# Created by: torstenb PORTNAME= zsh DISTVERSION= 5.8.1 CATEGORIES= shells MASTER_SITES= https://www.zsh.org/pub/ \ SF \ https://www.zsh.org/pub/:doc \ SF/${PORTNAME}/${PORTNAME}-doc/${PORTVERSION}:doc DISTFILES= ${DISTNAME}${EXTRACT_SUFX} MAINTAINER= bapt@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= The Z shell LICENSE= ZSH LICENSE_NAME= ZSH license LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/LICENCE LICENSE_PERMS= dist-mirror dist-sell pkg-mirror pkg-sell auto-accept MAKE_JOBS_UNSAFE= yes USES= autoreconf cpe iconv localbase:ldflags ncurses shebangfix tar:xz SHEBANG_LANG= zsh zsh_OLD_CMD= zsh # shebang appears as /bin/zsh and just zsh SHEBANG_FILES= Functions/Calendar/* \ Functions/Misc/* CONFIGURE_ARGS= --with-tcsetpgrp \ --enable-function-subdirs \ --enable-maildir-support \ --enable-multibyte \ --enable-zsh-secure-free \ --sysconfdir=${PREFIX}/etc # fix PREFIX != LOCALBASE CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--disable-site-fndir \ --enable-additional-fpath=${DATADIR}/site-functions CONFIGURE_ENV+= zsh_cv_sys_path_dev_fd=no \ ac_cv_header_sys_capability_h=no GNU_CONFIGURE= yes CPPFLAGS+= -DBOOL_DEFINED LDFLAGS+= -Wl,--as-needed TEST_TARGET= test OPTIONS_DEFINE= DEBUG ETCDIR GDBM MEM PCRE STATIC \ DOCS EXAMPLES OPTIONS_SUB= yes ETCDIR_DESC= System-wide defaults in /etc (instead of $${PREFIX}/etc) GDBM_DESC= Enable GDBM support (GPL) MEM_DESC= Enable zsh-mem options GDBM_LIB_DEPENDS= libgdbm.so:databases/gdbm PCRE_LIB_DEPENDS= libpcre.so:devel/pcre DEBUG_CONFIGURE_ENABLE= zsh-debug ETCDIR_CONFIGURE_OFF= --enable-etcdir=${PREFIX}/etc GDBM_CONFIGURE_ENABLE= gdbm MEM_CONFIGURE_ENABLE= zsh-mem PCRE_CONFIGURE_ENABLE= pcre ## Some modules can only be built as a shared library. ## If you enable STATIC, you may get strange errors if you, a script, ## or a plugin tries to use the regex module. STATIC_LDFLAGS= -static STATIC_CONFIGURE_ON= --disable-dynamic --with-term-lib="tinfow tinfo" STATIC_CONFIGURE_OFF= --enable-dynamic --with-term-lib="ncursesw ncurses" DOCS= LICENCE META-FAQ README \ Etc/BUGS Etc/CONTRIBUTORS Etc/FAQ Etc/completion-style-guide \ Doc/zsh*.html Doc/zsh.dvi DOCS_DISTFILES= ${DISTNAME}-doc${EXTRACT_SUFX}:doc PORTDOCS= * PORTEXAMPLES= zlogin zshenv zshrc ZSH_VER= ${PORTVERSION} PLIST_SUB+= ZSH_VER="${ZSH_VER}" SUB_FILES= pkg-message .include .if empty(ICONV_LIB) CONFIGURE_ENV+= ac_cv_lib_iconv_libiconv=no .endif .if ${ncurses_ARGS} == port EXTRA_PATCHES= ${PATCHDIR}/extra-patch-Src_Modules_curses__keys.awk .endif post-patch: # FreeBSD's clock_gettime(2) is in libc, not librt; see PR 167857 @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e '/LIBS/s|-lrt||' ${WRKSRC}/configure @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e "s|/etc/|${LOCALBASE}/etc/|" \ ${WRKSRC}/Functions/MIME/zsh-mime-setup ${RM} ${WRKSRC}/Doc/help.txt post-patch-STATIC-on: @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e "s|link=dynamic|link=either|" \ ${WRKSRC}/Src/Modules/*.mdd post-build: # Fix ".so" macro problem by using "soelim" command. # soelim needs the manpages in man1/ ${LN} -sf ${WRKSRC}/Doc ${WRKSRC}/man1 ${MV} ${WRKSRC}/Doc/zshall.1 ${WRKSRC}/Doc/zshall.1.source (cd ${WRKSRC} && ${SOELIM} -r ${WRKSRC}/Doc/zshall.1.source > \ ${WRKSRC}/Doc/zshall.1) post-install: ${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${DATADIR}/site-functions ${LN} -f ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/zsh ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/rzsh # Precompile completions and functions (${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/zsh -fc ' \ setopt extendedglob nomark_dirs; \ cd ${STAGEDIR}/${DATADIR}/${ZSH_VER} ; \ rm -f functions/**/*.orig ; \ for i in functions/**/*(/) ; do \ zcompile -U -M $$i.zwc $$i/*~*.zwc(^/) ; \ ${CHMOD} 644 $$i.zwc ; \ done') post-install-EXAMPLES-on: @${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${EXAMPLESDIR} (cd ${WRKSRC}/StartupFiles && ${INSTALL_DATA} ${PORTEXAMPLES} ${STAGEDIR}${EXAMPLESDIR}) post-install-DOCS-on: @${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${DOCSDIR} (cd ${WRKSRC} && ${INSTALL_DATA} ${DOCS} ${STAGEDIR}${DOCSDIR}) .include