This package contains an emacs major mode for editing SGML and XML DTDs. 
 - Standalone mode for editing DTDs;
 - "Goto" menu for locating declarations within the current buffer;
 - `dtd-etags' function for creating Emacs TAGS files for easy lookup
   across multiple files of any element, parameter entity, or
   notation's definition using Emacs's built-in tag-lookup functions;
 - `dtd-grep' function for searching files that shares a file history
   with `dtd-etags' for easy searching of the same files with both functions;
 - Specific font lock highlighting of declarations in XML DTDs, SGML
   DTDs, SGML Declarations, and System Declarations so that the
   important information stands out;
 - XML-specific behaviour that, at user option, is triggered by
   automatic detection of the XML Declaration; 
 - Functions for writing and editing element, attribute, internal
   parameter entity and external parameter entity declarations and
   comments to ease creating and keeping a consistent style; and
 - Elements and parameter entity names referenced in declarations are
   stored in minibuffer history to minimise retyping in new declarations.


- Leo Kim