path: root/lib/irc/shout.ex
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/irc/shout.ex')
1 files changed, 56 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/irc/shout.ex b/lib/irc/shout.ex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a3966b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/irc/shout.ex
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+defmodule Irc.Shout do
+ alias Irc.{Connection, Parser.Line}
+ def shout(nick, host, target, message, opts \\ []) do
+ opts = opts
+ |> Keyword.put(:reconnect, false)
+ |> Keyword.put_new(:await_up_timeout, :timer.seconds(30))
+ |> Keyword.put_new(:quit, "bye")
+ do_shout(Connection.start(nick, host, opts), target, message, opts)
+ end
+ def do_shout({:ok, conn}, target, message, opts) do
+ mon = Process.monitor(conn)
+ result = with \
+ {:ok, _info} <- Connection.await_up(conn, Keyword.get(opts, :await_up_timeout)),
+ :ok <- join(conn, target),
+ :ok <- Connection.sendline(conn, ['PRIVMSG ', target, ' :', message])
+ do
+ :ok
+ else
+ error ->
+ error
+ end
+ Process.demonitor(mon, [:flush])
+ Connection.disconnect(conn, Keyword.get(opts, :quit), true)
+ Connection.flush(conn)
+ result
+ end
+ def do_shout(error, _, _, _) do
+ error
+ end
+ def join(conn, target = "#"<>_) do
+ case Connection.sendline(conn, ['JOIN ', target]) do
+ :ok -> await_join(conn, target)
+ error -> error
+ end
+ end
+ def join(conn, _) do
+ :ok
+ end
+ def await_join(conn, target) do
+ receive do
+ {:irc_conn_line, conn, %Irc.Parser.Line{command: "JOIN", args: [target]}} -> :ok
+ {:irc_conn_error, conn, reason} -> {:error, reason}
+ {:DOWN, _, _, conn, reason} -> {:error, {:conn_down, reason}}
+ after
+ 10_000 -> :join_timeout
+ end
+ end