path: root/lib/lsg_irc/alcolog_plugin.ex
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authorhref <>2020-03-11 21:18:34 +0100
committerhref <>2020-03-11 21:18:34 +0100
commita28d24470ddeca6196219a1333c1ccac1319efef (patch)
tree4f29e3c8fb6afbb1f99d6b8737f844c95fca54df /lib/lsg_irc/alcolog_plugin.ex
parentup to 420*100 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/lsg_irc/alcolog_plugin.ex')
1 files changed, 200 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/lsg_irc/alcolog_plugin.ex b/lib/lsg_irc/alcolog_plugin.ex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5392a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/lsg_irc/alcolog_plugin.ex
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+defmodule LSG.IRC.AlcologPlugin do
+ require Logger
+ @moduledoc """
+ # alcoolisme _(v2)_
+ * **`!santai <montant> <degrés d'alcool> [annotation]`** enregistre un nouveau verre de `montant` d'une boisson à `degrés d'alcool`.
+ * **!`<trigger>` `[coeff]` `[annotation]`** enregistre de l'alcoolisme.
+ * **!alcoolisme `[pseudo]`** affiche les points d'alcoolisme.
+ Triggers/Coeffs:
+ * bière: (coeffs: 25, 50/+, 75/++, 100/+++, ++++)
+ * pinard: (coeffs: +, ++, +++, ++++)
+ * shot/fort/whisky/rhum/..: (coeffs: +, ++, +++, ++++)
+ * eau (-1)
+ Annotation: champ libre!
+ """
+ @triggers %{
+ "apero" =>
+ %{
+ triggers: ["apero", "apéro", "apairo", "santai"],
+ default_coeff: "25",
+ coeffs: %{
+ "+" => 2,
+ "++" => 3,
+ "+++" => 4,
+ "++++" => 5,
+ }
+ },
+ "bière" =>
+ %{
+ triggers: ["beer", "bière", "biere", "biaire"],
+ default_coeff: "25",
+ coeffs: %{
+ "25" => 1,
+ "50" => 2,
+ "75" => 3,
+ "100" => 4,
+ "+" => 2,
+ "++" => 3,
+ "+++" => 4,
+ "++++" => 5,
+ }
+ },
+ "pinard" => %{
+ triggers: ["pinard", "vin", "rouge", "blanc", "rosé", "rose"],
+ annotations: ["rouge", "blanc", "rosé", "rose"],
+ default_coeff: "",
+ coeffs: %{
+ "" => 1,
+ "+" => 2,
+ "++" => 3,
+ "+++" => 4,
+ "++++" => 5,
+ "vase" => 6,
+ }
+ },
+ "fort" => %{
+ triggers: ["shot", "royaume", "whisky", "rhum", "armagnac", "dijo"],
+ default_coeff: "",
+ coeffs: %{
+ "" => 3,
+ "+" => 5,
+ "++" => 7,
+ "+++" => 9,
+ "++++" => 11
+ }
+ },
+ "eau" => %{
+ triggers: ["eau"],
+ default_coeff: "1",
+ coeffs: %{
+ "1" => -2,
+ "+" => -3,
+ "++" => -4,
+ "+++" => -6,
+ "++++" => -8
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def irc_doc, do: @moduledoc
+ def start_link(), do: GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, [])
+ def init(_) do
+ {:ok, _} = Registry.register(IRC.PubSub, "trigger:alcoolisme", [])
+ for {_, config} <- @triggers do
+ for trigger <- config.triggers do
+ {:ok, _} = Registry.register(IRC.PubSub, "trigger:#{trigger}", [])
+ for coeff when byte_size(coeff) > 0 <- Map.keys(config.coeffs) do
+ {:ok, _} = Registry.register(IRC.PubSub, "trigger:#{trigger}#{coeff}", [])
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ dets_filename = (LSG.data_path() <> "/" <> "alcoolisme.dets") |> String.to_charlist
+ {:ok, dets} = :dets.open_file(dets_filename, [{:type,:bag}])
+ {:ok, dets}
+ end
+ for {name, config} <- @triggers do
+ coeffs = Map.get(config, "coeffs")
+ default_coeff_value = Map.get(config.coeffs, config.default_coeff)
