
Documentation has been installed in %%PREFIX%%/share/doc
Sample files have been installed in %%PREFIX%%/share/examples
These include the scripts necessary to start running Verlihub and some sample
configuration files.
The executable has been installed in %%PREFIX%%/bin
A script to link Verlihub plugins has been installed in %%PREFIX%%/bin

This port requires a working mysql server installation, either
locally or remotely.

Once you have a properly-running mysql server, please run the install


Follow the instructions given.

You will need the files in %%PREFIX%%/share/examples/verlihub/config
to run the hub. These should be put in the .verlihub directory that
you created with the install script:

cp -R %%PREFIX%%/share/examples/verlihub/config/ /path/to/.verlihub

You should also copy or move the scripts to the .verlihub location:

cp -R %%PREFIX%%/share/examples/verlihub/scripts /path/to/.verlihub

Visit http://verlihub.sourceforge.net for the project's homepage
or http://verlihub.no-ip.com for the project's forums.
