A simple CLI utility for importing or exporting dashboard JSON definitions using the Grafana HTTP API. This may be useful for: - Backing up your dashboards that already exist within your Grafana instance, e.g., if you are migrating from the internal sqlite database to MySQL. - Updating dashboard files for your Infrastructure-as-Code, for use with Grafana dashboard provisioning. - Making tweaks to dashboard JSON files directly and updating Grafana with one command. Notable features: - Mirrors the folder structure between a local set of dashboards and Grafana, creating folders where necessary. - Ensures links to dashboards folders in a dashlist Panel are consistent with the Folder IDs - useful for deploying one set of dashboards across mulitple Grafana instances, e.g., for dev, test, prod environments. WWW: https://github.com/Beam-Connectivity/grafana-dashboard-manager