path: root/lib/plugins/correction.ex
diff options
authorJordan Bracco <>2022-12-20 02:19:42 +0000
committerJordan Bracco <>2022-12-20 19:29:41 +0100
commit9958e90eb5eb5a2cc171c40860745e95a96bd429 (patch)
treeb49cdb1d0041b9c0a81a14950d38c0203896f527 /lib/plugins/correction.ex
parentRename to Nola (diff)
Actually do not prefix folders with nola_ refs T77
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/plugins/correction.ex')
1 files changed, 59 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/plugins/correction.ex b/lib/plugins/correction.ex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03968c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/plugins/correction.ex
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+defmodule Nola.Plugins.Correction do
+ @moduledoc """
+ # correction
+ * `s/pattern/replace` replace `pattern` by `replace` in the last matching message
+ """
+ def irc_doc, do: @moduledoc
+ def start_link() do
+ GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, [], name: __MODULE__)
+ end
+ def init(_) do
+ {:ok, _} = Registry.register(IRC.PubSub, "messages", [plugin: __MODULE__])
+ {:ok, _} = Registry.register(IRC.PubSub, "triggers", [plugin: __MODULE__])
+ {:ok, %{}}
+ end
+ # Trigger fallback
+ def handle_info({:irc, :trigger, _, m = %IRC.Message{}}, state) do
+ {:noreply, correction(m, state)}
+ end
+ def handle_info({:irc, :text, m = %IRC.Message{}}, state) do
+ {:noreply, correction(m, state)}
+ end
+ def correction(m, state) do
+ history = Map.get(state, key(m), [])
+ if String.starts_with?(m.text, "s/") do
+ case String.split(m.text, "/") do
+ ["s", match, replace | _] ->
+ case Regex.compile(match) do
+ {:ok, reg} ->
+ repl = Enum.find(history, fn(m) -> Regex.match?(reg, m.text) end)
+ if repl do
+ new_text = String.replace(repl.text, reg, replace)
+ m.replyfun.("correction: <#{repl.sender.nick}> #{new_text}")
+ end
+ _ ->
+ m.replyfun.("correction: invalid regex")
+ end
+ _ -> m.replyfun.("correction: invalid regex format")
+ end
+ state
+ else
+ history = if length(history) > 100 do
+ {_, history} = List.pop_at(history, 99)
+ [m | history]
+ else
+ [m | history]
+ end
+ Map.put(state, key(m), history)
+ end
+ end
+ defp key(%{network: net, channel: chan}), do: "#{net}/#{chan}"