PORTNAME= mujs DISTVERSION= 1.2.0 CATEGORIES= lang devel MAINTAINER= yuri@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Embeddable Javascript interpreter in C LICENSE= ISCL LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/COPYING TEST_DEPENDS= git:devel/git USES= compiler:c11 cpe gmake readline # c11 is induced by the FreeBSD headers via isnan(3), etc, otherwise the project is all c99 code CPE_VENDOR= artifex USE_LDCONFIG= yes USE_GITHUB= yes GH_ACCOUNT= ccxvii ALL_TARGET= shared static INSTALL_TARGET= install-shared install-static .if defined(WITH_DEBUG) # this project manages its build options itself MAKE_ARGS= build=debug .endif PLIST_FILES= bin/mujs \ include/mujs.h \ lib/libmujs.so \ lib/libmujs.a \ libdata/pkgconfig/mujs.pc OPTIONS_DEFINE= 32BIT SANITIZED OPTIONS_DEFAULT= 32BIT 32BIT_DESC= 32-bit address space to allow for larger programs 32BIT_MAKE_ARGS= XCFLAGS="-DJS_INSTRUCTION=int" SANITIZED_DESC= Sanitized build (only for debugging) SANITIZED_MAKE_ARGS= build=sanitize do-test: # Test-262 JavaScript testsuite is downloaded and run. # Something is off with the test harness so too many tests fail: https://github.com/ccxvii/mujs/issues/147 ${RM} -r ${WRKDIR}/testing && \ ${MKDIR} -p ${WRKDIR}/testing && \ cd ${WRKDIR}/testing && \ git clone https://github.com/tc39/test262.git && \ fetch https://github.com/ccxvii/mujs/files/2332077/mujs-test262-harness-and-output.zip && \ unzip mujs-test262-harness-and-output.zip && \ (${TAIL} -3 mujs-harness-out.txt > mujs-harness-out-3.txt) && \ cd test262 && \ git checkout es5-tests && \ ${ECHO} "Running MuJS tests ..." && \ (${FIND} test/suite -name '*.js' | ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/mujs ../mujs-harness.js > mujs-harness-out-our.txt) && \ ${ECHO} "MuJS tests finished: " && \ (${TAIL} -3 mujs-harness-out-our.txt | tee mujs-harness-out-our-3.txt) && \ ${ECHO} "" && \ ${ECHO} "Compare with reference results:" && \ ${DIFF} ../mujs-harness-out-3.txt mujs-harness-out-our-3.txt .include