****************************************************************************** Remember to edit %%PREFIX%%/etc/jabber-pymsn.xml to suit your needs. * The 'jid' setting should be what ID you want PyMSNt to take on the network. * The 'mainServer' setting should be the IP address or DNS of the main Jabberd server. * The 'secret' setting should match the secret specified for component connections in your main Jabberd server. * The 'port' setting is the port that PyMSNt is to connect to (more details on this below. * You can also turn on debugging options, and customise some of the text that is sent to the users in this file. If you are using Jabberd2 then you shouldn't have to do much configuration. Make sure the 'mainServer' setting is the IP or DNS of your Jabber server, and leave the 'port' setting alone. Double-check that the secret for legacy components in router.xml (for Jabberd2) is the same as the secret setting in config.py. That should be all. You don't even need to restart Jabberd2. If you are using Jabberd1.4.x, it's a bit more complicated. Follow the setup instructions at http://msn-transport.jabberstudio.org/docs/server.html. ******************************************************************************