#!/bin/sh # PROVIDE: quoted # REQUIRE: LOGIN # KEYWORD: shutdown # AUTHOR: Bob Frazier quoted_enable=${quoted_enable:-"NO"} user="nobody" . /etc/rc.subr name="quoted" rcvar=quoted_enable command="%%PREFIX%%/bin/${name}" command_args="-d -p:17" command_plus_args="${command} ${command_args}" pidfile="/var/run/${name}.pid" required_files="%%PREFIX%%/etc/quotes" start_cmd="${name}_start" stop_cmd="${name}_stop" quoted_start() { pid=$(check_pidfile ${pidfile} ${command}) if [ -z ${pid} ]; then if [ -e ${required_files} ] ; then ${command_plus_args} sleep 1 pid=`ps ax | awk '{if (match($5, ".*/quoted$") || $5 == "quoted") print $1}'` if [ -z ${pid} ]; then echo "${name} failed to start" return 1 else echo ${pid} >${pidfile} echo "${name} started." pid=$(check_pidfile ${pidfile} ${command}) if [ -z ${pid} ]; then echo "Warning: pid file ${pidfile} is corrupt." echo "The ${name} daemon may not stop properly via the rc.d script." fi return 0; fi else echo "Required file(s) ${required_files} missing" fi else echo "${name} is already running" return 0 # not an error fi # if I get here something went wrong return 2 } quoted_stop() { pid=$(check_pidfile ${pidfile} ${command}) if [ -z ${pid} ]; then echo ${name} not running? Check ${pidfile} return 1 fi echo "Stopping ${name}" kill -${sig_stop:-TERM} ${pid} [ $? -ne 0 ] && [ -z "$rc_force" ] && return 1 wait_for_pids ${pid} } load_rc_config $name run_rc_command "$1"