinks,
- user_status: user_status,
- daily_gl: total_gl, daily_volumes: total_volumes,
- sober_in: minutes_til_sober, sober_in_s: sober_in_s,
- since: since, since_min: since_diff, since_s: since_s,
- }
- _ ->
- nil
- end
- end
- def handle_info({:irc, :trigger, "sobre", m = %IRC.Message{trigger: %IRC.Trigger{args: args, type: :dot}}}, state) do
- nicks = IRC.Membership.expanded_members_or_friends(m.account,,
- |>{account, _, nick}) -> {nick, get_full_statistics(state,} end)
- |> Enum.filter(fn({_nick, status}) -> status && status.sober_in && status.sober_in > 0 end)
- |> Enum.sort_by(fn({_, status}) -> status.sober_in end, &</2)
- |>{nick, stats}) ->
- now = DateTime.utc_now()
- sober = now |> DateTime.add(round(stats.sober_in*60), :second)
- |> Timex.Timezone.convert("Europe/Paris")
- at = if == do
- {:ok, detail} = Timex.Format.DateTime.Formatters.Default.lformat(sober, "aujourd'hui {h24}:{m}", "fr")
- detail
- else
- {:ok, detail} = Timex.Format.DateTime.Formatters.Default.lformat(sober, "{WDfull} {h24}:{m}", "fr")
- detail
- end
- "#{nick} sobre #{at} (dans #{stats.sober_in_s})"
- end)
- |> Enum.intersperse(", ")
- |> Enum.join("")
- |> (fn(line) ->
- case line do
- "" -> "tout le monde est sobre......."
- line -> line
- end
- end).()
- |> m.replyfun.()
- {:noreply, state}
- end
- def handle_info({:irc, :trigger, "sobre", m = %IRC.Message{trigger: %IRC.Trigger{args: args, type: :bang}}}, state) do
- account = case args do
- [nick] -> IRC.Account.find_always_by_nick(,, nick)
- [] -> m.account
- end
- if account do
- user = IRC.UserTrack.find_by_account(, account)
- nick = if(user, do: user.nick, else:
- stats = get_full_statistics(state,
- if stats && stats.sober_in > 0 do
- now = DateTime.utc_now()
- sober = now |> DateTime.add(round(stats.sober_in*60), :second)
- |> Timex.Timezone.convert("Europe/Paris")
- at = if == do
- {:ok, detail} = Timex.Format.DateTime.Formatters.Default.lformat(sober, "aujourd'hui {h24}:{m}", "fr")
- detail
- else
- {:ok, detail} = Timex.Format.DateTime.Formatters.Default.lformat(sober, "{WDfull} {h24}:{m}", "fr")
- detail
- end
- m.replyfun.("#{nick} sera sobre #{at} (dans #{stats.sober_in_s})!")
- else
- m.replyfun.("#{nick} est déjà sobre. aidez le !")
- end
- else
- m.replyfun.("inconnu")
- end
- {:noreply, state}
- end
- def handle_info({:irc, :trigger, "alcoolisme", m = %IRC.Message{trigger: %IRC.Trigger{args: [], type: :dot}}}, state) do
- nicks = IRC.Membership.expanded_members_or_friends(m.account,,
- |>{account, _, nick}) -> {nick, get_full_statistics(state,} end)
- |> Enum.filter(fn({_nick, status}) -> status && ( > 0 || status.active30m > 0) end)
- |> Enum.sort_by(fn({_, status}) -> end, &>/2)
- |>{nick, status}) ->
- trend_symbol = if status.active_drinks > 1 do
- Enum.join(for(_ <- 1..status.active_drinks, do: status.trend_symbol))
- else
- status.trend_symbol
- end
- since_str = if status.since_min > 180 do
- "depuis: #{status.since_s} | "
- else
- ""
- end
- "#{nick} #{status.user_status} #{trend_symbol} #{Float.round(, 4)} g/l [#{since_str}sobre dans: #{status.sober_in_s}]"
- end)
- |> Enum.intersperse(", ")
- |> Enum.join("")
- msg = if nicks == "" do
- "wtf?!?! personne n'a bu!"
