# Ports collection makefile for: treecc # Date created: Wed Jul 11 00:45:15 EDT 2001 # Whom: Michael Johnson # # $FreeBSD$ # PORTNAME= pnetlib PORTVERSION= ${PNET_VERSION} PORTREVISION= ${PNET_REVISION} CATEGORIES= lang MASTER_SITES= ${PNET_MASTER_SITES} MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR= ${PNET_MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR} MAINTAINER= ahze@ahze.net COMMENT= C\# system library for pnet BUILD_DEPENDS= cscc:${PORTSDIR}/lang/pnet-base \ treecc:${PORTSDIR}/lang/treecc .if !defined(WITHOUT_X11) USE_XLIB= yes .endif USE_LIBTOOL_VER=13 USE_GMAKE= yes STRIP= # Nothing to be stripped. PORTDOCS= ChangeLog-1 ChangeLog-2 ChangeLog-3 ChangeLog-4 \ JScript-embed.txt JScript-internals.txt csunit_howto.html \ pcf-font-format.txt translating-pnetlib.txt .include "${.CURDIR}/../pnet/Makefile.pnet" .include post-install: .if !defined(NOPORTDOCS) @${MKDIR} ${DOCSDIR} .for docfile in ${PORTDOCS} @${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/doc/${docfile} ${DOCSDIR} .endfor .endif .include