path: root/lib/nola_plugins/tell_plugin.ex
diff options
authorJordan Bracco <>2022-12-20 02:13:47 +0000
committerJordan Bracco <>2022-12-20 19:29:41 +0100
commit70b9bba56f5319361ce5a7df5c489b9c0d6905ce (patch)
treef9b4438965f4c5e3e1f3a6129904cbb9a37047f2 /lib/nola_plugins/tell_plugin.ex
parentUpdate repo URL, refs T77. (diff)
Rename to Nola
Summary: Nola rename cont. pt. 2. Refs T77. `find lib -name "*.ex" -type f | xargs sed -i '' 's/LSG/Nola/g'` Nola rename, cont. pt. 3. Refs T77. `s/:lsg/:nola/g` Nola rename, cont. pt. 4. Refs T77. Nola rename, cont. pt. 5. Refs T77. Configs. find config -type f | xargs sed -i '' 's/LSG/Nola/g' find config -type f | xargs sed -i '' 's/lsg/nola/g' BREAKING CHANGE: Config keys switch from `:lsg` to `:nola` Nola rename, the end. pt 6. Refs T77. Nola rename: The Big Move, Refs T77 Update repo URL, refs T77. Nola rename: Nola.Plugins, refs T77 Maniphest Tasks: T77 Differential Revision:
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/nola_plugins/tell_plugin.ex')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 106 deletions
diff --git a/lib/nola_plugins/tell_plugin.ex b/lib/nola_plugins/tell_plugin.ex
deleted file mode 100644
index ecc98df..0000000
--- a/lib/nola_plugins/tell_plugin.ex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-defmodule Nola.IRC.TellPlugin do
- use GenServer
- @moduledoc """
- # Tell
- * **!tell `<nick>` `<message>`**: tell `message` to `nick` when they reconnect.
- """
- def irc_doc, do: @moduledoc
- def start_link() do
- GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, [], name: __MODULE__)
- end
- def dets do
- (Nola.data_path() <> "/tell.dets") |> String.to_charlist()
- end
- def tell(m, target, message) do
- GenServer.cast(__MODULE__, {:tell, m, target, message})
- end
- def init([]) do
- regopts = [plugin: __MODULE__]
- {:ok, _} = Registry.register(IRC.PubSub, "account", regopts)
- {:ok, _} = Registry.register(IRC.PubSub, "trigger:tell", regopts)
- {:ok, dets} = :dets.open_file(dets(), [type: :bag])
- {:ok, %{dets: dets}}
- end
- def handle_cast({:tell, m, target, message}, state) do
- do_tell(state, m, target, message)
- {:noreply, state}
- end
- def handle_info({:irc, :trigger, "tell", m = %IRC.Message{trigger: %IRC.Trigger{type: :bang, args: [target | message]}}}, state) do
- do_tell(state, m, target, message)
- {:noreply, state}
- end
- def handle_info({:account, network, channel, nick, account_id}, state) do
- messages = :dets.lookup(state.dets, {network, channel, account_id})
- if messages != [] do
- strs =, fn({_, from, message, at}) ->
- account = IRC.Account.get(from)
- user = IRC.UserTrack.find_by_account(network, account)
- fromnick = if user, do: user.nick, else:
- "#{nick}: <#{fromnick}> #{message}"
- end)
- Enum.each(strs, fn(s) -> IRC.Connection.broadcast_message(network, channel, s) end)
- :dets.delete(state.dets, {network, channel, account_id})
- end
- {:noreply, state}
- end
- def handle_info({:account_change, old_id, new_id}, state) do
- #:ets.fun2ms(fn({ {_net, _chan, target_id}, from_id, _, _} = obj) when (target_id == old_id) or (from_id == old_id) -> obj end)
- spec = [{{{:"$1", :"$2", :"$3"}, :"$4", :_, :_}, [{:orelse, {:==, :"$3", {:const, old_id}}, {:==, :"$4", {:const, old_id}}}], [:"$_"]}]
- Util.ets_mutate_select_each(:dets, state.dets, spec, fn(table, obj) ->
- case obj do
- { {net, chan, ^old_id}, from_id, message, at } = obj ->
- :dets.delete(obj)
- :dets.insert(table, {{net, chan, new_id}, from_id, message, at})
- {key, ^old_id, message, at} = obj ->
- :dets.delete(table, obj)
- :dets.insert(table, {key, new_id, message, at})
- _ -> :ok
- end
- end)
- {:noreply, state}
- end
- def handle_info(info, state) do
- {:noreply, state}
- end
- def terminate(_, state) do
- :dets.close(state.dets)
- :ok
- end
- defp do_tell(state, m, nick_target, message) do
- target = IRC.Account.find_always_by_nick(,, nick_target)
- message = Enum.join(message, " ")
- with \
- {:target, %IRC.Account{} = target} <- {:target, target},
- {:same, false} <- {:same, ==},
- target_user = IRC.UserTrack.find_by_account(, target),
- target_nick = if(target_user, do: target_user.nick, else:,
- present? = if(target_user, do: Map.has_key?(target_user.last_active,,
- {:absent, true, _} <- {:absent, !present?, target_nick},
- {:message, message} <- {:message, message}
- do
- obj = { {,,},, message, NaiveDateTime.utc_now()}
- :dets.insert(state.dets, obj)
- m.replyfun.("will tell to #{target_nick}")
- else
- {:same, _} -> m.replyfun.("are you so stupid that you need a bot to tell yourself things ?")
- {:target, _} -> m.replyfun.("#{nick_target} unknown")
- {:absent, _, nick} -> m.replyfun.("#{nick} is here, tell yourself!")
- {:message, _} -> m.replyfun.("can't tell without a message")
- end
- end