- else
- nicks
- end
- m.replyfun.(msg)
- {:noreply, state}
- end
- def handle_info({:irc, :trigger, "alcoolisme", m = %IRC.Message{trigger: %IRC.Trigger{args: [time], type: :dot}}}, state) do
- time = case time do
- "semaine" -> 7
- string ->
- case Integer.parse(string) do
- {time, "j"} -> time
- {time, "J"} -> time
- _ -> nil
- end
- end
- if time do
- aday = time*((24 * 60)*60)
- now = DateTime.utc_now()
- before = now
- |> DateTime.add(-aday, :second)
- |> DateTime.to_unix(:millisecond)
- over_time_stats(before, time, m, state)
- else
- m.replyfun.(".alcooolisme semaine|Xj")
- end
- {:noreply, state}
- end
- def user_over_time(account, count) do
- user_over_time(data_state(), account, count)
- end
- def user_over_time(state, account, count) do
- delay = count*((24 * 60)*60)
- now = DateTime.utc_now()
- before = DateTime.utc_now()
- |> DateTime.shift_zone!("Europe/Paris", Tzdata.TimeZoneDatabase)
- |> DateTime.add(-delay, :second, Tzdata.TimeZoneDatabase)
- |> DateTime.to_unix(:millisecond)
- #[
-# {{{:"$1", :"$2"}, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_},
-# [{:andalso, {:==, :"$1", :"$1"}, {:<, :"$2", {:const, 3000}}}], [:lol]}
- #]
- match = [{{{:"$1", :"$2"}, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_},
- [{:andalso, {:>, :"$2", {:const, before}}, {:==, :"$1", {:const,}}}], [:"$_"]}
- ]
-, match)
- |> Enum.reduce(, fn({{_, ts}, vol, _, _, _, _, _, _}, acc) ->
- date = DateTime.from_unix!(ts, :millisecond)
- |> DateTime.shift_zone!("Europe/Paris", Tzdata.TimeZoneDatabase)
- date = if date.hour <= 8 do
- DateTime.add(date, -(60*(60*(date.hour+1))), :second, Tzdata.TimeZoneDatabase)
- else
- date
- end
- |> DateTime.to_date()
- Map.put(acc, date, Map.get(acc, date, 0) + vol)
- end)
- end
- def user_over_time_gl(account, count) do
- state = data_state()
- meta = get_user_meta(state,
- delay = count*((24 * 60)*60)
- now = DateTime.utc_now()
- before = DateTime.utc_now()
- |> DateTime.shift_zone!("Europe/Paris", Tzdata.TimeZoneDatabase)
- |> DateTime.add(-delay, :second, Tzdata.TimeZoneDatabase)
- |> DateTime.to_unix(:millisecond)
- #[
-# {{{:"$1", :"$2"}, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_},
-# [{:andalso, {:==, :"$1", :"$1"}, {:<, :"$2", {:const, 3000}}}], [:lol]}
- #]
- match = [{{{:"$1", :"$2"}, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_},
- [{:andalso, {:>, :"$2", {:const, before}}, {:==, :"$1", {:const,}}}], [:"$_"]}
- ]
-, match)
- |> Enum.reduce(, fn({{_, ts}, vol, _, _, _, _, _, _}, acc) ->
- date = DateTime.from_unix!(ts, :millisecond)
- |> DateTime.shift_zone!("Europe/Paris", Tzdata.TimeZoneDatabase)
- date = if date.hour <= 8 do
- DateTime.add(date, -(60*(60*(date.hour+1))), :second, Tzdata.TimeZoneDatabase)
- else
- date
- end
- |> DateTime.to_date()
- weight = meta.weight
- k = if, do: 0.7, else: 0.6
- gl = (10*vol)/(k*weight)
- Map.put(acc, date, Map.get(acc, date, 0) + gl)
- end)
- end
- defp over_time_stats(before, j, m, state) do
- #match = :ets.fun2ms(fn(obj = {{^nick, date}, _, _, _, _, _, _, _}) when date > before -> obj end)
- match = [{{{:_, :"$1"}, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_},
- [{:>, :"$1", {:const, before}}], [:"$_"]}
- ]
- # tuple ets: {{nick, date}, volumes, current, nom, commentaire}
- members = IRC.Membership.members_or_friends(m.account,,
- drinks =, match)
- |> Enum.filter(fn({{account, _}, _, _, _, _, _, _, _}) -> Enum.member?(members, account) end)
- |> Enum.sort_by(fn({{_, ts}, _, _, _, _, _, _, _}) -> ts end, &>/2)
- top = Enum.reduce(drinks, %{}, fn({{nick, _}, vol, _, _, _, _, _, _}, acc) ->
- all = Map.get(acc, nick, 0)
- Map.put(acc, nick, all + vol)