+ IO.puts "at triggers #{inspect config}"
+ # Handle each trigger
+ for trigger <- config.triggers do
+ # … with a known coeff …
+ for {coef, value} when byte_size(coef) > 0 <- config.coeffs do
+ def handle_info({:irc, :trigger, unquote(trigger), m = %IRC.Message{trigger: %IRC.Trigger{args: [unquote(coef)<>_ | args], type: :bang}}}, dets) do
+ handle_bang(unquote(name), unquote(value), m, args, dets)
+ {:noreply, dets}
+ end
+ def handle_info({:irc, :trigger, unquote(trigger)<>unquote(coef), m = %IRC.Message{trigger: %IRC.Trigger{args: args, type: :bang}}}, dets) do
+ handle_bang(unquote(name), unquote(value), m, args, dets)
+ {:noreply, dets}
+ end
+ end
+ # … or without
+ def handle_info({:irc, :trigger, unquote(trigger), m = %IRC.Message{trigger: %IRC.Trigger{args: args, type: :bang}}}, dets) do
+ handle_bang(unquote(name), unquote(default_coeff_value), m, args, dets)
+ {:noreply, dets}
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def handle_info({:irc, :trigger, "alcoolisme", m = %IRC.Message{trigger: %IRC.Trigger{args: args, type: :bang}}}, dets) do
+ nick = case args do
+ [nick] -> nick
+ [] -> m.sender.nick
+ end
+ case get_statistics_for_nick(dets, nick) do
+ {count, {_, last_at, last_points, last_type, last_descr}} ->
+ m.replyfun.("#{nick} a #{count} points d'alcoolisme. Dernier verre: #{present_type(last_type,
+ last_descr)} [#{last_points}] #{format_relative_timestamp(last_at)}")
+ _ ->
+ m.replyfun.("honteux mais #{nick} n'a pas l'air alcoolique du tout. /kick")
+ end
+ {:noreply, dets}
+ end
+ defp handle_bang(name, points, message, args, dets) do
+ description = case args do
+ [] -> nil
+ [something] -> something
+ something when is_list(something) -> Enum.join(something, " ")
+ _ -> nil
+ end
+ now = DateTime.to_unix(DateTime.utc_now(), :milliseconds)
+ :ok = :dets.insert(dets, {String.downcase(message.sender.nick), now, points, name, description})
+ {count, {_, last_at, last_points, last_type, last_descr}} = get_statistics_for_nick(dets, message.sender.nick)
+ sante = @santai |> Enum.shuffle() |> Enum.random()
+ message.replyfun.("#{sante} #{message.sender.nick} #{format_points(points)}! (total #{count} points)")
+ end
+ defp get_statistics_for_nick(dets, nick) do
+ qvc = :dets.lookup(dets, String.downcase(nick))
+ IO.puts inspect(qvc)
+ count = Enum.reduce(qvc, 0, fn({_nick, _ts, points, _type, _descr}, acc) -> acc + points end)
+ last = List.last(qvc) || nil
+ {count, last}
+ end
+ def present_type(type, descr) when descr in [nil, ""], do: "#{type}"
+ def present_type(type, description), do: "#{type} (#{description})"
+ def format_points(int) when int > 0 do
+ "+#{Integer.to_string(int)}"
+ end
+ def format_points(int) when int < 0 do
+ Integer.to_string(int)
+ end
+ def format_points(0), do: "0"
+ defp format_relative_timestamp(timestamp) do
+ alias Timex.Format.DateTime.Formatters
+ alias Timex.Timezone
+ date = timestamp
+ |> DateTime.from_unix!(:milliseconds)
+ |> Timezone.convert("Europe/Paris")
+ {:ok, relative} = Formatters.Relative.relative_to(date,"Europe/Paris"), "{relative}", "fr")
+ {:ok, detail} = Formatters.Default.lformat(date, " ({h24}:{m})", "fr")
+ relative <> detail
+ end