- end)
- |> Enum.sort_by(fn({_nick, count}) -> count end, &>/2)
- |>{nick, count}) ->
- account = IRC.Account.get(nick)
- user = IRC.UserTrack.find_by_account(, account)
- nick = if(user, do: user.nick, else:
- "#{nick}: #{Float.round(count, 4)}"
- end)
- |> Enum.intersperse(", ")
- m.replyfun.("sur #{j} jours: #{top}")
- {:noreply, state}
- end
- def handle_info({:irc, :trigger, "alcoolisme", m = %IRC.Message{trigger: %IRC.Trigger{args: [], type: :plus}}}, state) do
- meta = get_user_meta(state,
- hf = if, do: "h", else: "f"
- m.replyfun.("+alcoolisme sexe: #{hf} poids: #{meta.weight} facteur de perte: #{meta.loss_factor}")
- {:noreply, state}
- end
- def handle_info({:irc, :trigger, "alcoolisme", m = %IRC.Message{trigger: %IRC.Trigger{args: [h, weight | rest], type: :plus}}}, state) do
- h = case h do
- "h" -> true
- "f" -> false
- _ -> nil
- end
- weight = case Util.float_paparse(weight) do
- {weight, _} -> weight
- _ -> nil
- end
- {factor} = case rest do
- [factor] ->
- case Util.float_paparse(factor) do
- {float, _} -> {float}
- _ -> {@default_user_meta.loss_factor}
- end
- _ -> {@default_user_meta.loss_factor}
- end
- if h == nil || weight == nil do
- m.replyfun.("paramètres invalides")
- else
- old_meta = get_user_meta(state,
- meta = Map.merge(@default_user_meta, %{sex: h, weight: weight, loss_factor: factor})
- put_user_meta(state,, meta)
- cond do
- old_meta.weight < meta.weight ->
- Nola.IRC.TxtPlugin.reply_random(m, "alcoolog.fatter")
- old_meta.weight == meta.weight ->
- m.replyfun.("aucun changement!")
- true ->
- Nola.IRC.TxtPlugin.reply_random(m, "alcoolog.thinner")
- end
- end
- {:noreply, state}
- end
- def handle_info({:irc, :trigger, "santai", m = %IRC.Message{trigger: %IRC.Trigger{args: args, type: :minus}}}, state) do
- case get_statistics_for_nick(state, do
- {_, obj = {_, date, points, _last_active, _cl, _deg, type, descr, _meta}} ->
- :dets.delete_object(state.dets, obj)
- :ets.delete(state.ets, {, date})
- m.replyfun.("supprimé: #{m.sender.nick} #{points} #{type} #{descr}")
- Nola.IRC.TxtPlugin.reply_random(m, "alcoolog.delete")
- notify = IRC.Membership.notify_channels(m.account) -- [{,}]
- for {net, chan} <- notify do
- user = IRC.UserTrack.find_by_account(net, m.account)
- nick = if(user, do: user.nick, else:
- IRC.Connection.broadcast_message(net, chan, "#{nick} -santai #{points} #{type} #{descr}")
- end
- {:noreply, state}
- _ ->
- {:noreply, state}
- end
- end
- def handle_info({:irc, :trigger, "alcoolisme", m = %IRC.Message{trigger: %IRC.Trigger{args: args, type: :bang}}}, state) do
- {account, duration} = case args do
- [nick | rest] -> {IRC.Account.find_always_by_nick(,, nick), rest}
- [] -> {m.account, []}
- end
- if account do
- duration = case duration do
- ["semaine"] -> 7
- [j] ->
- case Integer.parse(j) do
- {j, "j"} -> j
- _ -> nil
- end
- _ -> nil
- end
- user = IRC.UserTrack.find_by_account(, account)
- nick = if(user, do: user.nick, else:
- if duration do
- if duration > 90 do
- m.replyfun.("trop gros, ça rentrera pas")
- else
- # duration stats
- stats = user_over_time(state, account, duration)
- |> Enum.sort_by(fn({k,_v}) -> k end, {:asc, Date})
- |>{date, count}) ->
- "#{}: #{Float.round(count, 2)}"
- end)
- |> Enum.intersperse(", ")
- |> Enum.join("")
- if stats == "" do
- m.replyfun.("alcoolisme a zéro sur #{duration}j :/")
- else
- m.replyfun.("alcoolisme de #{nick}, #{duration} derniers jours: #{stats}")
- end
- end
- else
- if stats = get_full_statistics(state, do
- trend_symbol = if stats.active_drinks > 1 do
- Enum.join(for(_ <- 1..stats.active_drinks, do: stats.trend_symbol))
- else
- stats.trend_symbol
- end
- # TODO: Lookup nick for account_id
- msg = "#{nick} #{stats.user_status} "
- <> (if > 0 || stats.active15m > 0 || stats.active30m > 0 || stats.active1h > 0, do: ": #{trend_symbol} #{Float.round(, 4)}g/l ", else: "")
- <> (if stats.active30m > 0 || stats.active1h > 0, do: "(15m: #{stats.active15m}, 30m: #{stats.active30m}, 1h: #{stats.active1h}) ", else: "")
- <> (if stats.sober_in > 0, do: "— Sobre dans #{stats.sober_in_s} ", else: "")
- <> (if stats.since && stats.since_min > 180, do: "— Paitai depuis #{stats.since_s} ", else: "")
- <> "— Dernier verre: #{present_type(stats.last_type, stats.last_descr)} [#{Float.round(stats.last_points+0.0, 4)}] "
- <> "#{format_duration_from_now(stats.last_at)} "
- <> (if stats.daily_volumes > 0, do: "— Aujourd'hui: #{stats.daily_volumes} #{stats.daily_gl}g/l", else: "")
- m.replyfun.(msg)
- else
- m.replyfun.("honteux mais #{nick} n'a pas l'air alcoolique du tout. /kick")
- end
- end
- else
- m.replyfun.("je ne connais pas cet utilisateur")
- end
- {:noreply, state}
- end
- # Account merge
- def handle_info({:account_change, old_id, new_id}, state) do
- spec = [{{:"$1", :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_}, [{:==, :"$1", {:const, old_id}}], [:"$_"]}]
- Util.ets_mutate_select_each(:dets, state.dets, spec, fn(table, obj) ->
- Logger.debug("alcolog/account_change:: merging #{old_id} -> #{new_id}")
- rename_object_owner(table, state.ets, obj, old_id, new_id)
- end)
- case :dets.lookup(state.meta, {:meta, old_id}) do
- [{_, meta}] ->
- :dets.delete(state.meta, {:meta, old_id})
- :dets.insert(state.meta, {{:meta, new_id}, meta})
- _ ->
- :ok
- end
- {:noreply, state}
- end
- def terminate(_, state) do
- for dets <- [state.dets, state.meta] do
- :dets.sync(dets)
- :dets.close(dets)
- end
- end
- defp rename_object_owner(table, ets, object = {old_id, date, volume, current, cl, deg, name, comment, meta}, old_id, new_id) do
- :dets.delete_object(table, object)
- :ets.delete(ets, {old_id, date})
- :dets.insert(table, {new_id, date, volume, current, cl, deg, name, comment, meta})
- :ets.insert(ets, {{new_id, date}, volume, current, cl, deg, name, comment, meta})
- end
- # Account: move from nick to account id
- def handle_info({:accounts, accounts}, state) do
- #for x={:account, _, _, _, _} <- accounts, do: handle_info(x, state)
- #{:noreply, state}
- mapping = Enum.reduce(accounts,, fn({:account, _net, _chan, nick, account_id}, acc) ->
- Map.put(acc, String.downcase(nick), account_id)
- end)
- spec = [{{:"$1", :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_}, [], [:"$_"]}]
- Logger.debug("accounts:: mappings #{inspect mapping}")
- Util.ets_mutate_select_each(:dets, state.dets, spec, fn(table, obj = {nick, _date, _vol, _cur, _cl, _deg, _name, _comment, _meta}) ->
- #Logger.debug("accounts:: item #{inspect(obj)}")
- if new_id = Map.get(mapping, nick) do
- Logger.debug("alcolog/accounts:: merging #{nick} -> #{new_id}")
- rename_object_owner(table, state.ets, obj, nick, new_id)
- end
- end)
- {:noreply, state}
- end
- def handle_info({:account, _net, _chan, nick, account_id}, state) do
- nick = String.downcase(nick)
- spec = [{{:"$1", :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_}, [{:==, :"$1", {:const, nick}}], [:"$_"]}]
- Util.ets_mutate_select_each(:dets, state.dets, spec, fn(table, obj) ->
- Logger.debug("alcoolog/account:: merging #{nick} -> #{account_id}")
- rename_object_owner(table, state.ets, obj, nick, account_id)
- end)
- case :dets.lookup(state.meta, {:meta, nick}) do
- [{_, meta}] ->
- :dets.delete(state.meta, {:meta, nick})
- :dets.insert(state.meta, {{:meta, account_id}, meta})
- _ ->
- :ok
- end
- {:noreply, state}
- end
- def handle_info(t, state) do
- Logger.debug("AlcoologPlugin: unhandled info #{inspect t}")
- {:noreply, state}
- end
- def nick_history(account) do
- spec = [
- {{{:"$1", :_}, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_},
- [{:==, :"$1", {:const,}}],
- [:"$_"]}
- ]
-, spec)
- end
- defp get_statistics_for_nick(state, account_id) do
- qvc = :dets.lookup(state.dets, account_id)
- |> Enum.sort_by(fn({_, ts, _, _, _, _, _, _, _}) -> ts end, &</2)
- count = Enum.reduce(qvc, 0, fn({_nick, _ts, points, _active, _cl, _deg, _type, _descr, _meta}, acc) -> acc + (points||0) end)
- last = List.last(qvc) || nil
- {count, last}
- end
- def present_type(type, descr) when descr in [nil, ""], do: "#{type}"
- def present_type(type, description), do: "#{type} (#{description})"
- def format_points(int) when is_integer(int) and int > 0 do
- "+#{Integer.to_string(int)}"
- end
- def format_points(int) when is_integer(int) and int < 0 do
- Integer.to_string(int)
- end
- def format_points(int) when is_float(int) and int > 0 do
- "+#{Float.to_string(Float.round(int,4))}"
- end
- def format_points(int) when is_float(int) and int < 0 do
- Float.to_string(Float.round(int,4))
- end
- def format_points(0), do: "0"
- def format_points(0.0), do: "0"
- defp format_relative_timestamp(timestamp) do
- alias Timex.Format.DateTime.Formatters
- alias Timex.Timezone
- date = timestamp
- |> DateTime.from_unix!(:millisecond)
- |> Timezone.convert("Europe/Paris")
- {:ok, relative} = Formatters.Relative.relative_to(date,"Europe/Paris"), "{relative}", "fr")
- {:ok, detail} = Formatters.Default.lformat(date, " ({h24}:{m})", "fr")
- relative <> detail
- end
- defp put_user_meta(state, account_id, meta) do
- :dets.insert(state.meta, {{:meta, account_id}, meta})
- :ok
- end
- defp get_user_meta(%{meta: meta}, account_id) do
- case :dets.lookup(meta, {:meta, account_id}) do
- [{{:meta, _}, meta}] ->
- Map.merge(@default_user_meta, meta)
- _ ->
- @default_user_meta
- end
- end
- # Calcul g/l actuel:
- # 1. load user meta
- # 2. foldr ets
- # for each object
- # get_current_alcohol
- # ((object g/l) - 0,15/l/60)* minutes_since_drink
- # if minutes_since_drink < 10, reduce g/l (?!)
- # acc + current_alcohol
- # stop folding when ?
- #
- def user_stats(account) do
- user_stats(data_state(),
- end
- defp user_stats(state = %{ets: ets}, account_id) do
- meta = get_user_meta(state, account_id)
- aday = (10 * 60)*60
- now = DateTime.utc_now()
- before = now
- |> DateTime.add(-aday, :second)
- |> DateTime.to_unix(:millisecond)
- #match = :ets.fun2ms(fn(obj = {{^nick, date}, _, _, _, _}) when date > before -> obj end)
- match = [
- {{{:"$1", :"$2"}, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_},
- [
- {:>, :"$2", {:const, before}},
- {:"=:=", {:const, account_id}, :"$1"}
- ], [:"$_"]}
- ]
- # tuple ets: {{nick, date}, volumes, current, nom, commentaire}
- drinks =, match)
- # {date, single_peak}
- total_volume = Enum.reduce(drinks, 0.0, fn({{_, date}, volume, _, _, _, _, _, _}, acc) ->
- acc + volume
- end)
- k = if, do: 0.7, else: 0.6
- weight = meta.weight
- gl = (10*total_volume)/(k*weight)
- {Float.round(total_volume + 0.0, 4), Float.round(gl + 0.0, 4)}
- end
- defp alcohol_level_rising(state, account_id, minutes \\ 30) do
- {now, _} = current_alcohol_level(state, account_id)
- soon_date = DateTime.utc_now
- |> DateTime.add(minutes*60, :second)
- {soon, _} = current_alcohol_level(state, account_id, soon_date)
- soon = cond do
- soon < 0 -> 0.0
- true -> soon
- end
- #IO.puts "soon #{soon_date} - #{inspect soon} #{inspect now}"
- {soon > now, Float.round(soon+0.0, 4)}
- end
- defp current_alcohol_level(state = %{ets: ets}, account_id, now \\ nil) do
- meta = get_user_meta(state, account_id)
- aday = ((24*7) * 60)*60
- now = if now do
- now
- else
- DateTime.utc_now()
- end
- before = now
- |> DateTime.add(-aday, :second)
- |> DateTime.to_unix(:millisecond)
- #match = :ets.fun2ms(fn(obj = {{^nick, date}, _, _, _, _}) when date > before -> obj end)
- match = [
- {{{:"$1", :"$2"}, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_, :_},
- [
- {:>, :"$2", {:const, before}},
- {:"=:=", {:const, account_id}, :"$1"}
- ], [:"$_"]}
- ]
- # tuple ets: {{nick, date}, volumes, current, nom, commentaire}
- drinks =, match)
- |> Enum.sort_by(fn({{_, date}, _, _, _, _, _, _, _}) -> date end, &</2)
- # {date, single_peak}
- {all, last_drink_at, gl, active_drinks} = Enum.reduce(drinks, {0.0, nil, [], 0}, fn({{_, date}, volume, _, _, _, _, _, _}, {all, last_at, acc, active_drinks}) ->
- k = if, do: 0.7, else: 0.6
- weight = meta.weight
- peak = (10*volume)/(k*weight)
- date = case date do
- ts when is_integer(ts) -> DateTime.from_unix!(ts, :millisecond)
- date = %NaiveDateTime{} -> DateTime.from_naive!(date, "Etc/UTC")
- date = %DateTime{} -> date
- end
- last_at = last_at || date
- mins_since = round(DateTime.diff(now, date)/60.0)
- #IO.puts "Drink: #{inspect({date, volume})} - mins since: #{inspect mins_since} - last drink at #{inspect last_at}"
- # Apply loss since `last_at` on `all`
- #
- all = if last_at do
- mins_since_last = round(DateTime.diff(date, last_at)/60.0)
- loss = ((meta.loss_factor/100)/60)*(mins_since_last)
- #IO.puts "Applying last drink loss: from #{all}, loss of #{inspect loss} (mins since #{inspect mins_since_first})"
- cond do
- (all-loss) > 0 -> all - loss
- true -> 0.0
- end
- else
- all
- end
- #IO.puts "Applying last drink current before drink: #{inspect all}"
- if mins_since < 30 do
- per_min = (peak)/30.0
- current = (per_min*mins_since)
- #IO.puts "Applying current drink 30m: from #{peak}, loss of #{inspect per_min}/min (mins since #{inspect mins_since})"
- {all + current, date, [{date, current} | acc], active_drinks + 1}
- else
- {all + peak, date, [{date, peak} | acc], active_drinks}
- end
- end)
- #IO.puts "last drink #{inspect last_drink_at}"
- mins_since_last = if last_drink_at do
- round(DateTime.diff(now, last_drink_at)/60.0)
- else
- 0
- end
- # Si on a déjà bu y'a déjà moins 15 minutes (big up le binge drinking), on applique plus de perte
- level = if mins_since_last > 15 do
- loss = ((meta.loss_factor/100)/60)*(mins_since_last)
- Float.round(all - loss, 4)
- else
- all
- end
- #IO.puts "\n LEVEL #{inspect level}\n\n\n\n"
- cond do
- level < 0 -> {0.0, 0}
- true -> {level, active_drinks}
- end
- end
- defp format_duration_from_now(date, with_detail \\ true) do
- date = if is_integer(date) do
- date = DateTime.from_unix!(date, :millisecond)
- |> Timex.Timezone.convert("Europe/Paris")
- else
- Util.to_naive_date_time(date)
- end
- now = DateTime.utc_now()
- |> Timex.Timezone.convert("Europe/Paris")
- {:ok, detail} = Timex.Format.DateTime.Formatters.Default.lformat(date, "({h24}:{m})", "fr")
- mins_since = round(DateTime.diff(now, date)/60.0)
- if ago = format_minute_duration(mins_since) do
- word = if mins_since > 0 do
- "il y a "
- else
- "dans "
- end
- word <> ago <> if(with_detail, do: " #{detail}", else: "")
- else
- "maintenant #{detail}"
- end
- end
- defp format_minute_duration(minutes) do
- sober_in_s = if (minutes != 0) do
- duration = Timex.Duration.from_minutes(minutes)
- Timex.Format.Duration.Formatter.lformat(duration, "fr", :humanized)
- else
- nil
- end
- end